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P ORCH. Behavioral Health Advisory Committee. Paula Henzel, MA Washington State Department of Social and Health Services Research and Analysis Division March 2, 2016. The PORCH Program. Funded by a five year grant from the Substance Abuse and Mental Health Services Administration (SAMHSA)

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  1. PORCH • Behavioral Health Advisory Committee Paula Henzel, MA Washington State Department of Social and Health Services Research and Analysis Division March 2, 2016

  2. The PORCH Program • Funded by a five year grant from the Substance Abuse and Mental Health Services Administration (SAMHSA) • Located in two sites: • Optum Health-Pierce County • Chelan-Douglas Regional Support Networks (RSNs) • Target population: • Individuals with a serious mental illness or co-occurring disorder • Homeless, at risk of homelessness or transitioning from institutions • Evidence-based Permanent Supportive Housing services • Certified Peer Specialists Two Sites Chelan/Douglas Pierce

  3. Annual Reports • Year 1 – Summary of baseline characteristics and program services • Year 2 – Status of participants enrolled 12 months or more • Year 3 – Pre and post period comparisons for participants enrolled during the first two years • Final Evaluation Full reports available from DSHS Research and Data Analysis Division at: https://www.dshs.wa.gov/sites/default/files/SESA/rda/documents/research-11-218.pdf

  4. PORCH Key Findings Participant Enrollment • During the first three years . . . • PORCH served 196 participants • Over half (59%) of enrollees completed one or more years of PORCH services Status of PORCH Participants As of June 2014, Total = 196 Newly enrolled, less than 12 months 9% n = 18 Enrolled 12 months or longer 59% n = 115 Discharged in less than 12 months 32% n = 63 SOURCE: Government Performance Results Act Transformation Accountability Participant-level National Outcome Measures for Programs Providing Direct Treatment Services (GPRA/TRACs).

  5. PORCH Services • Life Skills and Service Coordination were the most common services provided Number of Individuals receiving services by Service Type For services provided through June 2014 Pierce County Chelan, Douglas Counties 179 167 146 146 134 126 120 101 79 65 57 47 25 20 5 SOURCE: AVATAR/PORCH service delivery data.

  6. Housing Stability Improved • Housing stability improved after 12 months of PORCH services Baseline Follow-up Baseline Follow-up Self-reported Housing Status Participants enrolled 12 or more months, Total = 91 Pierce County Chelan/Douglas Homeless/ Unstable 1 Day Minimum, Past 30 Days Homeless/ Unstable Any Point 6 Months Prior Institutional Setting Any Point 6 Months Prior Homeless/ Unstable 1 Day Minimum, Past 30 Days Homeless/ Unstable Any Point 6 Months Prior Institutional Setting Any Point 6 Months Prior SOURCE: PORCH Housing Calendar.

  7. Inpatient Psychiatric Hospitalizations Decreased Inpatient Psychiatric Hospitalizations Participants enrolled the first two years (May 2011 to June 2013) Pierce County n = 74 Chelan/Douglas n = 89 Pre-period Pre-period Pre-period Pre-period Post-period Post-period Post-period Post-period Community Psychiatric Hospitalization State Hospital Inpatient Community Psychiatric Inpatient State Hospital Inpatient SOURCE: Integrated Client Database, ICDB. NOTE: These measures are descriptive and do not yet control for other sources of variation that will be addressed in the final evaluation .

  8. Emergency Department Use Decreased • Over half (52 percent) of participants utilized the emergency department in the year prior to enrollment, which dropped to 40 percent in the year following enrollment Any Emergency Department Use Participants enrolled in the first two years (May 2011 to June 2013) 0 n = 85 n = 65 SOURCE: Integrated Client Database, ICDB. NOTE: These measures are descriptive and do not yet control for other sources of variation that will be addressed in the final evaluation.

  9. Outcome Evaluation • Final Evaluation (forthcoming . . .) • Impact of PORCH on participant outcomes using a statistically matched comparison group • Compared to similar mental health system consumers who did not receive PORCH services, are PORCH participants: • Less likely to be homeless? • Less likely to experience a psychiatric inpatient facility stay? • Less likely to utilize emergency departments? • Less likely to be arrested? • More likely to be employed? POST-PERIOD PRE-PERIOD • 24 months prior • Integrated Client Databases • DSHS service use, homelessness, arrests, and employment 12-24 months prior to PORCH enrollment 12 months after Follow-up PORCH Enrollment • Outcome Measures • Homelessness, Inpatient stays, ER use, arrests and employment post PORCH enrollment

  10. Questions? FOR MORE INFORMATION Washington State Department of Social and Health Services Research and Data Analysis Division Paula.Henzel@dshs.wa.gov  360.902.0792

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