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SAP TESTING. Double click on SAPLogon icon on your desktop Select the system and click Logon button. Enter username and password, hit enter key. Create sales order: Transaction code: VA01 Enter /nVA01 and hit enter key. Enter order type “OR” Sales area: Organization: 1000

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Presentation Transcript


  2. Double click on SAPLogon icon on your desktopSelect the system and click Logon button

  3. Enter username and password, hit enter key

  4. Create sales order: Transaction code: VA01 Enter /nVA01 and hit enter key

  5. Enter order type “OR” Sales area: Organization: 1000 Dist. Channel: 10 Division: 00 Hit enter key

  6. Enter customer number: 2400 Ship to party: 2400 PO reference: 123456 Material: p-109 Qty: 10 Delivery terms: Incoterms: UN (Not Free) Payment terms : 0001 Click save button

  7. Capture sales order document number in the status bar 12075

  8. Verification: Display sales order: Transaction code: VA03 Enter Sales Order number: 12075 , click enter button

  9. Verify different fields like customer information, material information etc..

  10. Verify in the data base: Query the back end data base (table) Transaction code: SE16 Table name: VBAK Enter table name and click enter button

  11. Enter sales order number and click on “Execute” button

  12. Double click on sales order number

  13. Verify different fields like Customer, sales area, material information etc…

  14. Create Delivery document: Transaction code: VL01N Enter shipping point: 1000 Sales order number: 12075 Date of delivery: <future date> Hit enter key

  15. Click on save button

  16. Capture delivery document number 80015176

  17. Verification: Display the document: Enter document number 80015176 Hit enter key

  18. Verify material information delivered is correct

  19. Verify in database: Transaction SE16 Table name: LIKP

  20. Enter delivery document number 80015176 and click execute button

  21. Double click on delivery document number

  22. Verify different fields like Item information , shipping point etc..

  23. Billing document: Transaction code VF01

  24. Verification: VF03

  25. Table name: VBRK Enter document number 90000763 Verify different fields

  26. SD process flow: Click on document flow:

  27. SD Tables • KONV Conditions for Transaction Data • KONP Conditions for Items • LIKP Delivery Header Data • LIPS Delivery: Item data • VBAK Sales Document: Header Data • VBAP Sales Document: Item Data • VBBE Sales Requirements: Individual Records • VBEH Schedule line history • VBEP Sales Document: Schedule Line Data • VBFA Sales Document Flow

  28. SD Tables • VBLB Sales document: Release order data • VBLK SD Document: Delivery Note Header • VBPA Sales Document: Partner • VBRK Billing: Header Data • VBRP Billing: Item Data • VBUK Sales Document: Header Status and Administrative Data • VBUP Sales Document: Item Status • VEKP Handling Unit - Header Table • VEPO Packing: Handling Unit Item (Contents) • VEPVG Delivery Due Index

  29. Questions?

  30. Thank You

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