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Did Your Roofers Do a Good Job?

Having your roof repaired or replaced can be a significant expense, and as such, itu2019s vital that the work is carried out to a satisfactory standard. But should you check on the standard of your roofers work while the project is underway or wait until theyu2019ve finished? And what should you even be looking for?<br>

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Did Your Roofers Do a Good Job?

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  1. Did Your Roofers Do a Good Job?

  2. Having your roof repaired or replaced can be a significant expense, and as such, it’s vital that the work is carried out to a satisfactory standard. But should you check on the standard of your roofers work while the project is underway or wait until they’ve finished? And what should you even be looking for? Below are a few things to look out for while the roofers are working, and some points to check once work has been completed (and ideally in the roofer’s presence so that they can answer any questions you might have):

  3. Can you see drip edge flashing? The material that a good roofing contractor will install at every edge of your roof, drip edge flashing protects your home from water damage and guards it against pest infestations in the attic. If your roof is made from shingles, look up at the gables and eaves and see if each has a drip edge; you should see metal flashing between the shingles and the underlayment. If you don’t see it, your roof could easily spring a leak.

  4. Does the roof look even and uniform? Once your roof has been repaired or replaced, give it a thorough visual inspection from the ground level and see if it looks uniform and even all over in appearance. If you see that the roofline is sagging, or any of the asphalt shingles aren’t the same color, you may have fallen victim to bad roofers. Is underlayment being used? You’ll need to check on this while your roofing contractor is in the process of carrying out the work, and if you see that the roofers aren’t placing an underlayment between the sheathing and he shingles of your home, you should query this with them immediately. Acting as a barrier to protect your home from moisture, it also helps to prolong your roofs’ lifespan.

  5. Have the roofers used effective flashing practices? Metal flashing, and plenty of it, should always be installed around areas of the roof that are prone to leaks, such as pipes or chimneys, and it should be placed under the shingles, not on top of them. If you don’t see any metal flashing, you’ll need to raise your concern with the roofing contractor as soon as possible. Did the roofers leave the area in a respectable condition? A little bit of mess is always to be expected with a major job such as a roof repair or replacement, but a reputable roofing contractor will do their best to tidy away their materials and responsibly dispose of any debris or old shingles.

  6. With plenty of great roofers out there, there’s every chance your roof repair or replacement will go smoothly, but it pays to be aware of what they should be doing as part of their job, and what you should be looking out for as potential signs of a bad roofing job. RZ Construction Group Inc is a fully inclusive general contractor in Astoria NY. From initial design to final clean up, our results speak for themselves. We are fully licensed, insured, and bonded to provide both commercial and residential construction services to customers in Astoria and the surrounding area. Proud to serve New York State for 25 years. No job is too small nor too big. If you are looking for roofing repair contractors in Astoria NY or want to know more about our wide range of professional but affordable construction and repair services, reach out to us at (718) 938-9887.

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