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Fracking. By: Ashley Corrigan. Background Info. Fracking is drilling into the ground to retrieve natural gases stored inside the earth. Makes it possible to produce natural gas extraction in shale plays that were once unreachable with conventional technologies.

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  1. Fracking By: Ashley Corrigan

  2. Background Info • Fracking is drilling into the ground to retrieve natural gases stored inside the earth. • Makes it possible to produce natural gas extraction in shale plays that were once unreachable with conventional technologies. • Recently, advancements in drilling technology have led to new man-made hydraulic fractures in shale plays that were once unavailable for exploration.

  3. Court Case 1: Pennsylvania • Pennsylvania court struck down a law that forbade municipalities to limit where natural gas can take place within the state boundaries. • The highest court ruling was they were allowed to drill as long as they took consideration into the area of where they were drilling. • The law was changed by making fracking legal but with consideration as to where the fracking was taking place.

  4. Court Case 2: New York • People in two towns of New Yok are trying to remoe a frackig ban that was set in the two areas. • The highest court ruling has still not been made yet. • . The law will most likely be changed by this because of all the effort being put into making fracking legal for those two areas.

  5. Mercyhurt’sDaucey calls PA “experimental fracking mecca”. • Controversial method of extracting natural gas/petroleum from subterranean shale. • Can help the U.S achieve energy independence while also stimulating the economy and creating jobs. • Can help the U.S achieve energy independence while also stimulating the economy and creating jobs.

  6. Cleaner Fracking • Some companies have developed chemical treatments to remove contaminants and microbes from the wastewater. • Water can be reused after cleaning • Other companies use evaporators to separate fresh water from the brine

  7. Conclusion • Conclusion: Fracking can have good and bad effects for the U.S. Good effects are that it can create jobs for people who are unemployed; the bad effects are that it can dangerously pollute water and air and cause health problems. I vote against it.

  8. My Law Concerning Fracking • I/We propose that a law be made which says. “Fracking shall not be allowed in the U.S until we can make sure it won’t pollute our air and water and create health problems.”

  9. Evidence that it protects rights • 9th Amendment because people have rights to things that are not listed in the Constitution. • Protects right to health. • Protects our environment.

  10. Evidence that it protects common good • Clean air • Clean water • No health problems

  11. Essay • Fracking can be both good and bad at the same time. It can be good because it can create jobs. But, it’s very bad because it can pollute the air and water. It can also create major health problems for the citizens of the area it’s affecting. Fracking deals with drilling into the earth to retrieve natural gases trapped inside. If fracking does become legal, it would cause problems. Problems include: environmental dangers, health issues, work related injuries, and so on. Sure, it can create jobs but it still will cause major problems. • I choose to vote against fracking. I don’t think this country is ready enough to face the dangers and coincidences that will come as a result of fracking. We don’t exactly know what can and will happen. The health issues that can and will result from fracking can possibly be too much to handle. Work related injuries can be a big issue because there will be many people that will sue the company they worked for. We will also lose a lot of money into funding for fracking. The equipment will cost a lot and it will take a while to understand how to work it properly and correctly. There are so many dangers that can result from fracking. • People may argue against this topic by saying stuff about how we may have already dealt with situations like this before. They could also say that we will have enough money to fund for it or people won’t get hurt from the job. The thing is, we won’t know how to deal with the possible results of this. We haven’t had anything like this before and we won’t know anything about dealing with it. Also, with the injuries we don’t know how serious they can get. The law suits resulting from those injuries will cause many more of issues. The money it will take to fund into fracking will put this country into even more debt than we already are. • Arguments brought by anyone who votes for fracking can easily be fought back. The more dangers that are listed, the more those people can’t say yes. There are so many dangers that we won’t be able to deal with because we aren’t ready for them. This country needs to prepare itself first before we decide to do fracking and things go terribly wrong. • My vote is to not allow fracking. Because of all the dangers previously listed, I say no to fracking in this country. Fracking is really dangerous. Despite how many jobs it can create, it will still cause horrible problems for this country. If anyone tries to vote yes to fracking, the list of dangers and hazards can be read to them and they will see the point of saying no. Fracking is something that will destroy our environment and cause too many problems for this country.

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