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Structuring an Introduction

Structuring an Introduction. The Writing Process. Example 1.

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Structuring an Introduction

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  1. Structuring an Introduction The Writing Process

  2. Example 1 Monica’s parents never saw her as a problem child. Perhaps she was moodier than others, but they had never considered the possibility of a brain disorder. One day Monica’s kindergarten teacher sent the girl home with a note. This letter expressed the teacher’s concern that Monica’s mood swings were becoming too prevalent while her attention span was too short. This one note would begin a six year trauma that would change Monica’s life forever, yet her story is not unique. According to the PhRMA, a pharmaceutical trade group, up to 10% of American youth suffers from some sort of mental illness. While it remains undisputable that ADD and ADHD are real brain disorders, unfortunately the rates of misdiagnosis climb to astronomical heights which have had devastating effects on children. The misdiagnosis and overmedication of today’s youth is a trend that can no longer be tolerated; thus, health professionals and parents should reexamine medical practices in order to come up with lifesaving solutions.

  3. Attention-getter: Monica’s parents never saw her as a problem child. Perhaps she was moodier than others, but they had never considered the possibility of a brain disorder. One day Monica’s kindergarten teacher sent the girl home with a note. This letter expressed the teacher’s concern that Monica’s mood swings were becoming too prevalent while her attention span was too short. Extend: This one note would begin a six year trauma that would change Monica’s life forever, yet her story is not unique. According to the PhRMA, a pharmaceutical trade group, up to 10% of American youth suffers from some sort of mental illness. Connect: While it remains undisputable that ADD and ADHD are real brain disorders, unfortunately the rates of misdiagnosis climb to astronomical heights which have had devastating effects on children. Thesis: The misdiagnosis and overmedication of today’s youth is a trend that can no longer be tolerated; thus, health professionals and parents should reexamine medical practices in order to come up with lifesaving solutions.

  4. Structure • Opener/Attention Getter • Illustration/Anecdote that paints a picture of the problem • 3 sentences • Extend/Explain the Opener • Let your idea develop and explain the significance of the illustration/anecdote. • 2 sentences • Connect to the assigned topic • Explain and define topic • Incorporate that this is an issue specific to American society/culture • 2 sentences • Establish your Thesis • State the problem concisely • Optional: State the solution that should happen • Optional: point blame • 1 sentence

  5. Attention-Getter story that illustrates problem Do Not Reveal Opinion Narrowing Down BIG Reveal Thesis position on the problem

  6. Sample Thesis Statements • The United States Governmentshould impose stricter laws that have severe consequences in order to protect our environment from corporations who illegally dump toxic waste. • The American public with the help of law makers and law enforcement needs to take responsibility for finding a cure to our longest standing disease: drunk driving. • The American education system is digressing due to the ever-growing high school dropout rate. Unless schools, parents, and communities cooperatively work together to solve this problem, then America’s social and economic future is uncertain.

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