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SEO Company Dubai – 10 SEO Company Dubai Don’ts To Avoid For Success

Hiring an SEO company Dubai is far from picking a company to service your copy machine. Online marketing can make or break your business u2013 so choosing the right digital partner involves substantial research of the SEO company you are considering.<br>

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SEO Company Dubai – 10 SEO Company Dubai Don’ts To Avoid For Success

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  1. SEO Company Dubai – 10 SEO Company Dubai Don’ts To Avoid For Success rooteddigital.blogspot.com/2020/09/seo-company-dubai-10-seo-company-dubai.html In the last article, we covered what search engines are looking for. Now, let’s learn about what search engines are repelled by. There are several SEO Don’ts that can drive Google mad and bring in the penalties if you’re not careful. Be wary of practices your SEO company Dubai could be doing that are detrimental for your website’s health. Here’s a checklist to make sure you are not crossing Google’s red flags! 1. Intrusive ads Annoying ads destroy the very pleasure of reading your content in the first place. They also slow down your website’s loading speed. 2. Mobile friendliness You could be optimized for mobile in all kinds of ways but if your interstitial is a full- screen advert to download your app, Google is slashing you off the mobile-friendly list. 3. Duplicate content 1/3

  2. Your high school teacher probably warned you that plagiarism is by far the worst offence. Well, that translates into reality too. If Google finds duplicate content, be it your site or another’s you are not aware of, it will index only one. Watch out for content scrapers that use automated software to steal your content and claim it as their own. 4. Keyword stuffing Overuse of keywords is a thing of the past, hallelujah. Everything in moderation, of course. But some websites still go about this bad habit of stuffing their content with keywords which clearly affects the readability of their website. It is even debatable that Google even considers keywords as highly for ranking anymore. 5. Link farming This tactic is, in fact, considered black-hat wherein websites create artificial, mutual links for the sole purpose of promoting their popularity score. Buying links in this way tricks websites into ranking higher which, in essence, steals traffic away from genuine websites who earned it. But Google spots this unethical behavior immediately and heavily penalizes whoever takes part in this. 6. Hidden links and text A user may never notice that you have some white text on a white background, or text tactfully positioned off-screen, or that link you sneakily placed in that full-stop. But Google sure will. This manipulative tactic is yet another one to avoid if you don’t want to suffer the wrath of Google. And also, 1990s called, they want their spam back. 7. Being overly general Realistically, a real estate company in Abu Dhabi does not have a shot at ranking for the word “real estate”. It’s important to optimize for specific, when possible long-tail, keywords that understand searcher intent. 2/3

  3. 8. Taking decisions too lightly Hiring an SEO company Dubai is far from picking a company to service your copy machine. Online marketing can make or break your business – so choosing the right digital partner involves substantial research of the SEO company you are considering. Choose wisely. The kind of reputable SEO agency you are looking to hire does not send spam – it’s not actually possible to buy 1000 quality links for $20. 9. Waiting too long to incorporate SEO Include SEO in your discussions from day 1. If you wait on it for fear that you won’t get it right or desire to be perfect, you might miss the optimization train. Need we remind you? the competition is fierce. 10. Obsessing over rankings Your rankings are going to change whether you take a sneak peek or not. It’s more productive to use that time to improve your website than let the emotional roller coaster take you on a ride as you watch your website flutter up and down the SERP. At the end of the day, SEO is about people, not search engines. Yes, it’s important to make your content accessible to search crawlers, but the core is really making your content useful to your prospective customers. SEO is a long-haul game. Don’t lose sight of why you started. Rooted Digital is a Dubai SEO company that specializes in providing search engine marketing services. 3/3

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