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RF ICs for Amateur Radio

RF ICs for Amateur Radio. Part one Overview + logamps and detectors. Categories ( ignoring integrated / mixed signal ICs). Mixers Detectors (logamps and RMS types) Modulators / Upconverters Demodulators / Downconverters PLL / Synthesisers DDS (Direct Digital Synthesisers)

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RF ICs for Amateur Radio

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  1. RF ICs for Amateur Radio Part one Overview + logamps and detectors

  2. Categories ( ignoring integrated / mixed signal ICs) • Mixers • Detectors (logamps and RMS types) • Modulators / Upconverters • Demodulators / Downconverters • PLL / Synthesisers • DDS (Direct Digital Synthesisers) • VGA (Variable gain amps) • Gain Blocks • RF switches

  3. Integrated ICs ( multiple functions in 1 IC) • IF amps with detectors / agc / limiter • ADC with bandpass sigma delta • DACs with digital filters on chip • ISM band transmitters / transceivers

  4. RF / IF Product Families Detectors RF / IF - RMS / LOG Detectors Mixer based Mod / Demod Portfolio of mixer products based on Gilbert Cell cores RFIC – ALP RFW Amplifiers VGAs RF / IF VGA / DGA / Diff Amps Gain Blocks HPA Linearisation ASIC products for HPA linearisation Optical Pwr Monitoring Portfolio of Translinear Log Amps

  5. Signal Chains : http://www.analog.com/Analog_Root/static/techSupport/signalChains/ • Superhet

  6. FM receiver (AD607 / 608 integrates some of this)

  7. SSB TX

  8. Logamps • We will now divert to C:\RF\logampsdisti.ppt for some logarithmic amplifier background Afterwards we I’ll show an interesting RF application (that works from LF- 2.7 GHz)

  9. ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ Log Amp Applications:Power Detection at RF and IF, Rx and Tx Log Output for RSSI IF to 500 MHz ADC Receive Side LNA AD8309/07 LO Phase Detect Hard Limited Outputfor Phase Detection PowerAmplifier RF IF Transmit Side LO ADC to 500 MHz to 2.5 GHz AD8307 AD8313/4 In many transmitters, power is measured both at RF and at IF. Both transmitted and reflected power (and hence VSWR) can be measured. In Receivers, power is typically only measured at IF.

  10. Logarithmic Amplifier: Device which measures signal strength over a large dynamic range (typ 60-100dB) • Produces detected signal proportional to the log of the magnitude of the input signal • May also provide a limited (clipped) version of the input signal • Detector is a generic term used in RF and refers to a device or circuit which measures signal strength. • Sometimes the the detector is simply “detecting” the presence or absence of a signal, giving a YES/NO answer. • The quality and price of a detector varies dramatically from application to application, from nothing through low end diode circuits (with poor temperature stability), to high dynamic rangetemperature stable solutions

  11. Op Amp A Simple and Cheap Diode Detector • A simple half wave rectifier circuit • Circuit is not temperature stable and response is not linear in dB • A second diode can be added to improve temperature stability • Dynamic range is limited but some customers claim to have implemented high dynamic range (50dB) temperature stable circuits. • Most diode detector applications require at least one (precision) op amp (doesn’t need to be all that fast)

  12. Log Amps as Detectors Limiter Output PhaseDetect use for phase demodulation LOG Log Output DC Level use for level control and measurement Over 90 dB range • General Purpose RF/IF Signal Measurement • RSSI, Transmit power control, Phase Demodulation (QPSK), Frequency Demodulation (FSK), PA Linearization • Temperature Stability of Log Output is critical in many apps

  13. Using Log Amps to Detect RF Bursts or Pulses

  14. AD8302 Introduction • The AD8302 is the first single chip that can measure the gain or loss and phase between two independent input signals. • 60dB gain measurement range, typically < 0.5 dB accuracy over 55 dB measurement range • 180 degree phase measurement range, typically 1 degree accuracy over 145 degree measurement range • The AD8302 operates over a wide input range from low input frequency up to 2.7 GHz. • The AD8302 effectively acts as vector analyzer on a chip, and can be used for VSWR and built-in test. Along with a dual directional coupler and one or two attenuators, the AD8302 can be used to form a wideband VSWR meter

  15. AD8302 – RF Gain & Phase Detector

  16. RF IF MFLT Balanced Current Differencer VMAG 1.35X + - Buffer (30mV/ db ) INPA 60 dB Log Amps & 7 detectors OFSA G MSET m MAG Phase COMM Detector G PSET m PHS OFSB 60 dB Log Amps & 7 detectors INPB - (10mV/deg) 1.35X + VPHS Buffer VPOS (2.7 - 5.5V) Balanced PFLT Bias Current VREF Refs Differencer (1.8V) AD8302 – Gain Phase Detector Functional Block Diagram

  17. AD8302 – Key Specifications • Signal Frequency Range: Low Frequency to 2.7 GHz • Input Range: –73 dBV to –13 dBV –60 dBm to 0 dBm (ref to 50W) • Gain Measurement Range: 60 dB, 30 mV/dB, 0 V to 1.8 V output • Phase Measurement Range: 180 deg, 10 mV/deg, 0 V to 1.8 V output • Accuracy: < 0.5 dB for gain; < 1 deg for phase • Small Signal Envelop Bandwidth/Response: 30 MHz • Supply Voltage: 2.7 V to 5.5 V (IS 19 mA typ)

  18. TruPwr TM - AD8361 RMS-to-DC at RF Patent Pending Breakthrough • Features • Operation to 2.5 GHz • 30dB Dynamic Range • 1dB Accuracy over temperature • Modulation Independent (GSM/CDMA/AMPS/..) • Micro-SO package • EDN “Product of the Year” • EDN “Innovator of the Year” 8 PIN MICRO-SO PACKAGE

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