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The Civil War

The Civil War. War Begins. -Election of 1860 -Secession of lower states -Confederate States of America -Firing on Ft. Sumter -Virginia Secedes followed by Ark., NC, and Tenn. -11 States Leave Union. War Begins. -Election of 1860 -Secession of lower states -Confederate States of America

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The Civil War

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Presentation Transcript

  1. The Civil War

  2. War Begins -Election of 1860 -Secession of lower states -Confederate States of America -Firing on Ft. Sumter -Virginia Secedes followed by Ark., NC, and Tenn. -11 States Leave Union

  3. War Begins -Election of 1860 -Secession of lower states -Confederate States of America -Firing on Ft. Sumter -Virginia Secedes followed by Ark., NC, and Tenn. -11 States Leave Union

  4. Modern War -Uses both old and new methods of war -Cavalry, Muzzle Rifles, Battlefield Formations -Railroads, telegraph, drafts, submarines, armored ships, observation balloons

  5. Strategy-Union -Constrictor (Anaconda) Plan developed by Winfield Scott -divide the south through the Mississippi and control access to its ports

  6. Strategy-Confederacy -defensive battle -European recognition

  7. Advantages-Union -most of the population -large advantages in resources -most of the transportation and industry

  8. Advantages-Confederacy -defending their homes -strong sectional pride -better military tradition and leadership

  9. Government Powers -both sides had to increase central government powers -raise an army -supply armies -finance the war -suppress any opposition -Copperheads

  10. Raising Armies -Northern Advantage -volunteers at first -drafts begin -riots -bounties paid -substitution possible -many volunteers

  11. Supplying Armies -Union Advantages -Industrial Capacity -Transportation Capabilities -Financial Centers Confederate Problems -Foraging the land -Shortages

  12. War Politics -War to Preserve Union -civil rights were restricted -habeas corpus suspended -Emancipation Debated Needed higher cause -Emancipation Proclamation Jan. 1, 1863

  13. Others in the War -African Americans Segregated Forces 54th Massachusetts -Women Nursing Clara Barton

  14. Soldier’s Lives -disillusionment of war -filthy conditions -poor food -bad medical care -prison camps Andersonville

  15. Shots Fired -war begins at Fort Sumter, S.C., 1861 -Bull Run -July 1861 -Southern victory -did not pursue the retreating Union army -citizens watched the battle

  16. Shiloh -April 1862 -costly victory for Grant -demonstrated the cost of victory would be great

  17. Antietam -Sept. 1862 -bloodiest single day of the war -Union victory for McClellan

  18. Vicksburg -Nov. 1862 -Grant surrounds city on the Mississippi -try to split the south

  19. Confederate Victories -Confederates greatly outnumbered but Lee still wins -Dec. 1862 -Fredericksburg -May 1863 -Chancellorsville -Thomas “Stonewall” Jackson is killed

  20. Gettysburg -July 1863 -Lee invades North -Little Round Top -Cemetery Ridge -Pickett’s Charge -turning point of the war as Lee is defeated -Gettysburg Address given by Lincoln several months later

  21. South is Split -July 1863 -Grant captures Vicksburg after long seige -Grant is called to command Union armies

  22. Sherman’s March -1864 -”March to the Sea”: -Total War “War is Hell” -burning of Atlanta -destroy the will to fight

  23. Grant in Pursuit -1864 -Lee in retreat -Grant attacks repeatedly at great loss of life -Lincoln wants speedy end to war

  24. War’s End -April 1865 -Grant surrounds Lee outside Richmond -surrender at Appomattox

  25. Political Changes -Power of the Federal Gov’t is supreme -extension of federal powers -income taxes first used -citizens drafted into service -civil liberties suppressed

  26. Economic Changes -growth of war related industries -Northern industry grew stronger -southern economy is destroyed -must be rebuilt

  27. Costs of War -deaths 360,000 Union 260,000 Conf. -1/2 million wounded -about 20 billion $ 5 times the amount spent in 80 years

  28. Warfare Changes -new weapons rifles mini ball trench warfare grenades submarine iron-clad ships Monitor Merrimack

  29. Lives Change -13th Amendment bans slavery -soldiers return to their homes -urban population grows -many move west -many families destroyed by deaths of soldiers

  30. Lincoln’s Assassination -Lincoln’s Plan forgiving peace to restore the Union -At Ford’s Theatre just 5 days after the war’s end -John Wilkes Booth -First assassination of a President

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