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Found everywhere in the universe

You can call me “water maker”.

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Found everywhere in the universe

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Presentation Transcript

  1. You can call me “water maker” ABOUT ME…I’m the simplest, lightest and most abundant element in the Universe! I’m made up of one proton, one neutron and one electron. On Earth, I’m the third most abundant element. You canfind me in water and all organic matter. I’m colorless, odorless, tasteless, and nontoxic. Found everywhere in the universe Discovered in England in 1776 by Henry Cavendish My natural state: A gas ( III I have been working as a fuel lately, helping to reduce global warming Maker of water REF: Hydrogen Basics; Department of Energy; Information Network. http://www.eren.doe.gov/hydrogen/basics.html REF: Hydrogen Energy - secondary energy fact sheet; Department of Energy. To load the link below, you need Adobe Acrobat. To get free download, click here. http://www.eren.doe.gov/hydrogen/pdfs/hydrog2a.pdf REF: Hydrogen General Information; Alternative Fuel Data Center. http://www.afdc.nrel.gov/altfuel/hyd_general.html#what

  2. @hidrogen Hidrogen Friends 117 1 - H - Hydrogen2 - He - Helium3 - Li - Lithium4 - Be - Beryllium5 - B - Boron6 - C - Carbon7 - N - Nitrogen8 - O - Oxygen9 - F - Fluorine10 - Ne - Neon11 - Na - Sodium12 - Mg - Magnesium13 - Al - Aluminum, Aluminium14 - Si - Silicon15 - P - Phosphorus16 - S - Sulfur17 - Cl - Chlorine18 - Ar - Argon19 - K - Potassium20 - Ca - Calcium21 - Sc - Scandium22 - Ti - Titanium23 - V - Vanadium24 - Cr - Chromium25 - Mn - Manganese26 - Fe - Iron27 - Co - Cobalt28 - Ni - Nickel29 - Cu - Copper30 - Zn - Zinc31 - Ga - Gallium32 - Ge - Germanium33 - As - Arsenic34 - Se - Selenium35 - Br - Bromine36 - Kr - Krypton37 - Rb - Rubidium38 - Sr - Strontium39 - Y - Yttrium40 - Zr - Zirconium41 - Nb - Niobium42 - Mo - Molybdenum43 - Tc - Technetium44 - Ru - Ruthenium45 - Rh - Rhodium46 - Pd - Palladium47 - Ag - Silver48 - Cd - Cadmium49 - In - Indium50 - Sn - Tin51 - Sb - Antimony52 - Te - Tellurium53 - I - Iodine54 - Xe - Xenon55 - Cs - Cesium56 - Ba - Barium57 - La - Lanthanum58 - Ce - Cerium59 - Pr - Praseodymium60 - Nd - Neodymium61 - Pm - Promethium62 - Sm - Samarium63 - Eu - Europium64 - Gd - Gadolinium65 - Tb - Terbium66 - Dy - Dysprosium67 - Ho - Holmium68 - Er - Erbium69 - Tm - Thulium70 - Yb - Ytterbium71 - Lu - Lutetium72 - Hf - Hafnium73 - Ta - Tantalum74 - W - Tungsten75 - Re - Rhenium76 - Os - Osmium77 - Ir - Iridium78 - Pt - Platinum79 - Au - Gold80 - Hg - Mercury81 - Tl - Thallium82 - Pb - Lead83 - Bi - Bismuth84 - Po - Polonium85 - At - Astatine86 - Rn - Radon87 - Fr - Francium88 - Ra - Radium89 - Ac - Actinium90 - Th - Thorium91 - Pa - Protactinium92 - U - Uranium93 - Np - Neptunium94 - Pu - Plutonium95 - Am - Americium96 - Cm - Curium97 - Bk - Berkelium98 - Cf - Californium99 - Es - Einsteinium100 - Fm - Fermium101 - Md - Mendelevium102 - No - Nobelium103 - Lr - Lawrencium104 - Rf - Rutherfordium105 - Db - Dubnium106 - Sg - Seaborgium107 - Bh - Bohrium108 - Hs - Hassium109 - Mt - Meitnerium110 - Ds - Darmstadtium111 - Rg - Roentgenium112 - Cn - Copernicium113 - Uut - Ununtrium114 - Fl - Flerovium115 - Uup - Ununpentium116 - Lv - Livermorium117 - Uus - Ununseptium118 - Uuo - Ununoctium New friends

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