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Developmental Theories Growth and Development

Why study theory?. Provides a frameworkOffers logic for observations and explanationsHow and why people actImportant for nurses to combine theory, practice, and researchNurses assess responses to illness and treatments. Theory. Organized and logical set of statements about a subject, frameworks to clarify, to make sense of.Human Development Theory: Models intended to account for how and why people become who they are, tries to explain and predict human behavior..

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Developmental Theories Growth and Development

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    1. Developmental Theories Growth and Development NRS 101

    2. Why study theory? Provides a framework Offers logic for observations and explanations How and why people act Important for nurses to combine theory, practice, and research Nurses assess responses to illness and treatments

    3. Theory Organized and logical set of statements about a subject, frameworks to clarify, to make sense of. Human Development Theory: Models intended to account for how and why people become who they are, tries to explain and predict human behavior.

    4. Growth and Development Growth: Quantitative changed, measured and compared to norms Height, weight compared to normal growth charts Development: Qualitative, progressive, continuous process of change leading to a functional capacity Child crawls, rolls over, walks

    5. Four Areas of Developmental Theories Biophysical-How do we grow, change, age Psychosocial-Personality & behavior Cognitive-Thinking, intellect Moral-Knowing right from wrong, ethics

    6. Biophysical Developmental Theories Gesells Theory: Grow according to our own genetic blueprint and pace, growth is directed by gene activity, environmental factors can modify pattern of development Genetic Theory of Aging: DNA function of cell lifespan, programmed cell death, accounts for longevity in families

    7. Biophysical Developmental Theories Nongenetic Cellular Theories: Looks at cell rather than DNA, wear and tear theory, our bodies just wear out. Free Radical Theory Physiological Theories of Aging: 1) Breakdown of performance of a single organ 2.) Impairment of physiological control mechanisms

    8. Erik Erikson Student of Anna Freud Evolutionary process: Biological, psychological, and social events contribute to readiness for each task/stage Added 3 adult stages to Sigmunds model

    9. Eriksons Stages of Psychosocial Development Trust vs. Mistrust Autonomy vs. Shame Initiative vs. Guilt Industry vs. Inferiority Identity vs. Role Confusion Intimacy vs. Isolation Generativity vs. Stagnation Integrity vs. Despair

    10. Jean Piaget Cognitive Development Theory How we think, learn to reason, exercise judgment, have intellectual organization Observed children Defined 4 periods that children move through: Sensorimotor (Birth-2 yrs) Preoperational (2-7 yrs.) Concrete (7-11 yrs) Formal (11 yrs-adult)

    11. Jean Piaget Moral Development Stages of moral development influenced by environment Observed boys, ages 5-13 yrs.

    12. Moral Development Theories How we acquire moral values, are guided by morals, how we treat others based on morals Jean Piaget-Environmental influences Lawrence Kohlberg-Cognitive and moral linked, expanded Piagets work, defined 3 levels with 6 stages of moral development

    13. Lawrence Kohlberg Moral Development Theory Level 1- Preconventional Stage 1- Punish and Obey Stage 2- Instrumental Relativist Level 2- Conventional Stage 3- Good boy/Nice girl Stage 4- Society Maintenance Level 3- Post-Conventional Stage 5-Social Contract Stage 6- Universal Ethics

    14. Analysis Theories give nurses some answers on why and how people react, respond as they do Human behavior is complex No one theory answers all questions All theories are multi-dimensional, not linear, they are guidelines

    15. Growth and Development Refer to P&P pg. 173 Table 11-1 for Developmental Age periods Conception through adolescence Physical growth and cognitive development Stages of development per age

    16. Intrauterine Life 40 weeks, 9 calender months Nageles Rule 3 Trimesters (every 3 months) Prematurity- 20-37 weeks gestation pg. 175 Table 10-1 Tocolysis: Therapeutic interventions to stop labor before 37 weeks (IVs, meds. Bedrest)

    18. Newborn Neonatal period to first month of life P&P pg. 183 Box 11-4 for injury prevention during infancy

    20. Infant 1 Month to 1 year Health Risks: Injury prevention, child abuse/maltreatment Health Concerns: Nutrition, feeding, supplementation, overfeeding, dentition, sleep, immunizations

    22. Toddler 12-36 months Health Concerns and Risks: need for close supervision curiosity poisonings auto safety

    23. Pre-Schooler 3-5 years Concerns fear of dark fear of animals fear of thunderstorms fear of medical procedures

    24. School Age 6-12 years Cognitive changed Concrete operations Mature language development Health risks: Accidents, falls, cancer, abduction, infections

    25. Adolescence Teen years Ages 13-20 years Increased growth rate, sexual changes, changes in muscle and fat distribution Risks for accidents, homicide, suicide, substance abuse, tobacco use, eating disorders, sexual experimentation, pregnancy, STDs

    27. Young to Middle Adult 20s to 40s Physical, cognitive, psychosocial changes Lifestyle, career, marriage, sexuality, childbearing. Infertility Risk factors for family history of disease, personal hygiene, environmental and occupational factors, family and career stress, health screenings, exercise and nutrition

    28. Middle Adult 40s to 60s Menopause- Women- disruption of menstruation and ovulation, ovaries no longer produce sex hormones Climacteric- Men- decrease levels of testosterone, decrease erection/ejaculation; sperm still is produced Psychosocial Changes: career transition, sexuality, family changes Health Concerns: Stress, family diseases, forming positive health habits, anxiety, depression

    29. Older Adult Above 65 years Health Concerns: Chronic disease/disability, injury, decreased senses and physical strength, retirement, family changes, assisted living, grandchildren, support of other seniors, remaining independent, sexual concerns, death/dying/loss, medications, insurance coverage, memory, aging process, nutrition, hydration, skin care

    30. Older Adult Gerontology-Geriatrics Myths and Stereotypes Theories of Aging:Stochastic (random damage over time), NonStochastic (predetermined by body mechanisms) Psychosocial Theories: Disengagement, Activity, Continuity

    31. Older Adult Health services: Active adult communities, retirement communities, home care, adult day care, assisted living long term care, respite care, living with children or grandchildren

    32. Older Adult Physiological Changes Skin Head and Neck Thorax and Lungs Heart and vascular system GI Reproductive GU Musculoskeletal Neuro

    33. Older Adult Cognitive Changes Delirium Dementia Alzheimers Disease Depression

    34. Older Adult Psychosocial Changes Retirement Social Isolation Sexuality Housing and environment Death

    35. Older Adult Heath Risks 90% Of adults over 65 have atleasr one health risk Heart disease Cancer CVA COPD, Smoking cessation Nutrition, dental problems Arthritis Falls Polypharmacy

    36. Older Adult Psychosocial Concerns Therapeutic communication Touch Reality orientation Validation Therapy Reminiscence Body Image interventions

    37. Older Adult Psychosocial Concerns Therapeutic communication Touch Reality orientation Validation Therapy Reminiscence Body Image interventions

    38. Older Adult Acute Care Considerations Risk for dehydration, malnutrition Risk for delirium Risk for nosocomial infection Risk for incontinence Risk for falls Risk for skin breakdown

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