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STRESS. Stress is a part of life The good news is that stress can be self-controlled Stress prepares a person to react to the causing event/stressor Positive correlations have been found between physical fitness, social support, emotional well-being and health outcomes

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Presentation Transcript

  1. STRESS Stress is a part of life The good news is that stress can be self-controlled Stress prepares a person to react to the causing event/stressor Positive correlations have been found between physical fitness, social support, emotional well-being and health outcomes Nurturance is another factor that affects the way people handle stress

  2. FIGHT OR FLIGHT • Your heart rate becomes faster • Your blood pressure rises • Your breathing becomes rapid • Hormones such as adrenaline increase • Senses become more efficient • Muscles become tense to enhance movement • Blood flow increases to muscles and brain • Blood flow decreases to organs, hands and feet • Perspiration increases for improved cooling

  3. RECOGNIZING DISTRESS • Mood Signs (feeling jumpy, trouble sleeping, worrying, responding with anger, insecure) • Internal Signs (hands moist, sweating profusely, heart pounds, stomach upset) • Musculoskeletal Signs (jaw muscles tight, frequent headaches, muscles tense, neck stiff, twitches)

  4. COPING WITH STRESS • STAY HEALTHY (Balance Diet, Regular Exercise, Plenty of Rest) • A POSITIVE ATTITUDE (Refreshing Thoughts, Effective Time Management) • HANDLING STRESS (Relaxation Techniques, Burnout Prevention, Social Support, Laughter) • Select Strategies that Help, not Hurt!

  5. MANAGING STRESS • Relaxation Skills (deep breathing, progressive muscle relaxation, meditative relaxation) • Imagery (relaxing through visualization, mental rehearsal, stress inoculation) • Planned Coping (anticipating situations that might cause you stress and having a plan for preventing or reducing that stress) • Physical Exercise (planning at least 30 minutes a day of regular exercise, preferably aerobic exercise) • Lifestyle Change (adequate nutrition, rest, and exercise; preventing or reducing stress by slowing down or learning to use your time more effectively; developing supportive relationships such as joining a group)

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