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Caesar 1.1

Caesar 1.1. Gallia  est omnis divisa  in  partes tres ,  quarum unam incolunt Belgae,aliam Aquitani ,  tertiam  qui  ipsorum lingua Celtae , nostra  Galli appellantur . Hi omnes  lingua,  institutis ,  legibus  inter se  differunt .  Gallos abAquitanis Garumna flumen , a  Belgis Matrona

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Caesar 1.1

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Presentation Transcript

  1. Caesar 1.1

  2. Gallia estomnisdivisa in partestres, quarumunam incoluntBelgae,aliamAquitani, tertiam qui ipsorum linguaCeltae, nostra Galliappellantur. Hiomnes lingua, institutis, legibus inter se differunt.  GallosabAquitanisGarumnaflumen, a BelgisMatrona etSequanadividit. Gaul as a whole is divided into three parts, of which the Belgae inhabit one (part), another the Aquitani, those who in their own language are called the Celts, in our’s the Gauls, (inhabit) the third. These all in (respect to) language, customs, and laws differ from each other. The Garumna river separates the Gauls from the Aquitani, the Matrona and Sequana (rivers separate the Gauls) from the Belgae.

  3. HorumomniumfortissimisuntBelgae, propterea quod a cultuatquehumanitateprovinciae longissimeabsunt, minimeque ad eosmercatores saepecommeantatque ea quae ad effeminandos animos pertinent important, proximiquesunt Germanis, qui trans Rhenumincolunt, quibuscum continenter bellum gerunt. Of all of these the bravest are the Belgae, because they are farthest away from the civilization and culture of the province, and merchants visit them very little/least often and so they import (least often) the things which pertain to the feminizing/ making womanly of minds, and they are closest to the Germans, who dwell across the Rhine, with whom they are continually waging war.

  4.  Qua de causaHelvetiiquoquereliquosGallosvirtute praecedunt, quod ferecotidianisproeliis cum  Germaniscontendunt, cum autsuisfinibuseos prohibentautipsi in eorumfinibus bellum gerunt. And concerning this cause the Helvetians surpass the other Gauls in courage, because they fight with the Germans almost daily in battles, since they are either keeping them from their own borders or are themselves waging war in their (i.e. the Germans’) territories.

  5. Eorumuna pars, quam Gallosobtinere dictum est,  initiumcapita flumineRhodano, contineturGarumna flumine, Oceano, finibusBelgarum, attingitetiamab Sequanis et HelvetiisflumenRhenum, vergit ad septentriones. Of these (sections of Gaul) one part, which it is said that the Gauls possess, takes its beginning from the Rhone river, is held by the Garumna river, by the ocean, by the boundaries of the Belgae, it even extends from the Sequani and Helvetii to the Rhine river, and lies toward the north.

  6. Belgaeab extremis Galliaefinibusoriuntur, pertinent ad inferiorempartemfluminisRheni, spectant in Belgaeab extremis Galliaefinibusoriuntur, pertinent ad inferiorempartemfluminisRheni, spectant in  septentrionem et orientemsolem. The Belgae begin at the furthest boundaries of Gaul, they extend to the lower part of the Rhine river, they face the north and the rising sun. (i.e. they face northeast).

  7. Aquitania a Garumnaflumine ad Pyrenaeosmontes et eampartemOceani quae est ad Hispaniampertinet; Aquitania a Garumnaflumine ad Pyrenaeosmontes et eampartemOceani quae est ad Hispaniampertinet;  spectat inter occasumsolis et septentriones. Aquitania (stretches/lies/extends) from the Garumna river to the Pyranesemountains and that part of the ocean which is contained by Spain; it faces/lies between the setting of the sun and the north (i.e. the northwest).

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