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eHealth – What now?

eHealth – What now?. eHealth PIP Review – Connecting the dots. Healthcare Provider registration. What are the Benefits for Patients to register for an eHealth record?. Patient access and what does this mean for Healthcare Providers?.

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eHealth – What now?

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Presentation Transcript

  1. eHealth – What now?

  2. eHealth PIP Review – Connecting the dots

  3. Healthcare Provider registration

  4. What are the Benefits for Patients to register for an eHealth record?

  5. Patient access and what does this mean for Healthcare Providers?

  6. Uploading to the Personally Controlled Electronic Health record System

  7. Uploading to the eHealth Record

  8. eHealth Concerns and Security The Facts “Patient set to foot the PCEHR bill “Privacy fears raised over PCEHR” “E-health patient sign-up misses target” “Laborcomes up short on personally controlled e-health plan” Safety concerns as eHealth goes national “Opening and closing PCEHR with patient present” Assertion that GPs need to open and close the PCEHR with the patient present or face fines of $50,000 per incident. “Concern chiros, acupuncturists may create PCEHRs”

  9. Insurers have influenced the PCEHR design, legislation and participation agreement • Included a warning to providers about the completeness of the PCEHR. • Clear provenance of the clinical information • Understanding new roles and responsibilities in Legislation and Terms • Protecting Providers against mistaken access, use and disclosure

  10. Benefits for Healthcare Providers? • • Improved decision making through access to patient clinical history that is shared for any clinician providing ongoing care for a patient • • Improved delivery of multi-disciplinary care for patients with complex needs • • Particular advantages for updating relevant clinical information for Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander peoples, mobile populations and for patients who do not have a regular GP

  11. How to engage your Providers – Your ideas and questions?

  12. Helpful links and resources • eHealth resources and interactive learning modules http://publiclearning.ehealth.gov.au/ • GP consultation training videos on using the eHealth Record http://www.racgp.org.au/your-practice/e-health/ehealthrecords/pcehr/webinar-resources/ • CIS RACGP • http://www.racgp.org.au/your-practice/e-health/cis/ciss/ • NEHTA eHealth PIP Information • http://www.nehta.gov.au/our-work/practice-incentives-programme • PCEHR Legislation, Regulations and Rules • http://www.yourhealth.gov.au/internet/yourhealth/publishing.nsf/Content/pcehr-legals#.UeSchNKmguc

  13. Thank you

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