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sci fi - ready player one

yes opening sequence

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sci fi - ready player one

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Presentation Transcript

  1. READY PLAYER ONE. SCI-FI FILM - Opening Sequence

  2. Background… • 2018 American Science Fiction fim directed by Steven Spielberg. • Based on Ernest Cline’s 2011 novel. • It takes place in 2045 when much of humanity uses the virtual reality software OASIS to escape the real world. • Orphaned teenager Wade Watts finds clues to a hidden game that promises OASIS’ ownership to the winner.

  3. What can we expect from the rest of the film? We can assume that Wade will be the main focus of the film as the opening scene shows Wade - ordinary actions. We know that the film will explore the setting and location they are in in more depth, as right now we don’t have much knowledge of it - the opening scene shows us a view of the setting as the camera zooms through it like on a drone.

  4. Characters… Main character - a teenage boy We see him come out of a mobile home - it looks run down. He wears silver rimmed glasses - intelligence but also sense of an ‘old soul’ as they are stereotypically worn by older people. We make the assumption that he is quite a geeky and nerdy character - backpack, glasses, style of clothing, interest in science and mechanics. Old woman She has plants outside her home - the only mobile home that is decorated with nature. The fact that she is tending to plants despite the scenery being opposite to natural makes her come across as quite a loving and caring figure.

  5. TARGET AUDIENCE… I think that the futuristic stye of story telling will appeal to both younger generation gamers and middle aged men, who were interested in this style of games, movies, comic books, etc when they were younger. Ages 13 - 50. Predominantly aimed at men.

  6. How is the genre set up? Common themes in science fiction include space travel, alien invasion, dystopias and time travel - a few of which are present in this opening sequence. • • TIME TRAVEL establishing shot of houses in 2045 - clear that we are not in the same time period as the viewers. • • DYSTOPIA A dystopia is a futuristic imagined state or society where there is suffering or injustice - the illusion of a ‘perfect society/ is maintained in different ways, in this film is it through technological control. • Virtual reality - all of the people (apart from the characters I discussed) in the opening scene wear VR headsets - shows control and influence. •

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