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Anti-Psychiatry and Critiques of Psychological Expertise

Anti-Psychiatry and Critiques of Psychological Expertise. Michel Foucault (1926-1984). Histoire de la Folie (1961) published in abridged English translation as: Madness and Civilization (1965). Moral treatment in the asylum as a form of social control. Erving Goffman (1922-1982).

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Anti-Psychiatry and Critiques of Psychological Expertise

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  1. Anti-Psychiatry and Critiques of Psychological Expertise

  2. Michel Foucault (1926-1984) Histoire de la Folie (1961) published in abridged English translation as:Madness and Civilization (1965) Moral treatment in the asylum as a form of social control

  3. Erving Goffman (1922-1982) Asylums: Essays on the Social Situation of Patients and other Inmates (1961) “total institutions”

  4. Thomas Szasz (1920- (1961) (2002) (1989) Helped inspire Mental Health Law project (1972)—to restrict laws committing patients to asylums; & to give patients the right to refuse treatment

  5. “…the notion of mental illness has outlived whatever usefulness it might have had and that it now functions merely as a convenient myth. As such, it is a true heir to religious myths in general, and to the belief in witchcraft in particular; the role of all these belief-systems was to act as social tranquilizers, thus encouraging the hope that mastery of certain specific problems may be achieved by means of substitutive (symbolic-magical) operations. Szasz, The Myth of Mental Illness (1961)

  6. Labeling theory (1966)

  7. D.L. Rosenhan (1973)“On Being Sane in Insane Places”published in Science

  8. R.D. Laing (1927-1989)

  9. R.D. Laing • The Divided Self (1960)—Schizophrenia as due to “ontological insecurity,” resulting in a false self/true self dichotomy. • Sanity, Madness and the Family (1964)—Schizophrenia as product of family dysfunction. • The Politics of Experience (1967)—Schizophrenia as journey of self-exploration, which can provide wisdom and spiritual knowledge to a mad society.

  10. “Instead of the mental hospital, a sort of reservicing factory for human breakdowns, we need a place where people who have traveled further and, consequently, may be more lost than psychiatrists and other sane people, can find their way further into inner space and time, and back again.” Laing, Politics of Experience, p. 127-128.

  11. Kingsley Hall, East London

  12. Mary Barnes (1923-2001)

  13. Mary Barnes’ Paintings—Exhibition at her death, 2001

  14. Phyllis Chesler (1972)

  15. Credo for Psychiatrists, American Psychiatric Association conventionMay 1970 “It’s not penis envy or inner space or maternal urges or natural passivity or hormone-caused emotionality that determines our lives. It’s an uptight, repressive male supremists (sic) social structure and set of social attitudes that prevents us from seeing ourselves as full human beings trying to live out our potential. Psychiatry that tries to adjust to a bad situation is not [a] help.” Association for Women Psychologists (formed in 1969)

  16. Homosexuality as Pathology in DSM • Homosexuality as a perversion in 1952 Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders (DSM 1). • APA meeting (1972) members voted that homosexuality was not a pathology • Removed from DSM II as disorder (1973) • Ego dystonic homosexuality appeared in DSM III (1980)—one was in conflict about one’s homosexuality • Ego dystonic homosexuality removed as a disorder—DSM III revised (1987)

  17. John F. Fulton (1899-1950) Neurophysiologist & Historian of Medicine Yale University

  18. Egas Moniz and the Leucotomeperformed first leucotomy, 1935 Received Nobel Prize in Medicine in 1949 for this work

  19. Leucotome demonstration of destruction of white matter

  20. John F. Fulton on the Function of the Frontal Lobes ( AMA, 1939)

  21. Transorbital Lobotomy

  22. Walter Freeman performing Transorbital Lobotomy (1949)

  23. (1962) (1975)

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