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考研英语必考核心词汇 直播课堂

考研英语必考核心词汇 直播课堂. 主讲:朱伟. Albert Einstein: “ Miracles are what happen when you get out of the way of yourself. 关于词汇记忆. “忘 ”“ 记 ”. 关于词汇记忆. The oppressed ________ freedom. A. requires B. demands C. requests Require: ask for sth. firmly

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考研英语必考核心词汇 直播课堂

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  1. 考研英语必考核心词汇直播课堂 主讲:朱伟

  2. Albert Einstein: “Miracles are what happen when you get out of the way of yourself.

  3. 关于词汇记忆 “忘”“记”

  4. 关于词汇记忆 The oppressed ________ freedom. A. requires B. demands C. requests Require: ask for sth. firmly Demand: the ruler sets a rule with the expectation that nobody would refute it. Request: ask for sth. politely

  5. 非母语词汇记忆的实质: 识记 + 应用

  6. entail

  7. 朱伟“恋练有词”

  8. 【真题例句3】1997年 Text2 【v】尊重,重视 Yet, being friendly is a virtue that many Americans value highly and expect from both neighbors and strangers. 【真题例句12】2004年Text 4 【n】 Americans today don’t place a very high value on intellect.

  9. 形象记忆法 parallel 趴了来哦 lel lul level 平 lullaby lull – baby

  10. 形象记忆法 1、拆分联想记忆法 in no cent a.无辜的 天真无邪的 re ti cent a.沉默寡言

  11. 形象记忆法 2、谐音联想记忆法 mortal a.致命的 ponderous adj.笨重的、沉重的,文章冗长的 labor v/n.劳动 ambulence n. 救护车 jeopardize v. 冒险

  12. 形象记忆法 3、形近对比记忆法 adopt adapt adept

  13. 形象记忆法 adopt v.收养 采纳 adapt v. 1,适应 ~ oneself to to 改编 adaptable She adapted herself to the whole new environment adept a.娴熟的 be adept at be adept at making up the excuses

  14. Conserve conservative conservation • Preserve preservative preservation • Reserve reservation reservoir

  15. 形象记忆法 4、串记法 同义串记:believe – hold – maintain – advocate – set forth significant – irreplaceable – vital – crucial—critical—unparalleled—striking 反义串记:tiny – humble – trivial – replaceable – negligible 词性变换串记: reserve v./n reservation n. reservoir n.

  16. 形象记忆法 5、生活实景记忆法 rejoice v.使高兴 safeguard safe a. 安全的 guard n/v保卫,守侯 glitter v. 发光(反射光) glare stare glow Mars, a glowing red planet

  17. 词根词缀记忆法 词根(root) : to entitle the key meaning to a word The radio can _______signals. A transmit B emit mit=send trans=across e=out transmit v. 投递式的发射 emit v. 发散式的发射

  18. 词根词缀记忆法 词缀(affix): 前缀(prefix): to settle the emotion of a word e- = out, im- = in / not ------ emigrant n.移居海外者 immigrant n.移民,移居者

  19. 词根词缀记忆法 后缀(suffix): to ascertain the word’s function -ate migrate to -ant migrant (~ worker)

  20. Clude=close exclude拒绝,排斥 exclusion排除 exclusive排外的,专用的 an ~ club exclusionism n.排外主义 include包括,包含 inclusioninclusive inclusiveness (tolerance)

  21. Clude=close Conclude下结论 conclusionconclusive preclude防止,杜绝 pre- pro- pri- preclusion排除,阻止 preclusive除外的,妨碍的 动词clude, 名词clusion, 形容词clusive

  22. Clude=close clos=clus=close Closet n.壁橱,秘密会谈的、储藏物品的小房间 Water Closet = WC vt.把 引进密室会谈 a.私下的,隐秘的 a closet discussion

  23. Clude=close disclose vt.揭露,泄露,透露 enclose vt.围住,包住;附入,把 装入信封 envelop enclosure n.(四周有篱笆、围墙的)围场 附件 attachment(have an ~ to = be fond of) attach to attach importance to intellectuals

  24. Gress=go Progress=pro(forward)+gress(go)“进步” make progress 进步 Regress=re(back)+gress(go)“退步,退回” regression recession/depression give sb. easy access to

  25. Gress=go congress=con(together)+gress(go)“1、代表大会 2、Congress美国国会” egress=e(out)+gress(go)走出去,所以是“出口”的意思 ingress=in(in)+gress(go)走进来,所以是“入口”的意思

  26. Gress=go progressive a.进步的,先进的,前进的 aggress=ag(to)+gress(go)“进攻,侵略”

  27. Gress=go aggression=ag(to)+gress(go)+ion“进攻,侵略” aggressive=ag(to)+gress(go)+ive“1、侵略的,好斗的2、敢作敢为的,有进取心的”

  28. Duc duct duce=lead produce product by-`product n.副产品 Side effect

  29. Duc duct duce=lead repro`duce v.生殖;翻版;繁殖;复制,仿造 Reproductive fertile fertility infertility pro`ductive a.1、生产(性)的,能产的,多产的,富饶的2、富有成效的 produc`tivity n.生产率,生产力

  30. Duc duct duce=lead con`duct v.1、引导,带领;2、处理,管理;3、指挥(乐队);4传导,传(热,电等)5、(oneself)表现 `conduct n.举止,行为;管理(方式),实施(方式)

  31. Duc duct duce=lead con`ductor n.领队,指挥,列车长,售票员。导体 conduc`tivity n.传导性,传导率 semicon`ductor n.半导体

  32. Duc duct duce=lead deduce v.(from)演绎,推断 what do you deduce from these facts? deduct vt. 扣除, 演绎 Don’t forget to deduct travel expenses.

  33. Duc duct duce=lead induce v.引诱,劝使;引起,导致;感应 induction n.感应,感应现象 inducement 诱因 reduce v.1、减少 缩小2、使降级,使沦落3、迫使4、还原 reduction n.1、减少,缩小;2、下降,降低3、还原

  34. Duc duct duce=lead seduce v.勾引 tempt temptation observe obsess seduction Eg: It means not only the attraction but the seduction sedulous diligent

  35. Duc duct duce=lead disturb打扰 perturb烦忧 turb=搅动 stir swirl irreasonable irrational “Friends” When you are singing over there, I just want to put my fingers into my eyes to my brain and swirl it around. turbine /ai/ n.透平机,涡轮机

  36. Duc duct duce=lead turbulent a.狂暴的,汹涌的;骚动的,动荡的,混乱的 we’ve encountered some turbulence, please keep your seatbelt fastened turbulent weather狂暴的天气 turbulent crowd骚动的人群 turbulent period动荡的时期

  37. Duc duct duce=lead disturbance n.1、骚乱,扰乱 riot;2、扰乱,打扰;3、心神不安,烦恼

  38. Duc duct duce=lead perturb vt.使心烦意乱,搅乱 per=fully,through 完完全全 perfect=per+fect(do),从头到尾做的很好,“完美的” Permeate v. Penetrate v. penetrative

  39. pose = put Pose v.造成(困难等);提出(问题等),陈述(观点等);摆姿势;假装,冒充 Pose one’s perception to the cosmetics industry n.姿势,样子 Posture n.1、姿势,姿态;2、看法,态度 vi. 摆出姿势,装模作样

  40. pose = put compose v.作曲,作图,写作,合成;组成,构成 be composed of 由 组成 Be comprised of composer作曲家

  41. pose = put composite a.混合成的,综合成的 n.合成物,复合材料 composition n.1、构成,组成,成分2、作文,作品,乐曲3、创作,作曲4、结构,布局 Integrate integration integrity loyalty

  42. pose = put Decompose v.分解 dilute Expose v.1、(to)使暴露;2、揭露; 3、使曝光;4、陈列 Our skin is exposed to the sunshine. Be exposed to暴露在 下;使处于 作用(影响)之下。 SH Expo. Exposition exhibition display

  43. pose = put Exposure n.1、暴露,2、揭露;3、暴光 exposure to 受到 作用(或影响) Subject to yield to defer to Eg: Aristotle has subjected his firm belief to the assumption of the fixed human nature.

  44. pose = put Depose v.罢免 Impose v.1、征(税),处以(罚款,监禁等); 2、(on)把...强加给 impose sth. on sb.

  45. pose = put Dispose vt. 1. 布置, 安排; 2. 使倾向于,使有利于 vi.(of)除掉,去掉; 处置, 处理 get rid of Disposal n.处理, 处置; 布置, 安排 at sb.’s disposal 任某人处理,供某人使用 Disposition n.1. 意想, 倾向; 2. 性格,性情

  46. pose = put Propose v.1、提议2、提名,推荐3、打算,计划4、求婚 Proposal n.1、提议,建议2、求婚 Proposition n.1、论点,主张;2、建议,提案3、命题 Man proposes, God disposes.

  47. pose = put Deposit v.1、存放;2、储蓄;3、使沉淀;4、付(保证金) n.沉积物,矿床,矿藏;押金,定金;存款 Deposition n.沉淀作用,沉淀物

  48. pose = put Oppose vt.反对,反抗 Opposite a.(to)对立面,对立的,相反的 n.对立面,对立物 prep./ad.在 对面

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