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Free Salesforce DEV-401 - Certified Force.com Developer Sample Questions | Exam4Help

Exam4Help.com have changed the thought of students about Salesforce DEV-401 exam by providing them Salesforce DEV-401 dumps. If you are worried about your exam preparation then this exam guide is the best option for you that can give you relaxation. Experts highly recommend the use of a valid and authentic study material for good results. While preparing with us, you are given a study plan with directions of experts. If you work according to the study scheme and expertly directions, then you there is no chance of failure. You have money back guarantee with Salesforce DEV-401 study material that hold you eligible to claim your payment back in case of unsatisfied results. You can stand out with unique grades in your final exam if you spend time practicing through Online Practice Test. You will not only know about the exam format and pattern but you will also revise Salesforce DEV-401 PDF questions and answers. Buy this short guide right now at low-cost.

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Free Salesforce DEV-401 - Certified Force.com Developer Sample Questions | Exam4Help

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Presentation Transcript

  1. Salesforce DEV-401 Dumps PDF DEV-401 Dumps

  2. Question: 1 Which of the following are the 3 layers of an application? (Select all that apply) A. User Interface B. Business Logic C. Business Data D. Data Model E. Objects Answer: A, B, D DEV-401 Question Answers

  3. Question: 2 Data and process-centric applications are best suited for Force.com. A. True B. False Answer: A DEV-401 Exam Study Material

  4. Question: 3 What are the 4 Declarative Application building blocks of the User Interface? (Select all that apply) A. Visualforce Pages B. Applications C. Tabs D. Workflow E. Page Layouts F. Record Types Answer: B, C, E, F DEV-401 Dumps PDF

  5. Question: 4 Building your Data Model True or False The limit on the number of custom fields per object depends on the Salesforce edition. A. True B. False Answer: A DEV-401 Dumps PDF

  6. Question: 5 Encrypted fields can be edited regardless of whether you have the "View Encrypted Data" permission. A. True B. False Answer: A DEV-401 Dumps PDF

  7. Salesforce DEV-401 Dumps PDF Building Applications with Force.com and Visualforce DEV-401 Dumps

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