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The Virtues , the Emotions, and the Good Life.

The Virtues , the Emotions, and the Good Life. Emotional Stability and Happiness.

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The Virtues , the Emotions, and the Good Life.

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Presentation Transcript

  1. The Virtues , the Emotions, and the Good Life. Emotional Stability and Happiness.

  2. As St. Augustine points out, man comes from God, and it is his destiny to return to God. It is through virtue that man achieves his destiny. “Oh Lord, you made us for yourself, and our hearts are restless until they rest in Thee.”

  3. The Sensitive Appetites

  4. The Four Cardinal Virtues These virtues perfect the four principal powers of the human person: Intellect, Will, Concupiscible, and Irascible powers.

  5. Intellect: perfected by the virtue ofPrudence

  6. Will – perfected by the virtue of:Justice.

  7. Concupiscible Appetite: perfected by the virtue of:Temperance

  8. Irascible Appetite: perfected by the virtue of:Fortitude

  9. Prudence:The habit of a well formed conscience (formed by the study of moral principles). This habit (virtue) enables us to know the choices that will lead to our ultimate end (union with God).

  10. Justice:The constant will to render to another that which is due to him or her.

  11. Temperance:The virtue which seeks to moderate, according to reason, the pleasures of touch, in particular those activities ordered to the preservation of the life of the individual and the species, namely the pleasures involved in eating, drinking, and sexual activity.

  12. Fortitude: The virtue that moderates fear and daring and directs us to how and when we should attack evil.

  13. Temperance and its parts

  14. Fortitude and its parts

  15. Justice and its Parts

  16. Covetousness ---------------- Liberality ---------------- Prodigality

  17. The Most Important Virtues Allied with Justice Religion: The habit of rendering in some way what is due to God. Man cannot do complete justice to God. In order to give anything back to Him, we have to be given it first. Gift always precedes justice.

  18. The Most Important Virtues Allied with Justice Veneration (Observance): The virtue by which we show honor and respect to persons who are in a position of dignity and/or authority.Ie, Prime Minister, a court judge,Premier of a Province, teacher, vice-principal, principal, police officer, etc.,.

  19. Thoughtfulness: The virtue by which the will is habitually disposed to consider the needs of others, to consider ways to contribute to the betterment of the other. *According to Aquinas, the wounds of Original Sin cause us to be disposed to think of ourselves first. Consequently, thoughtfulness is very difficult to achieve. Gratitude: This virtue flows from thoughtfulness. The virtue by which a person recognizes the debt he owes to others for little things.

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