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Myers EXPLORING PSYCHOLOGY 6th Edition in Modules

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Myers EXPLORING PSYCHOLOGY 6th Edition in Modules

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    1. Myers EXPLORING PSYCHOLOGY (6th Edition in Modules) Module 27 Sexual Motivation

    2. Sexual Motivation Sex is a physiologically based motive, like hunger, but it is more affected by learning and values.

    3. Research on Sexuality Kinsey (et al, 1953; Kinsey, Pomeroy and Martin, 1948) asked volunteers about their sexual practices Masters and Johnson (1966) measured actual physiological sexual response patterns in a lab. However, the Kinsey and Masters and Johnson studies used volunteers and the data is outdated.

    4. More Research on Sexuality The University of Chicago conducted the “National Health and Social Life Survey” – the first extensive study of sexual behavior in the United States (1994). Did not depend on self-selected volunteers. Carefully constructed the sample to reflect the sociocultural diversity of the U.S. Used face-to-face interviews and encouraged honesty. Researchers found that: People in U.S. have sex less often and with fewer partners than many had assumed. People in committed, one-partner relationships has the most frequent and the most satisfying sex. Overwhelming majority of heterosexual couples reported considerably little variation in sexual practices.

    5. Sexual Motivation Sexual Response Cycle the four stages of sexual responding described by Masters and Johnson excitement plateau orgasm resolution 19661966

    6. Sexual Motivation Refractory Period resting period after orgasm, during which a man cannot achieve another orgasm Sexual Disorder a problem that consistently impairs sexual arousal or functioning

    7. Sex Hormones Sex hormones are necessary but not sufficient for human sexual behavior. Sex hormones have 2 effects: They direct the development of male and female sex characteristics. They activate sexual behavior This is more obvious in non-human animals. Hormones more loosely influence human behavior. Sex hormone levels of males are more constant and therefore more difficult to manipulate experimentally. Castrated male rats eventually lose their interest in females, and if injected with testosterone, they gradually regain it.Castrated male rats eventually lose their interest in females, and if injected with testosterone, they gradually regain it.

    8. Sexual Motivation Estrogen a sex hormone, secreted in greater amounts by females than by males in nonhuman females, levels peak during ovulation, promoting sexual receptivity

    9. Sexual Motivation Testosterone most important of the male sex hormones both males and females have it, but the extra testosterone in males stimulates growth of sex organs in the fetus and development of the male sex characteristics during puberty

    10. Testosterone Women are more likely to respond to a decline in testosterone level with a decline in desire. For men, fluctuations in testosterone level are normal and do not necessarily affect desire. For men, testosterone increases in response to sexual stimuli, such as talking to a female. During the 16 and 1700s when prepubertal boys were castrated to preserve their soprano voices for Italian opera, the normal development of sex characteristics and desire did not occur. “Mom, I don’t think I want to be in choir…” Male sex offenders who take Depo-Provera lose much of their sex drive (it reduces testosterone) Men with low testosterone do experience increased desire and energy from testosterone replacement therapy.During the 16 and 1700s when prepubertal boys were castrated to preserve their soprano voices for Italian opera, the normal development of sex characteristics and desire did not occur. “Mom, I don’t think I want to be in choir…” Male sex offenders who take Depo-Provera lose much of their sex drive (it reduces testosterone) Men with low testosterone do experience increased desire and energy from testosterone replacement therapy.

    11. Forces Affecting Sexual Motivation

    12. External Stimuli Equally arousing to men and women (at least according to studies using female volunteers) Repeated exposure to sexually explicit stimuli causes habituation (decrease of response) Sexually explicit material can have adverse effects: Depictions of women being sexually coerced and enjoying it increase viewing acceptance of rape myths and willingness to hurt women. Viewing X-rated films decreases satisfaction with sex partners

    13. Adolescent Sexuality and Culture Culture affects sexual practices ½ of US 9-12th graders report having had sex Rates are lower in Arab and Asian countries and among Asian Americans. Only 2.5% of unmarried Chinese students entering college reported experiencing premarital sex. In 1900, 3% of women reported experiencing premarital sex by 18; today slightly over ½ do.

    14. Teen Pregnancy Factors contributing to teen pregnancy: Ignorance: about effectiveness of birth control and possibility of pregnancy/STD. Guilt: Using birth control = admission of deliberate act. Minimal communication: about contraception with peers, parents, and partners. Alcohol use: More common among sexually active teens; teens who use alcohol before sex are less likely to use condoms. Mass media norms of unprotected promiscuity: Repeated portrayals of unsafe sex without consequence. Only 1/3 of sexually active male teens use condoms consistently. Compared with European teenagers, US teenagers have lower rates of sex, but higher rates of teen pregnancy and abortion.Only 1/3 of sexually active male teens use condoms consistently. Compared with European teenagers, US teenagers have lower rates of sex, but higher rates of teen pregnancy and abortion.

    15. Teens and STDs 2/3 of new infections occur in people under 25. Teen girls are especially vulnerable Teens with higher intelligence, actively religious teens, and teens who participate in service learning programs are more likely to delay sex. Less mature biological development and lower levels of protective antibodies… as well as mechanics of sex… make girls more vulnerable.Less mature biological development and lower levels of protective antibodies… as well as mechanics of sex… make girls more vulnerable.

    16. Sexual Motivation Births to unwed parents Attributed to a decreasing birth rate among married women and a doubling of the birthrate among unmarried women.Attributed to a decreasing birth rate among married women and a doubling of the birthrate among unmarried women.

    17. Sexual Motivation Sexual Orientation an enduring sexual attraction toward members of either one’s own sex (homosexual orientation) or the other sex (heterosexual orientation)

    18. Sexual Motivation Most of today’s psychologists view sexual orientation as neither willfully chosen or willfully changed. APA dropped homosexuality from its list of mental illnesses in 1973; the World Health Organization did in 1993, and Japan and China’s psychiatric organizations did in 1995 and 2001.Most of today’s psychologists view sexual orientation as neither willfully chosen or willfully changed. APA dropped homosexuality from its list of mental illnesses in 1973; the World Health Organization did in 1993, and Japan and China’s psychiatric organizations did in 1995 and 2001.

    19. Biological Correlates of Homosexuality Cell cluster in portion of the hypothalamus larger in women and homosexual men. Portion of fibers that connect the two halves of the brain is 1/3 larger in homosexual men. Homosexuality appears to run in families. In animals and a few human cases, alteration of the prenatal hormonal environment has resulted in alteration of sexuality. Female sheep become homosexual if exposed to testosterone during a critical period of prenatal devleopment. Hard to know if larger cell cluster is cause or effect of homosexuality. Physiological evidence is preliminary and controversial.Hard to know if larger cell cluster is cause or effect of homosexuality. Physiological evidence is preliminary and controversial.

    20. Sexual Orientation Homosexuality is not linked to problems in a child’s relationship with parents. Homosexuality is not related to a fear or hatred of people of the other gender. Homosexuality is not linked with levels of sex hormones currently in the blood. Homosexuals are not more likely to have been molested, seduced or otherwise victimized as children. Homosexuality is associated with: Living in an urban vs. rural area (9X greater) Being a poet, fiction writer, artist, or musician Having older brothers Increased rate of homosexuality among individuals with older brothers may be due to the fact that maternal antibodies may become stronger after each pregnancy with a male fetus and may prevent the fetus’ brain from developing in a male-typical pattern.Increased rate of homosexuality among individuals with older brothers may be due to the fact that maternal antibodies may become stronger after each pregnancy with a male fetus and may prevent the fetus’ brain from developing in a male-typical pattern.

    21. Sexual Motivation

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