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Social & Environmental Influences on the Child

Social & Environmental Influences on the Child. Marlene Kellner RN, BA. Objectives. Discuss the role of mandated reporters List factors that impact child health Discuss how various lifestyles effect child health

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Social & Environmental Influences on the Child

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  1. Social & Environmental Influences on the Child Marlene Kellner RN, BA
  2. Objectives Discuss the role of mandated reporters List factors that impact child health Discuss how various lifestyles effect child health Identify nursing interventions for, and prevention of abuse/maltreatment of children Examine environmental factors which promote child health
  3. PART I
  4. Definitions Child Abuse An "abused child" is a child whose parent or other person legally responsible for his/her care inflicts upon the child serious physical injury, creates a substantial risk of serious physical injury, or commits an act of sex abuse against the child. They can be guilty of abusing a child if they allow someone else to do these things to that child.
  5. Definitions Child Maltreatment Maltreatment occurs when a parent or other person legally responsible for the care of a child harms a child, or places a child in imminent danger of harm by failing to exercise the minimum degree of care in providing the child with any of the following: food, clothing, shelter, education or medical care when financially able to do so. Maltreatment can also result from abandonment of a child, lack of adequate supervision, or if a parent engages in excessive use of drugs or alcohol such that it interferes with their ability to adequately supervise the child.
  6. RN = mandated reporter There are penalties for Failure to Report. Anyone who is mandated to report suspected child abuse or maltreatment—and fails to do so—could be charged with a Class A misdemeanor and subject to criminal penalties. Further, mandated reporters can be sued in a civil court for monetary damages for any harm caused by the mandated reporter's failure to make a report to the SCR.
  7. When Am I Mandated to Report? Mandated reporters are required to report suspected child abuse or maltreatment when they are presented with a reasonable cause to suspect child abuse or maltreatment in a situation where a child, parent, or other person legally responsible for the child is before the mandated reporter when the mandated reporter is acting in his or her official or professional capacity
  8. Reasonable Cause to Suspect Reasonable cause to suspect child abuse or maltreatment means that, based on your rational observations, professional training and experience, you have a suspicion that the parent or other person legally responsible for a child is responsible for harming that child or placing that child in imminent danger of harm. Your suspicion can be as simple as distrusting an explanation for an injury.
  9. What Is a Professional Role? For example, a nurse examining a child in her practice who has a reasonable suspicion of abuse must report her concern. In contrast, the nurse who witnesses child abuse when riding her bike while off-duty is not mandated to report that abuse. The mandated reporter’s legal responsibility to report suspected child abuse or maltreatment ceases when the mandated reporter stops practicing his/her profession. Of course, anyone may report any suspected abuse or maltreatment at any time and is encouraged to do so.
  10. Training for Mandated Reporters The New York State Education Department (SED) Office of the Professions oversees the training requirements for mandated reporters. Some categories—including teachers, many medical professionals, and social workers—need this training as part of their licensing requirement. The training may be included in their formal education program.
  11. Recognize Child Abuse and Maltreatment Indicators of Physical Abuse Can Include: Injuries to the eyes or both sides of the head or body. Frequent injuries of any kind (bruises, cuts, and/or burns), especially if the child is unable to provide an adequate explanation of the cause. These may appear in distinctive patterns such as grab marks, human bite marks, cigarette burns, or impressions of other instruments. Destructive, aggressive, or disruptive behavior, passive, withdrawn, or emotionless behavior. Fear of going home or fear of parent(s).
  12. Recognize Child Abuse and Maltreatment Indicators of Sexual Abuse Can Include: Symptoms of sexually transmitted diseases. Injury to genital area. Difficulty and/or pain when sitting or walking. Sexually suggestive, inappropriate, or promiscuous behavior or verbalization. Expressing age-inappropriate knowledge of sexual relations. Sexual victimization of other children.
  13. Recognize Child Abuse and Maltreatment Indicatorsof Maltreatment Can Include: Obvious malnourishment, listlessness, or fatigue. Stealing or begging for food Lack of personal care—poor personal hygiene, torn and/or dirty clothes. Untreated need for glasses, dental care, or other medical attention. Frequent absence from or tardiness to school; Child inappropriately left unattended or without supervision.
  14. Where Do I Call to Make a Report? As soon as you suspect abuse or maltreatment, you must report your concerns by telephone to the New York Statewide Central Register of Child Abuse and Maltreatment (SCR). You are not required to notify the parents or other persons legally responsible either before or after your call to the SCR. If you believe that a child is in immediate danger, call 911 or your local police department. Mandated Reporters Hotline for making child abuse and maltreatment reports:
  15. What Happens When I Call the SCR? The LDSS-2221A mandated reporter form can be used to help you organize the identifying or demographic information you have at your disposal. Be sure to ask the SCR specialist for the “Call I.D.” assigned to the report you have made. If the SCR staff does not register the child abuse or maltreatment report, the reason for the decision should be clearly explained to you. You may also request to speak to a supervisor, who can help make determinations in difficult or unusual cases.
  16. Law Enforcement Referrals If a call to the SCR provides information about an immediate threat to a child or a crime committed against a child, but the perpetrator is not a parent or other person legally responsible for the child, the SCR staff will make a Law Enforcement Referral (LER). The relevant information will be recorded and transmitted to the New York State Police Information Network or to the New York City Special Victims Liaison Unit. This is not a CPS report, and local CPS will not be involved.
  17. What Protection or Liability Do I Have? Source Confidentiality The Social Services Law provides confidentiality for mandated reporters and all sources of child abuse and maltreatment reports. OCFS and local CPS are not permitted to release to the subject of the report any data that would identify the source. Immunity from Liability If a mandated reporter makes a report with earnest concern for the welfare of a child, he or she is immune from any criminal or civil liability that might result. This is referred to as making a report in “good faith.” Protection from Retaliatory Personnel Action Section 413 of the Social Services Law specifies that no medical or other public or private institution, school, facility or agency shall take any retaliatory personnel action against an employee who made a report to the SCR.
  18. Local CPS Role and Responsibilities When a report is registered at the SCR, the local department of social services is immediately notified for investigation and follow-up. A local CPS caseworker will initiate an investigation within 24 hours. CPS intervention consists of an evaluation of the child and other children in the home and the development of a plan to meet the needs of the child and family. If there is an immediate threat to the child's life or health, CPS may remove the child from the home. Upon request, CPS may obtain from the mandated reporter those records that are essential to a full investigation of alleged child abuse and maltreatment for any report made by the mandated reporter. Within 60 days of initiating the investigation, CPS will determine whether the report is indicated or unfounded.
  19. Cultural Competence Cupping- Chinese practice of heating a bamboo cup and placing it on the skin is traditional treatment for h/a and abd pain. Cao Gio- Vietnamese practice involves rubbing with a coin or fingers to treat minor ailments. Not to be confused with abuse.
  20. In Brief Protecting children and preventing child abuse and maltreatment does not begin or end with reporting. Efforts to prevent child abuse and maltreatment can only be effective when mandated reporters and other concerned citizens work together to improve the safety net in their communities. To be most effective, your local CPS needs strong partnerships within your community. By getting to know the staff in your local CPS unit, you will gain a better understanding of how your local program is structured, and CPS will better understand how to work more effectively with you. By working together, we can better protect our vulnerable children.
  21. PART II
  22. Theoretical Framework Resilience Theory- looks at the modifications of risk factors (lack of medical insurance, lack of immunizations, etc.) and protective factors (adequate supervision, family supports, etc.) to create more healthful outcomes for the child.
  23. Social Influences on Child Health Poverty- unmet health needs, become teen parents, poor grades, stunted growth, poisoning, poor diet and poor housing or homelessness. Stress- acute or chronic = regressive behavior, poor sleep, GI upset, hyperactivity, crying or withdrawn. Family – divorcing parents, working parents, siblings, single parents, step-parents. School and Child Care- school health screening programs, teach good nutrition, healthful living, safe-sex. Community- head-start, sports, sidewalks, parks, clean water, pollution. Culture- increased responsibility if English is lacking, culture shock.
  24. Lifestyles and Child Health Tobacco use-most preventable cause of death, high risk to continue as adult, girls worry about the smell while boys are concerned with athletics. Alcohol Use- binge drinking, family, media, colleges, “accepted.” Substance Use- psychological and physical risk, increasing health problem, maladaptive coping response to stressors. Physical Inactivity/ Sedentary lifestyle- computers, TV, decreased requirements for physical education. Injury and Protective Equipment- sports, seatbelts, drag racing, car surfing, bike helmets. Body Art- tattoos, piercing, cutting, self-scaring, Hep B + Hep C, endocarditis, infections. Sexual Orientation- at risk for physical and emotional health issues.
  25. Effects of Violence Schools and Communities- accidental death by firearm, gun and knife threats, DV, date rape and other sexual violence, terrorism. Bullying/Cyber-bullying- verbal, physical, via internet, bullies do poorly in school, smoke and drink and victims have migraines, GI issues and suicidal thoughts. Incarceration- many children in detention centers experience violence and are at risk for sub abuse, sex abuse and mental and health problems. Hazing- 20-40 deaths per year, includes beatings, alcohol, being locked in small spaces, etc. Domestic Violence- either by witnessing it or being a victim. Dating Violence- Largely directed at females. Can involve date rape.
  26. Child Abuse Physical Abuse- deliberately inflicts pain or injury that may result in perm or temp disfigurement or death. Physical Neglect- deliberately withholding or failure to provide supervision, food, shelter, hygiene, healthcare. Abandoned Babies-”Safe Haven” laws allow for the dropping off of babies without legal recrimination. St Charles. For information on the Abandoned Infant Protection Act, call:1-866-505-SAFE (7233) Emotional Abuse- can be verbal or destruction of child’s property. Emotional Neglect- emotionally unavailable to the child. Sexual Abuse- inflicts or allows other to inflict pain or injury, significant risk of harm, sexual abuse as defined by law. Munchhausen Syndrome By Proxy- induces illness and the child recovers in the absence of the parent.
  27. Environmental Influences on Child Health Disasters- natural disasters, nuclear waste explosions, terrorism. Environmental Contaminants- toxins, pre-natal (mother who smokes), children of migrant farm workers (pesticides, etc.) Poisoning- ingesting foreign substances: cleaning supplies, plants, medication, etc. due to their investigative nature. Ingestion of Foreign Objects- coins, pins, toy parts, batteries, bones. Lead Poisoning- largely older houses in inner cities. Chelation therapy is the treatment.
  28. Failure to Thrive (FTT) Nonorganic-Failure to thrive (nonorganic, NOFTT; also called psychosocial failure to thrive) is defined as decelerated or arrested physical growth (height and weight measurements fall below the fifth percentile, or a downward change in growth across two major growth percentiles) associated with poor developmental and emotional functioning. Nonorganic (psychosocial) failure to thrive occurs in a child who is usually younger than 2 years old and has no known medical condition that causes poor growth. Organic-Organic failure to thrive occurs when there is an underlying medical cause.
  29. Who is affected by failure to thrive? Infants born into families with psychological, social, or economic problems are more at risk of developing nonorganic failure to thrive. NOFTT occurs when maladaptive behaviors develop in both the infant and the primary caregiver. Maladaptive behaviors may develop around problems establishing regular, calm feeding routines, problems of attachment between the mother and the infant, and/or problems of separation. Other risk factors that put a child at risk for developing nonorganic failure to thrive include mother or primary caregiver with any, or several, of the following conditions present: depression alcohol or drug abuse psychosocialstress lack of affection or warmth shown toward infant
  30. What are the symptoms of failure to thrive? The following are the most common symptoms of failure to thrive. However, each child may experience symptoms differently. Symptoms may include: lack of appropriate weight gain irritability easily fatigued excessive sleepiness lack of age-appropriate social response (i.e., smile) avoidseye-contact lack of molding to the mother's body does not make vocal sounds delayed motor development The symptoms of failure to thrive may resemble other conditions or medical problems. Always consult your child's physician for a diagnosis.
  31. References London, M.L., Ladewig, P.W., Ball, J.W., Binder, R.C., & Cowen, K.J. (2011). Social and Environmental Influences on the Child. In M. Connor & M. Gottlieb (3rd Ed.), Maternal & Child Nursing Care (pp. 1151-1192). Upper Saddle River , NJ: Pearson Education Inc. Lucile Salter Packard Children's Hospital.(2012). Failure to Thrive. Retrieved from http://www.lpch.org/DiseaseHealthInfo/HealthLibrary/growth/thrive.html New York State Office of Children and Family Services. (2011). OCFS Publications for Child Protective Services/State Central Register. Retrieved fromhttp://www.ocfs.state.ny.us/main/documents/docs.asp?document_type=4&category_number=5
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