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Therapies. Therapy involves:. Identifying the problem Identifying the cause Deciding a form of treatment. Types of therapists:. Counseling psychologists Clinical psychologists Psychiatrists Psychiatric nurse practitioners Psychoanalysts Clinical social workers Pastoral counselors.

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Presentation Transcript

  1. Therapies

  2. Therapy involves: • Identifying the problem • Identifying the cause • Deciding a form of treatment

  3. Types of therapists: • Counseling psychologists • Clinical psychologists • Psychiatrists • Psychiatric nurse practitioners • Psychoanalysts • Clinical social workers • Pastoral counselors

  4. The History of Psychological Disorders Is Indeed Varied.

  5. Phillip Pineal in France and Dorethea Dix in America.

  6. Treatment Used on Is Based on the Therapists Background. Behavioral therapies

  7. Cont. • Some believe they are biologically rooted • Some believe they are a response to social conditions

  8. Therapies Are Classified Into Two Main Categories: structured verbal intervention. directly impact the nervous system.

  9. The Psychotherapies

  10. Psychotherapy is a Planned, Emotionally Charged Confiding Interaction Between a Trained Socially Sanctioned Healer and a Sufferer.

  11. There are two categories of psychotherapies: • Insight or talk therapies

  12. The second type of psychotherapy are the behavior therapies

  13. Psychoanalysis

  14. Psychoanalysis Comes From Freudian Psychoanalytic Techniques.

  15. Cont. • free association

  16. Cont. • resistance

  17. Cont. • results from anxiety and repression.

  18. Dreams latent content.

  19. Patient begins to trust the analyst.

  20. psychoanalysts insist that they are helpful.

  21. . • Few psychoanalysts today

  22. Humanist Therapies

  23. People are motivated by healthy needs and self-fulfillment .

  24. The Best Known Is Carl Roger’s client centered therapy Problems occur when positive self-image is threatened.

  25. Uses a Technique Called Reflective Listening • Constantly seeking clarification

  26. Behavior Therapies

  27. Interested the elimination of the problem.

  28. They Use Counter Conditioning.

  29. Systematic Desensitization. • introduced by psychiatrist Joseph Wolpe in 1958.

  30. Cont. • Mary Cover Jones’s rabbit experiment showed how to eliminate a child’s fear.

  31. Progressive laxation Also Eliminates Unwanted Behaviors

  32. Exposure treatment • A more aggressive type of systematic desensitization

  33. Behavioral Therapists Also Use Observational Learning. .

  34. Aversive Stimuli

  35. Cont. The person’s ability to discriminate real from fiction impacts the effectiveness of this treatment.

  36. Behaviorists Also Use Operant Conditioning

  37. Dialectic behavior therapy • Focuses on getting people to accept themselves

  38. Cognitive Therapies

  39. Thinking Affects Feelings. • Depressed people misinterpret things.

  40. Rational Emotive Therapy • Created by Albert Ellis • problems arise from irrational thinking.

  41. you can reach your goals by positive self talk.

  42. Many cognitive therapists feel depressed people do not possess aself serving bias.

  43. Children can be taught skills that will buffer them against depression.

  44. Donald Meehanbaum Uses Something Called Stress Inoculation Training.

  45. Cognitive therapy actually changes the brain.

  46. Interpersonal therapy Concentrates on improving social relationships by building social skills

  47. Group and Family Therapies

  48. All of these therapies except for traditional psychoanalysis can occur in small groups.

  49. The social context shows others have similar problems.

  50. Family Therapy..

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