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Think & Learning

Think & Learning . Not what to think , H ow to think !. Who do you Want to Be ??. Science to calculate your Success. Data - Facts and statistics collected together for reference or analysis There are Two types of Data: -Quantitative -Qualitative. Data . Quantitative

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Think & Learning

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Presentation Transcript

  1. Think & Learning

    Not what to think, How to think!
  2. Who do you Want to Be ??
  3. Science to calculate your Success
  4. Data-Facts and statistics collected together for reference or analysis There are Two types of Data: -Quantitative -Qualitative Data
  5. Quantitative Individual facts, statistics, or items of information Qualitative Deals with descriptions. Data can be observed but not measured. Colors, textures, smells, tastes, appearance Data
  6. Quantitative Qualitative Examples
  7. There are three networks of the brain: Strategic network Affective network Recognition network Learning networks of the brain
  8. Recognition network
  9. Affective networks Networks in the brain that enable us to engage with learning; networks specialized to evaluate patterns and impart emotional significance to them Affective network
  10. Strategic networks Networks in the brain that enable us to plan, execute, and self-monitor actions and skills; networks specialized to generate and oversee mental and motor patterns Strategic network
  11. Looking glass self
  12. Example
  13. How do you make decisions???

    Are you using all of your networks equally?
  14. Your brain……
  15. Law of attraction The law of attraction is the name given to the belief that "like attracts like" and that by focusing on positive or negative thoughts, one can bring about positive or negative results Laws of attraction
  16. Friendship: The Laws of Attraction The conventional wisdom is that we choose friends because of who they are. But it turns out that we actually love them because of the way they support who we are. By Karen Karbo, published on November 01, 2006 How your friends affect you??
  17. Do your Friends make it ok for you to be less than who you think you should be???
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