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Tips on How to Write A Professional Biography

This presentation gives top tips on how to Write A Professional Biography. For more details you can visit http://www.bioexamples.net/

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Tips on How to Write A Professional Biography

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  1. Tips on How to Write A Professional Biography bioexamples.net

  2. BIOGRAPHY Biography is simply a description of life time events of a person. It is comprised of comprehensive information about a person; from birth till present. It contains series of events, accomplishments and failures of a person’s life. bioexamples.net

  3. Writing A Biography Purpose of writing biography? Theme of biography Professional Personal Biography of some other person. bioexamples.net

  4. Know your Audience For whom you are writing (Yourself or someone else) Narrow down the information Basic facts Name, Dob, Year of Birth and death Education Marital Status Children   Awards and achievements Failure if any bioexamples.net

  5. Qualities Both good and bad qualities Illustrations of those qualities Impact of qualities on others life Habits Hobbies Volunteer Work Source of Inspiration bioexamples.net

  6. Tips For Writing A Biography Be professional and courteous Give accurate and correct information Do not give essay Keep it focused and simple Must be written in a way that it engage and draw readers’ attention. Highlight Your expertise bioexamples.net

  7. Go into the depth Gather maximum information Discuss the facts that made the life of person interesting Discuss the turns and bends of a person’s life Impact on turns and bends on person’s life Editing Proofreading and editing must be done bioexamples.net

  8. Writing A professional Biography A professional biography is an art of representing yourself in a best possible way. It can be both short and long depends upon the requirement and audience. bioexamples.net

  9. Generally It is about; Information about yourself What you do? What make u different from other? What skills and abilities you possess? What u can do? bioexamples.net

  10. Tips For Writing A Professional Biography Never use “I” Highlight your Unique expertise Should not be more than 2 Pages. Don’t fill the space with irrelevant and redundant data. Avoid listing personal statistics, such as family and hobbies bioexamples.net

  11. You can learn more at… bioxamples.net

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