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    3. The Story of Her Life To accompany the reading of her diary

    4. Baby Anneliese and her mother, Edith Anne was born on June 12, 1929, in Frankfurt, Germany. She was the second daughter of Otto and Edith Frank, who were both from respected German-Jewish families.

    5. Anne and her older sister, Margot

    6. The Move from Frankfurt to Amsterdam In the early 1930s, the rise of the Nazi Party made life in Germany unsafe for the Frank family. In 1933, Otto Frank set up a business in Amsterdam, and the family joined him a few months later.

    7. Margot, Otto, Anne, and Edith The Franks lived a fairly comfortable life in their apartment at 37 Merwedeplein. Otto Frank also had a successful import business underway.

    8. Life in Amsterdam, Holland The girls adjusted into a normal life for the first few years in Holland. Anne and Margot, shown here at the beach, were happy and made many friends.

    9. Anne at Montessori School Anne was a very good student and did exceptionally well at her Montessori school. In 1940, however, a change came when the Nazis invaded Holland.

    11. Nazi Occupation of Holland In 1941, Anne and other Jewish children could no longer go to public schools. In 1942, all Jews had to begin wearing Stars of David on their clothing

    12. The Franks Went into Hiding Also in 1942, Otto Frank had to turn his business over to non-Jewish partners. When arrests of Jews began, Otto made a plan to take his family into hiding in rooms above his business.

    13. These Friends Helped the Franks The helpers, from left to right: Mr. Kugler, Miep Gies, Bep Voskuijl, and Mr.Kleiman.

    14. The Secret Annex Became Home For more than two years the Franks shared the Annex with another family, the Van Daans. They lived under constant dread of detection and arrest by the Nazis.

    15. Their Worst Fear Came True On August 4, 1944, the Frank family's greatest fear came true. Nazi policemen, who had received an anonymous phone call about Jews hiding there, entered the office and the bookcase door leading to the Secret Annex. They arrested both families.

    17. Westerbork Concentration Camp On August 8, 1944, the families were moved to Westerbork transit camp. After nearly a month, they were taken to the Auschwitz death camp in Poland on the last Auschwitz-bound transport ever to leave Westerbork.

    18. Bergen-Belsen Camp In October 1944, Anne and Margot were transported to the Bergen-Belsen concentration camp in Germany. Without food, heat, medicine, and basic sanitation, thousands died there from starvation and epidemics.

    19. Nine months after she was arrested, Anne Frank died of typhus in March of 1945, at Bergen-Belsen. She was fifteen years old. The camp was liberated by the Allies just three weeks after her death.

    21. Annes Diary Otto Frank was the only survivor from the Secret Annex. He is pictured here with Miep Gies, who saved Annes diary and persuaded Otto to have it published.

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