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Women of Achievement

Women of Achievement. Great or not? (the first period). Every day's English:. The path to glory is always rugged. 通向光荣的路常常是崎岖的。. Jane Goodall. Elizabeth Fry. Soong Chingling. Jody Williams. Lin Qiaozhi.

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Women of Achievement

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  1. Women of Achievement Great or not? (the first period)

  2. Every day's English: • The path to glory is always rugged. • 通向光荣的路常常是崎岖的。

  3. Jane Goodall Elizabeth Fry Soong Chingling Jody Williams Lin Qiaozhi

  4. As early as 1813, Elizabeth began to make several visits to Newgate prison but the great public work of her life dates effectively from the formation of the association for the improvement of the female prisoners in Newgate in April 1817. Its aims included the separation of the sexes, classification of criminals, female supervision for women and adequate provisions for religious and secular instruction.

  5. Song Qingling,the second wife of the Chinese revolutionary leader Sun Yat-sen. She became an influential Chinese political figure after her husband's death. In 1981 she was named honorary Chairman of the People's Republic. she busied herself with various welfare activities, ranging from heading the Women's Federation to a number of committees of (orphaned) children. (1893--1981)

  6. Jane Goodall博士于2002年4月16日被任命为联合国和平使者。她因其在保护坦桑尼亚黑猩猩方面所做的开拓性工作而享有盛誉,这一工作在42年前就开始了。为表彰其在环保研究、环保教育、环保倡议等方面所作出的贡献,联合国秘书长任命她为可持续发展峰会顾问小组的成员,协助峰会达到预定目标。

  7. Ms. Jody Williams is the founding coordinator of the International Campaign to Ban Landmines (ICBL), which was formally launched by six nongovernmental organizations (NGOs) in October of 1992. Ms. Williams has overseen the growth of the ICBL to more than 1,000 NGOs in more than sixty countries. She has served as the chief strategist and spokesperson for the campaign. Working in a unprecedented cooperative effort with governments, UN bodies and the International Committee of the Red Cross, the ICBL achieved its goal of an international treaty banning antipersonnel landmines during the diplomatic conference held in Oslo in September 1997.

  8. She has been revered as a national symbol in French patriotic circles since the 19th century. Joan of Arc's campaigns were responsible for a revitalization of Charles VII's faction during the Hundred Years' War. The United States Military, also, has recognized women who have shown such spirit like Joan's. "Of the love or hatred God has for the English, I know nothing, but I do know that they will all be thrown out of France, except those who die there." (Joan of Arc )

  9. 林巧稚(1901-1983年),现代妇产科专家。福建厦门人。1913年就读于厦门女子师范学校;1919年毕业后留校任教。1921年考入北京协和医学校,1929年毕业,获博士学位,受聘于北京协和医院,任妇产科助理住院医师。1931年任该院妇产科助教。1932年赴英国曼彻斯特医学院和伦敦妇产科医院进修。1933年前往奥地利维也纳进行医学考察。1935年在北京协和医院妇产科任讲师,一年后升任副教授。1939年前往美国芝加哥大学医学院妇产科进修。1940年回国,任北京协和医院妇产科主任,是该院第一位中国籍女主任,同年并受聘为美国“自然科学荣誉委员会”会员;1942年协和医院为日本军队侵占,林巧稚遂离医院自行开业同时兼任北京中和医院(现人民医院)妇产科主任。1946年兼任北京大学医学院教授。1948年协和医院复办,她又回到该院任妇产科主任。建国后一直在该院任原职。1959年兼任北京妇产医院院长和中国医学科学院副院长。

  10. Discussion 1.Besides the above women ,who do you think are also great women? Who are they? Can you say something about them? 2.Some more examples:

  11. Mary Curie (1867--- 1934) chemist and physical scientist in France Among all the famous people, she is the only one who isn’t corrupted by great reputation. ------ Albert Einstein 她是本世纪唯一未受盛名腐化的人。——阿尔伯特·爱因斯坦 居里夫人(Marie Curie):1902年获科学院Berthelot奖章和Gegner奖金;1903年获Davy奖章;1903年获诺贝尔物理学奖;1911年获诺贝尔化学奖;1919年获西班牙阿尔丰斯十二世大十字勋章;1921年获美国费城哲学学会Benjamin Franklin奖章、John Scott奖章和Gibbs奖章;1922年获美国放射学会金质奖章。

  12. 英国王妃戴安娜1997年8月31日在巴黎遇车祸丧生。人们痛悼戴妃,绝非因为她的地位和金发,也不是因为她的年青和美丽,主要是因为她平易近人,心地善良。在戴妃辞世5周年之际,让我们一起怀念这位“人民的王妃”。 据报载,戴安娜可能是世界上最热心、也是最成功的集资者。她生前曾与英国100多个慈善团体有联系, 并把精力集中于由她担任主席的6个慈善团体。这些团体主要的资助对象是老人、儿童、癌症和艾滋病患者以及无家可归者。戴安娜不但通过许多社会活动为这些团体筹款,她自己也常常直接捐款。单是在纽约拍卖她的服装一项,戴安娜便为慈善事业捐款350万英镑,其中100万英镑用于癌症的治疗与研究。戴安娜经常走访医院和其他福利机构。她亲自去看望艾滋病人,跟他们面对面地交谈,并且坚持在与他们握手时不戴手套。这一行动既给艾滋病患者带来生活的勇气与希望,也使社会受到震动。    戴安娜生前曾担任英国红十字会的顾问,她为禁止在战争中使用地雷进行了不懈努力。她曾访问了安哥拉和波黑,她以自己勇敢的行动向世人警示战争的残酷并呼唤人类的良心。在很多人看来,戴安娜就是禁雷运动。

  13. Margaret Thatcher was the longest serving British Prime Minister since 1827. she was the leader of the country from 1979to 1990. her conservative politics led to the implementation of such politics as the poll tax. The Falkland Islands war was fought while she was Prime Minister. Her introduction of Poll Tax caused a riot. When her party leadership was challenged in 1990, she resigned, later also retiring from the House of Commons.

  14. Goodbye

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