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Bourgon Frederic/Tina Tsai / Shirley Lu October, 2008

October ESS Business Interlocks Foxconn / hp Inventory concerns and actions on high valued parts Status update. Bourgon Frederic/Tina Tsai / Shirley Lu October, 2008. Questions from Sep. Interlock. DOI Calculation - DOI is in calendar days.

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Bourgon Frederic/Tina Tsai / Shirley Lu October, 2008

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  1. October ESS Business InterlocksFoxconn / hpInventory concerns andactions on high valued partsStatus update Bourgon Frederic/Tina Tsai / Shirley Lu October, 2008

  2. Questions from Sep. Interlock • DOI Calculation - DOI is in calendar days Provided by HP RBU according to expected service level & transportation lead time Formula: ODM QOH/(4 week FCST demand/30 days); FCST is provided by HP • Why CPU DOI target is different in NA and EMEA? - Target DOI is provided based on transportation lead time. Transportation Lead time is a function of ODM V.S. Hub location. • Need to be sure all regions are ok with target DOI - Yes, all regions are ok with target DOI. However, it may change in the future. • Include PCA, Chassis and PSU in inventory review ? - No, because of no layering impact on HP. Should be ODM focus

  3. Inventory Level • Compared with August, NA DOI improved on AMD CPU from 36 days to 17 days and Memory from 46 days to 25 days. • Need improvement on inventory control for NA CPU/Memory, EMEA AMD CPU and AP Chipset/Memory

  4. Obsolesce Risk As of Oct.13, total amount : - CPU $459K $355K plan to return to Intel/AMD; $104K evaluating rebalancing. ($329K increased from Sep. due to DL380G5/DL160G5/BL460cG1 EOL in CZ ) - Memory $570K Evaluating rebalancing ($366K decreased from Sep.) OBS QTY is calculated against lockdown number

  5. Layering Cost • Microprocessor • One AMD CPU has price break on Nov.15 • - 443560-223 has USD$ 14 price gap ( from USD$80 to USD$66 ) • - Begin inventory control in the week of 10/27. • Memory • Memory price keeps flat in Nov. No layering impact.

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