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HSEEP Exercise Evaluation and Improvement

HSEEP Exercise Evaluation and Improvement. ODP’s Mission. Primary responsibility within the executive branch to build and sustain the preparedness of the US to reduce vulnerabilities, prevent, respond to, and recover from acts of terrorism (Homeland Security Act). ODP’s Responsibilities.

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HSEEP Exercise Evaluation and Improvement

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  1. HSEEP Exercise Evaluation and Improvement

  2. ODP’s Mission • Primary responsibility within the executive branch to build and sustain the preparedness of the US to reduce vulnerabilities, prevent, respond to, and recover from acts of terrorism (Homeland Security Act).

  3. ODP’s Responsibilities • Grant programs for planning, equipment, training and exercises • National training program • National exercise program

  4. Grant Programs • State Homeland Security Program • Law Enforcement Terrorism Prevention Program • Citizen Corps Program • Urban Areas Security Initiative Program • Fire Fighter Assistance Program

  5. State Homeland Security Program • Purpose: to enhance capacity of states and locals to prevent, respond to, and recover from terrorism • Provides funds for • Homeland security and emergency operations planning • The purchase of specialized equipment • CBRNE and cyber security training programs • CBRNE and cyber security exercises • State Homeland Security Assessments and Strategies

  6. Law Enforcement Terrorism Prevention Program • Provide law enforcement communities with funds to support the following prevention activities: • Information sharing to preempt terrorist attacks • Target hardening • Recognition of potential or developing threats • Interoperable communications • Intervention of terrorists before they can execute a threat • Planning, organization, training, exercises, and equipment

  7. Citizen Corps Program • Provides funds to support Citizen Corps Councils with planning, outreach, and management of Citizen Corps program and activities • Form and sustain a Citizen Corp Council • Engage citizens in homeland security • Conduct public education and outreach • Develop and implement Citizen Corps programs • Coordinate Citizen Corps activities with other DHS funded programs and other federal initiatives

  8. Urban Areas Security Initiative Program • Address the unique needs of large urban areas – 50 cities • Conduct jurisdictional assessment and develop Urban Area Homeland Security Strategy. • Funds for planning, equipment, training, exercise, and administration and operational activities related to heightened threat levels

  9. Fire Fighter Assistance • Protect public and fire fighters against fire and fire-related hazards • Fire fighting Operations and Safety • Fire Prevention • Fire fighting Vehicles

  10. Strategy Process Overview STEP 1 STEP 2 STEP 3 Statewide Homeland Security Strategy State Assistance Plan Assessments Conducted at the local and state levels Created at the regional and state level Created by ODP State and Urban Area use strategy to identify & allocate all HS resources END RESULT = Capability Improvements

  11. Strategy Participants • State and local jurisdictions • All First Responder Disciplines • Fire Service • HazMat • Emergency Medical Services • Law Enforcement • Emergency Management • Public Safety Communications • Public Health • Health Care • Public Works • Government Administrative • Private Sector • Non-Profit/Voluntary Sector

  12. Risk Assessment Needs Assessment Threat Assessment Vulnerability Assessment Assessment Overview Statewide Homeland Security Strategy Planning Factors CBRNE* Scenarios Required Capabilities Current Capabilities Agricultural Vulnerability Assessment Shortfalls or “Gaps” * CBRNE: Chemical, Biological, Radiological, Nuclear, Explosive

  13. Risk Assessment Threat Assessment • Who: • Local, state, and federal law enforcement officials • What: • Identify number of Potential Threat Elements (PTEs) • Identify threat factors (existence, violent history, intentions, WMD capability, and targeting) • Identify motivations (political, religious, environmental, racial, or special interest) • Identify WMD capabilities (CBRNE) Threat Assessment Vulnerability Assessment Agricultural Vulnerability Assessment

  14. Threat Assessment Vulnerability Assessment • Who: • All response disciplines at local, state, and federal levels • What: • Identify critical infrastructure/ potential targets • Evaluate targets for: • Level of visibility • Criticality of target site • Impact outside of jurisdiction • Access to target • Target threat of hazard • Target site population capacity • Potential collateral mass casualties Risk Assessment Vulnerability Assessment Agricultural Vulnerability Assessment

  15. Capabilities and Needs: Planning • The results from the risk assessment process (threat and vulnerability) provide a link to the capabilities and needs assessment process. • Planning • Organization • Equipment • Training • Exercises

  16. State Homeland SecurityStrategy • Developed by State based on local needs • Provides blueprint for planning of homeland security efforts to enhance preparedness and for use of resources

  17. StateAssistance Plans • ODP uses the strategies and needs assessment data to tailor and formulate a State/Metro Assistance Plan (SAP/MAP) for each state • A SAP/MAP is a blueprint for the delivery of ODP training, exercise, technical assistance and equipment services

  18. National Training Program • Training for federal, state and local homeland security professionals • Based on critical tasks to prevent, respond to or recover from a terrorist incident • Over 40 courses available

  19. ODP Training Program • ODP offers more than 40 courses (Examples) • Live chemical agents training – Center for Domestic Preparedness • Live explosives training – New Mexico Institute of Mining and Technology • Radiological and nuclear agents training – Nevada Test Site • Advanced emergency medical training using human patient simulators – Texas A&M • Training on bioterrorism – Louisiana State University

  20. National Exercise Program • Responsible for National Exercise Program • Threat and performance-based excises at federal, state, local, and international levels • Strategy and Exercise Planning Workshops to define exercise needs and plan for each state

  21. Assess Program Success Through Exercises • Performance measures for ODP’s grant, training, and exercise programs are tied to performance of critical tasks • Percent of jurisdictions that can perform critical tasks as demonstrated through exercises • 500,000+ population • 100,000+ population • 50,000+ population

  22. Overview of HSEEP • Threat- and Performance-based Exercises • Cycle of exercises • Increasing complexity • To improve preparedness

  23. HSEEP Manuals • Volume I: Program Overview and Doctrine • Volume II: Exercise Evaluation and Improvement • Volume III: Exercise Development • Volume IV: Sample Exercise Documents and Formats

  24. Vol I: HSEEP Overview and Doctrine • ODP’s exercise and evaluation doctrine • Uniform approach for exercise design, development, conduct, and evaluation • Exercise design and implementation process • Suite of common scenarios (TBD)

  25. Vol II: Exercise Evaluation and Improvement • Defines exercise evaluation and improvement process • Provides uniform set of evaluation guides • Defines data analysis process • Includes standardized After-Action Report template

  26. Vol III: Exercise Development • Defines exercise planning and design process • Provides guidance for the development and conduct of various types of exercises

  27. Vol IV: Sample Documents • Provides sample letters, planning documents, checklists, scenarios, etc. • Reduces development time for exercise design team

  28. Assess preparedness at federal, state and local levels Validate strengths and identify improvement opportunities, resulting in improved preparedness Provide guide for resource allocations Exercise Evaluation

  29. Evaluation Enhancements • Focus on performance of critical tasks and mission outcomes • Use of uniform evaluation tools • Enhanced data analysis • Debriefing meeting with key officials • Improvement Plan • Track implementation of improvements • Suite of common scenarios (TBD)

  30. Exercise Evaluation Methodology Development • Exercise Evaluation Working Group • Builds on • Responder Guidelines • ODP exercise experience • CSEP and other programs • Will continue to enhance and improve

  31. Exercise Evaluation and Improvement Process Evaluation Planning, Observation, and Analysis Exercise Evaluation and Improvement Process Data Collection and Analysis Step 1 Plan & Organize the Evaluation Step 2 Observe the Exercise & Collect Data Step 3 Analyze Data Step 4 Develop After Action Report Improving Preparedness Step 5 Conduct Debriefing Step 6 Identify Improvements Step 7 Finalize After Action Report Step 8  Track Implementation

  32. Levels of Analysis • Performance is analyzed at three levels: • Task level • Agency/discipline/function level • Mission level (within and across communities)

  33. Task Level Performance Answers the question: did the person or team do the right thing the right way at the right time? Helps assess need for training, equipment, personnel, etc. Task = work with measurable output that has utility Levels of Analysis

  34. Agency/Discipline/Function Level Performance — Multiple teams Answers the question: did the larger team or organization perform duties in accordance with plans and policies? Levels of Analysis • Helps assess communication, coordination, planning budgets, etc.

  35. Levels of Analysis • Mission Level Performance • Answers the question: were the mission level outcomes achieved? • Addresses jurisdictional preparedness Outcomes = results

  36. Mission Outcomes • Prevention/Deterrence • Emergency Assessment • Emergency Management • Hazard Mitigation • Public Protection • Victim Care • Investigation/Apprehension • Recovery/Remediation Pre-Event Emergency Response Post-Event

  37. Evaluation Requirements • Determine what outcomes will be evaluated, based on exercise objectives • Identify activities to be evaluated • Identify which functions should be observed • Determine where observations will take place • Identify the appropriate evaluation tools

  38. Exercise Evaluation Guides • ODP has developed Exercise Evaluation Guides that: • Identify the activities that the evaluator should be observing • Provide consistency in tasks across exercises • Link individual tasks to disciplines and outcomes

  39. The EVALPLAN • Exercise-specific information • Plans, policies, procedures, and agreements • Evaluator recruiting and assignments • Evaluator training and instructions

  40. Recruiting and Assigning Evaluators • Setting expectations – evaluators must be available for: • pre-exercise training and briefing • pre-exercise site visit • the entire exercise (hours to days) • post-exercise hot-wash • post-exercise data analysis (1 day) • contribution to the draft AAR

  41. Recording Observations • The emphasis is on Who? What? When? Where? How? Why? • Record observations through: • use of Evaluator Guides • blank sheets of paper • Collect exercise documents

  42. Record Significant Activities • Initiating scenario events • Facility activities • Response actions • Key decisions made by Players • Deviations from plans and procedures • Completion time of events

  43. Evaluator Summary • Compile observations into chronological narrative of events • Describe outcomes achieved or not – use questions below and evaluation guides: • What happened? • What was supposed to happen? • If there is a difference, why? • What is the impact of that difference? • What should be learned from this? • What improvements might be recommended?

  44. Data Analysis • Conduct Hotwash • Develop timeline of significant events • Analyze performance: • Individuals • Teams/Functions • Outcomes

  45. Hotwash • Player Hotwash: • Usually held immediately following exercise play • Typically facilitated by the evaluator • Provides opportunity for: • Player self-assessment • An interactive discussion • Clarification of observed events • Assessment of exercise simulations

  46. Timeline Development Make a team timeline of actions Focus on significant actions Identify the appropriate outcome for each activity

  47. Analysis of Performance • Analysis of activities • What tasks were to be accomplished • How well were they performed • Root causes of differences between expected and actual performance • Recommendations

  48. Root Cause Analysis 1. Why did it happen? 2. Why did that happen? 3. Why was that? 4. And why was that? 5. And why was that? 6. And so on… ***Root Cause*** Each step must completely explain the step above… …down to the basic underlying causal factor.

  49. Integrated Analysis • Allows further identification of: • Successes and best practices • New gaps and problems • Root causes • Recommendations for improvement • Compares observations from different locations and functions

  50. Recommendations for Improvement • Questions for identifying recommendations for improvement: • What training and/or equipment is needed? • What changes need to be made to plans and procedures, or organization structures? • What changes could be made to the management processes?

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