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The Power of Personal Development - in a Crisis

There are moments in Life when the work we do on ourselves becomes glaringly obvious. I received this email recently from one of our Online Business Community Members - Michelle - who is an avid student of our Personal Development Products. She faced a life changing situation with her husband Carlos, and Iu2019m going to let her words share the story with you. To know more, visit us at https://www.prosperityoflifeinsider.com/single-post/the-power-of-personal-development-in-a-crisis

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The Power of Personal Development - in a Crisis

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  1. The Power of Personal Development - in a Crisis There are moments in Life when the work we do on ourselves becomes glaringly obvious. I received this email recently from one of our Online Business Community Members - Michelle - who is an avid student of our Personal Development Products. She faced a life changing situation with her husband Carlos, and I’m going to let her words share the story with you… (grab your Kleenex). “Hello Shane and Rachel, I am writing to you to express my huge gratitude for your selves and your products. Carlos my partner, I am grateful to write is good now after he had a stroke recently. That day so many miracles happened, all in such an incredible sequence of events to protect him and ensure his brain and body were ok.

  2. Shane I thought of your water skiing accident often after this event and I wanted to write how much your section on intuition on the 17 day program helped me that day. Carlos woke up at 6am and he was unable to talk properly and was not able to use his right hand either, he was looking at his hand and trying to open and close it but could not. He also was trying to speak in Spanish - his native language but could not remember anything except his sons name. The ambulance came fast, within 7minutes and luckily the ambulance driver was a high ranking medic and could divert the police helicopter that day to take Carlos to Hobart Royal Hospital which is 3.5hrs from here by car. In the helicopter a brain scan was organised so on arrival he could go straight away to have the scan. All of this had to take place within 4 hours as the vital injection to the brain has to be within this time. The ambulance medic was very sweet to me and asked if I would be ok to drive to Hobart which is 3.5 hours by car, he said pack clothes for 7 days for you and Carlos. I did that and started the drive. I was very worried about Carlos’ brain and was just hoping and praying to the Universe that for his sake his brain and body would be ok and that he could be totally normal to live the rest of his life. He is 56 and too young for this sort of thing I was thinking. It was raining like crazy and I felt empty and hollow inside, I just kept talking to my sister on the phone trying to think positively. At the half way mark my sister said get a coffee so I stopped and went to sit in this

  3. cafe. At this point a warm feeling washed over me, it was strange, like the sunrise warming your face after a cold night. I knew in that moment without a doubt intuitively that he would be ok from that feeling. I questioned why I felt this but decided like you mentioned in your section on intuition to trust this, trust became everything in this moment. When I got to the hospital I was told Carlos was still in ICU and no one could tell me how he was, I started to get anxious as its a large hospital and seemed so hard to get any information plus with Covid regulations I was not even allowed in the front sliding doors. So I was starting to doubt that warm feeling of everything being ok, but your voice of “Trust your intuition” was in my head so I chose to stick with this in the face of everything. 2 hours passed and no information. Then a nurse called me and said I have Carlos on the phone, he came on the phone in a very happy coherent manner and I needlessly to say was overwhelmed by his voice. Now again we had this feeling we should move back to Melbourne, there are a variety of reasons but mainly a feeling so next weekend we are moving. Your comment of “Make a decision and make it the right one” is

  4. sometimes when he says my brain is not working properly I say it is working and let him know how you started counting and remembering numbers after your water skiing accident. Re the business, this is an awesome business to be in 1- For the products 2- For your integrity 3- For the fact its low impact on the environment 4- For the money 5- For the community 6- For the lifestyle I feel so blessed to be in this business and will make the 50k Club, I will become more action based and will do this, I need to control my worry and manage who I am being, for be-do-have, in the mean time its back to packing” ~ Michelle Bickmore, Tasmania. You can hear so clearly that upon reflection Michelle has been able to identify some key Personal Development Principles that have been able to guide her through an emergency situation & give her the tools & strategies to handle it in the best way possible. I can relate to this after experiencing a similar situation when my son had a seizure in the middle of an Ikea furniture store & I was able to, automatically, put these Leadership Lessons into place to get through it. These are the moments, like many others, that we know for sure it is absolutely worth working on ourselves. Big life changes can be handled with so much more ease when we have the Mindset tools to assist us & the right Principles to guide us

  5. Thankyou Michelle for allowing us to share your experience. We are so pleased to see & hear that Carlos is well & we’re grateful to have you within our community. Readers, there’s your mid-week motivation to do just that little bit more work on yourself… You & those around you are so very worth it. With Gratitude… Kirsty Goldsworthy Prosperity Of Life Branding & Corporate Communications www.prosperityoflifeinsider.com Contact Us +1 (480) 522 1024 info@borntoprosper.com

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