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Project Scheduling

Project Scheduling. Basic Approach. Introduction. A project is a collection of tasks that must be completed in minimum time or at minimal cost. It is made up by a set of tasks or activities , some of which must be completed before others can be started.

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Project Scheduling

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  1. Project Scheduling Basic Approach

  2. Introduction • A project is a collection of tasks that must be completed in minimum time or at minimal cost. • It is made up by a set of tasks or activities, some of which must be completed before others can be started. • The ones that must be completed before a particular activity can be started are called predecessors. • Immediate predecessors are the ones that must be done just prior to the commencement of a particular activity. • A feasible scheduling is one that schedules the activities without violating any of the immediate predecessor scheduling constraints.

  3. Possible Objectives • Some objectives of project scheduling include: • Completing the project as early as possible by determining an earliest start and finish time for each of the activities • Determining the likelihood a project will be completed within a certain time period • Finding a minimum cost schedule that completes the project by a certain date • Finding a minimum time to complete a project within budget restrictions • Investigating the results of possible delays in one or more of an activity’s completion time • Evaluating the costs and benefits of reducing the time of performing one or more of the activities

  4. Activities • An activity could be: • Quite specific • e.g. install light switch in third bathroom • Less detailed • e.g. install electrical for the house • The degree of specificity used depends on the application and availability of data. • Each activity has a set of immediate predecessor activities that must be completed immediately prior to starting the activity.

  5. Activity Completion Times • Associated with each activity is an estimated completion time. These time could be: • Deterministic • The completion time is known with certainty • Probabilistic • The completion time varies according to some probability distribution with an estimated mean and standard deviation • Determined by the amount spent to perform the activity.

  6. Example KLONE COMPUTERS, INC. • KLONE Computers manufactures computers. • It is about to design, manufacture, and market the Klonepalm 2000 palmbook computer. • In broad terms, the three major tasks to perform are to: • Design and manufacture the computer • Train staff and vendor representatives on the features and use of the computer • Advertise the computer

  7. Detailed Activities ActivityDescription A Prototype model design B Purchase of materials Manufacturing C Manufacture of prototype model activities D Revision of design E Initial production run F Staff training Training activitiesG Staff input on prototype models H Sales training I Pre-production advertising Advertising activitiescampaign J Post-redesign advertising campaign

  8. Precedence Relations Activity Starts after Completion Days Immediate Predecessor's) A-Prototype Design 90 NONE B-Purchase Materials Starts After 15 A-Prototype Design C-Manufacture Prototypes 5 Starts After B-Purchase Materials D-Design Revision Starts After 20 C-Manufacture Prototypes and G-Staff Input E-Initial Production Run Starts After 21 D-Design Revision F-Staff Training Starts After 25 A-Prototype Design G-Staff Input Starts After 14 C-Manufacture Prototypes and F-Staff Training H-Sales Training Starts After 28 D-Design Revision Starts After I-Pre-Production Advertising 30 A-Prototype Design J-Post Redesign Advertising 45 Starts After D-Design Revision and I-Pre-Production Advertising

  9. The PERT/CPM Approach for Project Scheduling • PERT stands for Program Evaluation and Review Technique and CPM stands for critical path method. • Both were methods for project scheduling developed independently in the late 1950’s. • The concepts have merged over the years so that now we simply call the approach the PERT/CPM approach. • It uses a network representation (a set of nodes and a set of arcs) of the project. • Nodes represent the activities and reflect their completion times • Arcs reflect immediate predecessor relationships with arrows • PERT/CPM is used for scheduling activities such that the project’s completion time is minimized.

  10. The PERT/CPM Network E 21 B 15 C 5 H 28 F 25 G 14 D 20 J 45 I 30 A 90

  11. OBJECTIVES • Management at KLONE would like to schedule the activities to minimize the project completion time. • Management wishes to know: • The earliest start and finish times for each activity that will allow the project to be completed in this minimal time. • The latest start and finish times for each activity which will not alter this minimal time. • Which activities must adhere to rigid schedules and which activities have slack in their schedules.

  12. Earliest Start (ES) andEarliest Finish (EF) Times • The ES and EF times are determined by making a forward pass through the network as follows: • For all the activities which have no immediate predecessors: • The earliest start time (ES) = 0 • The earliest finish time (EF) = the activity’s duration • Then select a node for which EF of all its immediate predecessors has been determined. • ES = Max EF (of all its immediate predecessors) • EF = ES + Activity Duration • Repeat this process until all nodes have been evaluated Minimum Project Completion Time is The maximum EF in the project.

  13. Earliest Start and Finish Times E 21 B 15 C 5 MAX(110,115) H 28 A 90 F 25 G 14 D 20 MAX(120,149) J 45 I 30 • We enter these as (ES,EF) above each node. 170) (149, 110) (105, (90, 105) 21 15 5 (149, 177) 115) 90) (90, (0, 149) (129, 129) (115, 28 90 14 25 20 194) (149, 120) (90, 45 30 Earliest Project completion time = MAX(EF) =194

  14. Latest Start (LS) andLatest Finish (LF) Times • The LS and LF times are determined by making a backward pass through the network as follows: • For all the activities which are not predecessors for any other activity • The latest finish time (LF) = project completion time • The latest start time (LS) = LF – Activity Duration • Select a node which is the immediate predecessor for nodes whose LS times have all been determined • LF = Min LS (all nodes for which it is a predecessor) • LS = LF - Activity Duration • Repeat this process until all nodes have been evaluated

  15. Latest Start and Finish Times (149, 170) E 21 110) (105, (90, 105) B 15 C 5 (149, 177) 115) 90) (90, (0, 149) (129, 129) (115, H 28 A 90 F 25 G 14 D 20 194) (149, 120) J 45 (90, MIN(173, 166, 149) MIN(95, 90, 119) I 30 • We enter these as (LS,LF) below each node. 21 15 5 194) (173, 110) (95, (110, 115) 28 90 20 14 25 194) (166, (115, 115) (90, 129) (0, 90) 149) (129, 45 30 (149, 194) (119, 149)

  16. Slack Times • Activity start time and completion time may be delayed by deliberate reasons as well as by unforeseen reasons. • Some of these delays may affect the overall completion date. • The effects of these delays can be determined by the slack time, for each activity. Slack time for an activity = LS-ES or LF-EF

  17. The Critical Path The activities with 0 slack time form at least one critical path of connected activities, each of which is an immediate predecessor for another activity on the path from the beginning (time = 0) to the end (the completion time of the project). • Critical activities must be rigidly scheduled. • Any delay in a critical activity will delay the entire project. • The critical path is the longest in the network Sum of the completion times of activities on a critical path = Project completion time

  18. Slack Time Calculations - - - - - - - - - - ES 90 90 0 90 115 105 129 149 149 5 0 0 0 29 SLACK 17 24 5 0 B G A F H C I E Activity D LS 129 115 90 0 173 119 95 110 166 = = = = = = = = = = Critical Activities - 149 0 J 149 = • Slack time = LS - ES Critical Path A F G D  J

  19. The Critical Path (149, 170) 110) (105, (90, 105) E 21 B 15 C 5 (149, 177) 115) (90, (0, 90) 194) 149) (173, (129, 129) (115, 110) (95, (110, 115) H 28 A 90 F 25 G 14 D 20 194) (166, (115, 115) (90, 129) (0, 90) 149) (129, 194) (149, 120) (90, J 45 I 30 (149, 194) (119, 149)

  20. Possible Delays • There could be a delay in just one activity. • Any delay more than the slack time for the activity will delay the entire project by the difference between the activity delay and the slack time • There could be delays in more than one activity. • If activities are on different paths or on the same path but separated by a critical activity, each of the delays is evaluated separately. The project delay = max (these delays – corresponding slack). • Activities on the same path which are not separated by a critical activity share the slack. Both will have the same value for the slack and any combined delays in these activities that exceed this common slack results in a project delay equal to (total activity delay) – (common slack). • Usually with multiple delays the model is simply re-solved!

  21. Examples of Activity Delays • Activity G is delayed 5 days • G is on the critical path (has 0 slack) so the project will be delayed 5 days. • Activity E is delayed 15 days • E has 24 days of slack so the project will not be delayed • Activity B is delayed 15 days • B has 5 days of slack so the project will be delayed 10 days • Activity E is delayed 30 days and Activity I is delayed 30 days • E and I are on different paths. E has 24 days of slack which could cause a 30-24 = 6 day delay; I has 29 days of slack which could cause 30-29 = 1 day delay. The project is delayed by the MAX(6,1) = 6 days. • Activity B is delayed 4 days and Activity E is delayed 4 days • B and E are on the same path but are separated by critical activities (G and D). This is the same as the case above. B has 5 days slack so delaying it 4 days would not delay the project; E has 24 days of slack so a 4 day delay will not delay the project – Net effect– No delay. • Activity B is delayed 4 days and Activity C is delayed 4 days • B and C are on the same path with no critical activity in between. They share the same 5 days of slack. So since both are delayed 4 days for a total of 8 days, the project is delayed 8 – 5 = 3 days.

  22. A Linear Programming Approach to PERT/CPM L M • Variables • Xi = The start time of the activities for i=A, B, C, …,J • X(FIN) = Finish time of the project • Objective function • Complete the project in minimum time. • Constraints • For each arc a constraint states that the start time of M must not occur before the finish time of its immediate predecessor, L.

  23. The Linear Program C 5 G F 25 XG START TIME FOR G ≥ XC + 5 Finish time for C START TIME FOR G XG ≥ Finish time for F XF + 25 Minimize X(FIN) ST X(FIN) ³ XE + 21 X(FIN) ³ XH + 28 X(FIN) ³ XJ + 45 XE³ XD + 20 XG³ XC+ 5 XH ³ XD + 20 XG³ XF+ 25 XJ ³ XD + 20 XI³ XA+ 90 XJ³ XI + 30 XF³ XA+ 90 XC ³ XB+ 15 XD³ XG+ 14 XB³ XA+ 90 Example ofConstraints Start Time for C + C’s Duration and Start Time for F + F’s Duration All X’s ³ 0

  24. Using the PERT-CPM Template Enter activity names. Node are names automatically generated. Enter precedence relations. If an activity has more than one immediate predecessor, input one node entry for each immediate predecessor. Enter (Constant) Activity Times

  25. Using the PERT-CPM Template Go to Solver in Tools menu Just click solve. The algorithm has been pre-programmed. It will look like nothing happened, but that’s okay. Click the PERT OUTPUT tab.

  26. Click Solve

  27. Review • Objectives of Project Scheduling • Precedence Relation Chart showing immediate predecessors • How to construct a PERT/CPM network • Forward Pass for finding the earliest start/finish times (ES,EF) • Backwards Pass for finding the latest start/finish times (LS,LF) • Calculation and analysis of slack • Finding the critical path • Linear programming formulation • Use of PERT-CPM template

  28. Exercise Given the following project with 5 activities. What is the project completion time?

  29. Answer

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