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Diminuatives using -ito

Diminuatives are used to indicate smallness of size (‘little’), youngness in age, or intimacy (member of family). Some uses may surprise an English speaker. Diminuatives using -ito. Dininutive suffixes. Chico Amigo Agua luz. Chiquillo/chiquito Amiguito Aguita lucecita.

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Diminuatives using -ito

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Presentation Transcript

  1. Diminuatives are used to indicate smallness of size (‘little’), youngness in age, or intimacy (member of family). Some uses may surprise an English speaker. Diminuatives using -ito

  2. Dininutive suffixes

  3. Chico Amigo Agua luz Chiquillo/chiquito Amiguito Aguita lucecita Note the spelling changes

  4. Carlos besos Carlitos besitos For words ending in -sdiminutive and augmentative endings precede the final -s.

  5. Perro = dog perrito = ? puppy

  6. bajo = short Very short = ? bajito

  7. ahora = now Right now = ? ahorita

  8. libro = book Little book, booklet = ? Librillo, librito

  9. ventana = window Plane/bus window = ? ventanilla

  10. Miguel = Mike Mikey = ? Miguelito

  11. campana = bell handbell = ? campanilla

  12. gato = cat kitty = ? gatito

  13. oso = bear Bear cub = ? osito

  14. mesa = table Little table = ? mesita

  15. hombre = man Little man = ? hombrecillo

  16. amor = love sweetheart = ? amorcito

  17. Carmen = Carmen Little Carmen = ? Carmencita

  18. pan = bread Roll = ? panecillo

  19. flor = flower Little flower = ? florecita

  20. pez = fish Little fish = ? pececito

  21. chica = girl chiquita = ? little girl

  22. chico = boy Little boy = ? chiquillo

  23. abuela = grandmother grandma = ? abuelita

  24. amigo = friend Little friend = ? amiguito

  25. agua = water Little bit of water = ? aguita

  26. luz = light Little light = ? lucecita

  27. abuelo = grandfather abuelito = ? grandpa

  28. hermano = brother Little brother = ? hermanito

  29. burro = donkey Little donkey = ? burrito

  30. mamá = mom mommy = ? mamacita

  31. mosca = fly Little fly = ? mosquita

  32. Diminuatives can also be used with names of people and places. Sometimes these are nicknames, sometimes they are not.

  33. pueblo = town Little town = ? pueblecito

  34. cerro = hill Little hills = ? cerritos City in Southern California near Long Beach

  35. Juana Juanita

  36. Pepé Pepito

  37. Miguel Miguelito

  38. Lupe Lupita

  39. Augmentativos • Emphasizes size or expresses shades of meaning like affection, amazement, scorn, or ridicule.

  40. Augmentative Endings

  41. La silla La mancha La mujer Mimosa El sillón El manchón La mujerona mimosona Notice… There is a tendency to change a feminine word to a masculine one when the suffix -ón is used, unless it referse specifically to someone’s gender

  42. Chico/a Grande Chiquito/a chiquitito/a Grandote/a grandotote In some regions, double endings are frequently used for additional emphasis

  43. soltero = bachelor Confirmed bachelor = ? solterón

  44. grande = big Really big = ? grandote

  45. perro = dog Big,scary dog = ? perrazo

  46. casa = house Big house mansion = ? casona

  47. palabra = word Swear word = ? palabrota

  48. manos = hands Big hands = ? manazas

  49. silla = chair armchair = ? sillón

  50. La mujer = woman Big woman = ? mujerona

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