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The Case of Paul: A Third Grader with Reading Difficulties

The Case of Paul: A Third Grader with Reading Difficulties. Case Background Information. Paul attended kindergarten at a school in another state He attended 1 st grade at Crescent Elementary He attended 2 nd grade at Smith Elementary Currently, he is a 3 rd grader at Smith Elementary.

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The Case of Paul: A Third Grader with Reading Difficulties

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Presentation Transcript

  1. The Case of Paul:A Third Grader with Reading Difficulties

  2. Case Background Information • Paul attended kindergarten at a school in another state • He attended 1st grade at Crescent Elementary • He attended 2nd grade at Smith Elementary • Currently, he is a 3rd grader at Smith Elementary

  3. Characteristics of Beattie • SAT Process • Administrative support of using evidence-based interventions • Lack of consensus, understanding of what this means in the building • “Novice” teacher • She is unsure of the amount of time she should be dedicating to helping this student read • Testing seems to be understood as the way to help him

  4. Characteristics of the Family • Mom • Highly educated, PhD, pharmacist • The “bread-winner” of the family • Dad • At home dad • 2nd grade teacher reports that he is also unable to read/has extreme difficulties with reading • Older brother • Also has difficulties reading, reported by mom as worse than Paul’s difficulties

  5. Characteristics of Paul • Bright student • Demonstrates strong problem-solving skills • Participates in class • Demonstrates knowledge in content areas • Loves building things • Very active • Social and has many friends in his class • Enjoys reading chapter books with his mom

  6. Target Behaviors • Home • The number of times Paul initiates reading with his mom or dad • The duration of reading time each night • School • The number of words he decodes correctly in a 3rd grade reading passage • DIBELS was used to assess oral reading fluency

  7. Baseline Data: Home

  8. Baseline Data: School

  9. Baseline Data: School

  10. Goal Setting • Home • To have Paul initiate reading at least 2 times a week with his mom or dad • To have Paul read 4 times a week at home • School • To increase Paul’s correctly read words per minute by 3 a week

  11. Functional Analysis • Paul is reported as having strong comprehension skills • Difficulties occur when identifying an unknown site word • He becomes frustrated when reading • He does enjoy reading chapter books with his mom

  12. Hypotheses • Mom was unsure of why this may be happening • Teacher thought it was because “something isn’t clicking” with him • Handout to organize the information • We decided to target accuracy and fluency based on the DIBELS results

  13. Plan • CNAI • Home: Listening passage preview, read with mom • School: Continue to the word builder • CPEI • Home: Continue with listening passage preview • School: Replace word builder with a focused phonics instruction -> Repeated Readings

  14. Progress Toward Goals

  15. Progress Toward Goals

  16. Progress Toward Goals

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