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Trade Space for Systems Analysis TSSA

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Trade Space for Systems Analysis TSSA

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Presentation Transcript

    1. Trade Space for Systems Analysis (TSSA) A Tool for Promoting Quantitative Common Sense in Systems Analysis and Design Milton L. Stretton

    2. Problem Statement Programs generally do not consider the human as part of the system This is especially true early in design where decisions can Lead to high training & manning costs Degrade total system performance Decrease human reliability 2

    3. 3 Problem is Pervasive Mission and environmental complexities drive technology Cost drives doing more with less people Occurs in most government and industry procurements

    4. 4 What is done today? Engineering activities occur in Integrated Product Teams (IPTs) Representation from various disciplines is highly variable Different IPTs use different tools and techniques that rarely work together IPT inter-communication is word of mouth or sneakering files Through Herculean efforts projects actually succeed read are completed

    5. 5 TSSA Requirements Need to apply quantitative common sense to early trades in a structured, repeatable process Integrate previously separate engineering activities Examine trades (cost, schedule, risk, and tailored parameters of interest) in a distributed, common framework Desired interoperation between two important views Operational (scenario and activities) System (functional and technology/human resources)

    6. Sonalysts Solution - TSSA Web-managed and launched tool for engineering teams to explore early design decisions for highly complex systems Provides all stakeholders a quantitative means to be heard in system decisions PMs, government oversight, lead engineers, integrators, scientists, human performance specialists, trainers, and others Goals Provide structure Create early decision traceability Allocate early between humans and technology to reduce future cost and risk

    7. Scenario System Activity Articulation

    9. Functional Architecture Evolution

    13. Solution Testing

    16. 16 Where are we now? Version 1.0 completed February 2007 (Phase II) TRL-6 Web-based project initialization and Java web-start client Currently have a functional capability with limited reporting Version 2.0 in progress through Aug 07 (Phase II Option) TRL-7 Improving the reporting Will have a extended functional capability tested in a real acquisition environment Future Phase III plan Moving toward an enterprise solution Common object reuse across programs with improved collaboration Common API between input and output programs

    17. Transition Pathway Used in support of the LCS program and potentially the SPS program Initial strategy is to promote tool use through free licensing with modification & integration work performed by Sonalysts Working with NAVSEA to identify Phase III requirements Other targets OPNAV N1 NAVAIR Other services Finite state models needing scenario events, task analysis and performance estimates Requirements repositories such as DOORS DoD architectural framework tools such as ProVision and System Architect UML Modleing suites such as Rational and DescribeFinite state models needing scenario events, task analysis and performance estimates Requirements repositories such as DOORS DoD architectural framework tools such as ProVision and System Architect UML Modleing suites such as Rational and Describe

    18. Collaborations Sought With DoD program offices and/or system integrators interested in Using our tool for systems engineering and manpower analyses Creating and managing application interfaces to our data. Examples include: Finite state models Requirements repositories DoD architectural framework tools UML modeling suites Finite state models needing scenario events, task analysis and performance estimates Requirements repositories such as DOORS DoD architectural framework tools such as ProVision and System Architect UML Modleing suites such as Rational and DescribeFinite state models needing scenario events, task analysis and performance estimates Requirements repositories such as DOORS DoD architectural framework tools such as ProVision and System Architect UML Modleing suites such as Rational and Describe

    19. 19 About Sonalysts 35 years of exceptional multi-disciplinary, engineering and technical services Established leader in Human-Systems Engineering Annual sales $60M Employees (Partners) ~450 Headquarters in Waterford, CT 14 Offices at key locations around the United States

    20. Contact Information VISIT BOOTH 518 Milton L. Stretton 540.809.9224 - cell stretton@sonalysts.com Sonalysts, Inc. Dahlgren, VA 22448 540.663.9034 x106 www.sonalysts.com

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