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La Découpage syllabique

La Découpage syllabique. Syllable Division. V | C V. When there is one pronounced consonant between two vowels, divide in front of the consonant : âgé = â | gé été = é | té ira = i | ra os é = o | s é uni = u | ni ami = a | mi

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La Découpage syllabique

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Presentation Transcript

  1. La Découpagesyllabique Syllable Division

  2. V | C V When there is one pronounced consonant between two vowels, divide in front of the consonant : âgé = â|géété = é|téira = i|ra osé = o|séuni = u|niami = a|mi poli = po|li café = ca|fétêtu = tê|tu télé = té|léfera= fe|rabébé = bé|bé fine - fi|nepuni = pu|niépée = é|peé série - sé|riedîner = dî|ner petit = pe|tit

  3. V C | C V When there are two consonants between vowels, divide between the two consonants : inde = in|deordi = or|di info = in|fo ardu = ar|duorné = or|néarmé = ar|mé album= al|bumporte = por|teforcé = for|cé carte= car|tefoncé = fon|cébébé = bé|bé parti= par|tironde = ron|debonté= bon|té dansé = dan|sévendu= ven|duparlé = par|lé

  4. V | C C V Exception #1: If the two consonants represent one sound, divide in front of them. achat = a|chatmythe= my|the bonheur=bo|nheuragneau = a|gneau oignon = oi|gnoncoucher = cou|cher athée = a|théegrecque = gre|cque dauphin = dau|phinbaptême = ba|ptê|me seigneur = sei|gneurautomne = au|to|mne

  5. V | C1C1 V Exception #2: If the consonants are the same letter, they represent one sound. Divide in front of them. année = a|nnéehonni= ho|nni fille = fi|llebutte = bu|tte griffe = gri|ffeserrer = se|rrer blesser = ble|ssersonner = so|nner pomme= po|mmegrotte = gro|tte million = mi|llionpoisson = poi|sson

  6. V | C CLIQ V Exception #3: If the second consonant is a liquid (i.e. r or l ), divide in front of both consonants. âcre = â|creogre = o|greabri = a|bri havre = ha|vre table = ta|ble après = a|près fable= fa|bleoblat= o|blat sable = sa|ble cobra= co|bra boucle = bou|cleaigre = ai|gre foudre= fou|dresouple = sou|pletigre = ti|gre couple = cou|plebougre= bou|greagrès = a|grès

  7. V C | C C V When there are three consonants between vowels, divide after the first consonant : encre= en|creombre = om|bre oncle= on|clearbre= ar|bre actrice= ac|tricesimple = sim|ple humble= hum|ble esprit = es|prit marbre = mar|breabstrait = ab|strait contrat= con|trathongrois = hon|grois

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