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Bienvenidos! Welcome to: Ms. Dominguez and Ms. Alonso Third Grade Class

Bienvenidos! Welcome to: Ms. Dominguez and Ms. Alonso Third Grade Class. James H. Bright Elementary. Morning Arrival.

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Bienvenidos! Welcome to: Ms. Dominguez and Ms. Alonso Third Grade Class

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Presentation Transcript

  1. Bienvenidos! Welcome to: Ms. Dominguez and Ms. Alonso Third Grade Class James H. Bright Elementary

  2. Morning Arrival • Students should be at school no earlier than 7:30 a.m. Supervision begins at 7:30 a.m. by cafeteria personnel until 8:15 for students who wish to have FREE breakfast at school. • Students should be lining up at the PE court by 8:25am, Teachers will be picking up students at this time. • This is not the time for parent conferences. If you wish to have a parent/teacher conference, please let us know by sending a note with your child. We will let you know when is the best possible time for a conference.

  3. Horario de Entrada • Estudiantes no debenestar en la escuela antes de las 7:30 de la mañana. Superviciónempieza a las 7:30 de la mañana en la cafeteria hastalas 8:15 de la mañanapara los estudiantesquedeseandesayunar GRATIS. • Los estudiantesdebenirimmediatamente a desayunar o sentarse en el area asignadaafuera . Las maestrasrecojerán los niños a las 8:25. • La hora de entrada no es el momento de hablar con la maestrasobresuhijo/a. Si usteddeseaobtenerunaconferencia con la maestra, por favor mandeuna nota con suhijo/a y le dejamos saber cuandoes el tiempoapropiado.

  4. Afternoon Dismissal Procedures • Students are dismissed at 3:05 p.m. each day (1:50 p.m. on Wednesdays). • At 3:15 students will be escorted to the main office to wait for parents who are late. Procedimiento deSalida en la Tarde • Estudiantessalen a las 3:05 de la tardecadadia (menos los miercoles a las 1:50 de la tarde). • A las 3:15 lasmaestrasllevan a los estudiantes a la oficina principal paraesperar los padres quellegantarde.

  5. Attendance Policy Attendance Policy • Attendance is MANDATORY. • If your child is absent, a note is required explaining the reason of his/her absence when he/she returns to school • Absences are excused when: • The student is sick. (5 or more absences requires a doctor’s note. 10 or more absences students will receive an NG in their report card and may be retained due to excessive absences. ) • A doctor’s appointment that cannot be scheduled before or after school. ( A note from the doctor’s office is required) • Death in the family • Religious holiday • Outdoor Suspension

  6. Attendance Policy Póliza de Ausencias • La asistenciaes OBLIGATORIA. • Si suhijo/a estáausente del colegioesrequeridomandaruna nota explicando el motivo de la ausenciacuandoregrese al colegio. • Ausencias son justificadaspor los siguientesmotivos: • Enfermedad del estudiante (5 masausenciasrequiereuna nota del médico. Si el estudianteacumula 10 o masausenciasrecibirá en el Reporte de Calificacioneslasletras NG o NO GRADO y esposiblequerepita el curso. • Cita con el médico ( una nota de médicoesrequerida) • Muerte de un familiar • Diareligioso

  7. School Wide Discipline Plan Warning Teacher Conference with student Teacher Notifies Parent Student referred to Counselor Detention Teacher/Parent/Counselor Conference SCAM Assistant Principal/Parent/Teacher Conference Indoor Suspension, Saturday Detention Outdoor Suspension Child Study Team (CST) Referral

  8. Disciplina-Accion A Nivel Del PlantelEscolar Advertencia Conferencia de maestro con el estudiante Maestro notifica a los padres porteléfono Estudiantereferido a la consejera Detención Conferencia con maestro/padre/consejera SCAM Conferencia con la subdirectora/ padre y maestro Detencion de sábado, suspencióndentro la escuela Suspensiónfuera de la escuela Referir al equipo de apoyo al estudiante (SST)

  9. All students in third grade will be taking the FCAT in reading and in math. • All students must receive a level 2 or higher on the exam or it will result in retention of grade • Parent workshops will be given in to further explain the exam. State Exams Examenes del Estado • Todos los estudiantes en tercergradotomarán el examen FCAT en lectura y matemáticas. • Los estudiantesnecesitan un nivel de 2 o masparapasar de grado • Un taller para los padres seráconducidoparaexplicar el examen.

  10. Uniforms are MANDATORY • Boys: Red Shirt tucked in with blue or khaki pants with a belt • Girls: Red Polo Shirt tucked in with blue or khaki skirt or pants. • Sneakers – NO boots or sandals Uniform Uniformes • Uniformes son OBLIGATORIOS • Niños: Camisa de Polo roja, pordentro con pantalonesazul o khaki y un cinto • Niñas : Camisa de Polo roja con una • faldaazul o khaki • Zapato de deporte – NO botas o sandalias

  11. T-Shirts will be worn every TUESDAY Class Shirts $10.00

  12. 5 Composition notebooks 2 Pocket Folders with prongs 1 Ring Binder –Homework Agenda 3 Sharpened Wood Pencils 1 Ream of Notebook Filler Paper  2 Reams of Copy paper Erasers, Pencil sharpener, 1 pack of red pens, glue stick, crayons, and scissor. Hand sanitizer Wipes Donation Bag of Candy Supplies

  13. Homework Policy • Homework is MANDATORY and is given daily. • Homework is checked on a daily basis. • Students who do not complete their homework assignments will not participate in recess and will be excluded from field trips and special activities. Pólizade Tarea • Tareaes OBLIGATORIA y se dadiariamente. • La tarea se revisacadamañana. • Estudiantesque no completanlastareas no participarán en el recreo y no participarán en excursiones.

  14. Third Grade Expectations • By now your child should know the following: • all sight words and basic reading skills • How to answer multiple choice and response questions correctly • How to add and subtract one digit numbers mentally and quickly • How to add and subtract at least 4 digit problems with or without regrouping

  15. Expectativas de tercer Grado • Ahora su niño debe saber lo siguiente : • las palabras a vista y habilidad de leer • como responder preguntas correcta basada en una historia • Como sumar y restar dos números rápidamente y sin contar los dedos • Como sumar y restar problemas matemáticos de 4 números o mas

  16. Contact Information Ms.Dominguez ddominguez3@dadeschools.net Ms. Alonso m_alonso@dadeschools.net

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