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Brave New World

Brave New World. Kathy Fejklowicz. Huxley’s Message.

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Brave New World

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Presentation Transcript

  1. Brave New World Kathy Fejklowicz

  2. Huxley’s Message Brave New World is a satirical book that criticizes society, and what may happen in centuries to come. The author, Aldous Huxley, does not approve of the attitudes and morals that people had in the 1920s because he believed that they were extremely corrupt. His message is more like a warning for the next generations because people need to realize what life is truly about. By writing this satirical book, Huxley wants our society to realize that life has a deeper meaning to it, and people should cherish it and accept it whatever they are faced with. Pain is a natural part of life, and what does not kill you only makes you stronger.

  3. Quotes. . . • While John is trying to explain his philosophy to Mustaph Mond he tells him that “[he’s] claming the right to be unhappy…Not to mention the right to grow old and ugly and impotent; the right to have syphilis and cancer; the right to have too little to eat; the right too be lousy; the right live in constant apprehension of what may happen tomorrow; the right to catch typhoid; the right to be tortured…” (Huxley 240). • The state in which these so called people live in are completely controlled by the government. Mustaph Mond and the leaders try to protect everyone from diseases so there would be no human suffering. John is trying to point out how humans need pain in order to realize how lucky they are when they are healthy and happy. It is a natural part of life, and it is what brings us closer to God, and it lets us appreciate life even more.

  4. Quotes Continued… • Mustaph then tries to explain how he feels about society, and that his philosophy is legit. He states that “people are happy; they get what they want, and they never want what they can't get…and if anything should go wrong, there's soma”( Huxley Chapter 16). • This is a very important quote because this entire time the government is controlling these people, and they have absolutely no freedom. How can people be happy as slaves? Freedom is crucial in ones life because it lets people make decisions and choices by themselves, and without the government controlling and brainwashing them. This entire society that they have created is filled with robots that are similar to people. It is also a satire because many people abuse drugs so that they can drown the pain. IN reality, we should face our problems and just live life.

  5. The Media • “ At an early age books, movies, television, and the Internet influence how our children think and act in a variety of ways. As children grow these media influences become even more powerful. The media influences on children is not always a good influence and parents need to counteract this influence by discussing and monitoring what their children are exposed to” by Teresa, The CuteKid™ Staff • The media is considered as the fourth branch of the government because of how much power they truly hold. The media surrounds us and our daily lives. It is very influential and sometimes it does more good than bad. The media can be compared to Mustaph Mond and the society he is creating because he is feeding these people false information, just like the media is doing to us.

  6. Alcohol Ads • All of these ads have only one goal, and that is to persuade people that if they drink the alcohol they offer they will be happy. This is exactly what causes addictions, and unhealthy lifestyles. Drinking is not going to solve anything, and it will not make your problems go away. In BNW the people take Soma when they are feeling sad, and in our society people drink alcohol, and do drugs.

  7. Advertising and its consequences • “Headlines scream that Nicole Richie is an unhealthy 98 pounds, while Jessica Simpson is photographed at an unflattering angle and called "fat" for weighing a mere 130 pounds. Anorexia and bulimia are the subjects of tabloid gossip, as if watching someone waste away of a deadly disease is a sport. all this focus on physical appearance is creating a "toxic media environment" for women and girls, promoting low self-esteem, depression and anxiety, leading to extreme dieting and over-exercising, eating disorders and plastic surgery.” (San Francisco Chronicle) • These articles and how they portray celebrities makes women self-conscious about their bodies. Life isn't just about appearance, it is more than that. This causes girls to be confused about how they truly should look, and what is beautiful, and what isn't. In BNW Lenina only cares about her appearance, and she is oblivious to her surroundsing because she is obsessed with her looks.

  8. Abortion • “Abortions are very common. In fact, more than 1 out of 3 women in the U.S. have an abortion by the time they are 45 years old” Abortion -." Planned Parenthood. 27 May 2009 <http://www.plannedparenthood.org/health-topics/abortion-4260.htm>. These statistics are absolutely ridiculous. Just like in the book, the women had their ovaries taken out, and they could not have babies. They constantly took birth control. In our society abortion is a touchy issue, and it is immoral because it is not your life to take.

  9. Sexual Ads • Sex sells, and this is why companies show it and we are constantly bombarded with images of sex. Even advertising perfume needs to be sexual. Also, in BNW there entire society was extremely sexual because apparently “everyone belonged to everyone else.”

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