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Algebraic Operations

S4 Credit. Algebraic Operations. Adding / Sub Indices. Negative Indices. www.mathsrevision.com. Fraction Indices. Harder Indices. S4 Credit. Starter Questions. 1. True or false. Algebraic Operations. S4 Credit. Learning Intention. Success Criteria.

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Algebraic Operations

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Presentation Transcript

  1. S4 Credit Algebraic Operations Adding / Sub Indices Negative Indices www.mathsrevision.com Fraction Indices Harder Indices www.mathsrevision.com

  2. S4 Credit Starter Questions 1. True or false www.mathsrevision.com

  3. Algebraic Operations S4 Credit Learning Intention Success Criteria • To explain how to multiply and divide indices by adding / subtracting powers. • Understand basic rules for indices. • 2. Simplify indices. www.mathsrevision.com www.mathsrevision.com

  4. S4 Credit an is a short hand way of writing a x a x a ……. (n factors) a is called the base number and n is called the index number Indices x 2 x 2 Calculate : 23 x 22 2 x 2 x 2 = 32 Calculate : 25 = 32 Can you spot the connection ! www.mathsrevision.com

  5. S4 Credit 4 x 4 x 4 = 4 Indices ÷ 4 x 4 Calculate : 43÷ 42 Calculate : 41 = 4 Can you spot the connection ! am x an = a(m + n)simply add powers am÷ an = a(m - n)simply subtract powers www.mathsrevision.com

  6. What Goes In The Box ? S4 Credit 3f4 x 3g5 = b3 x b5= 2m4 x 3m33= 6m37 b8 8a3 x 7a0 = y9÷ y5 = 10s23÷2s11 = 56a3 y4 5s12 www.mathsrevision.com

  7. Indices S4 Credit Now try MIA Ex 2.1 & Ex3.1 Ch9 (page 176) www.mathsrevision.com Created by Mr Lafferty Maths Dept

  8. S4 Credit 1. True or false Starter Questions www.mathsrevision.com

  9. Algebraic Operations S4 Credit Learning Intention Success Criteria • To explain how to hand fractional indices of powers. • Understand basic rules for fractional indices. • 2. Simplify fractional indices. www.mathsrevision.com www.mathsrevision.com

  10. S4 Credit Fractions as Indices More Rules By the division rule www.mathsrevision.com

  11. S4 Credit Fractions as Indices More Rules www.mathsrevision.com

  12. What Goes In The Box ? S4 Credit Re-write each with positive indices w11 9a3 1 www.mathsrevision.com

  13. S4 Credit More Rules Fractions as Indices www.mathsrevision.com

  14. What Goes In The Box ? S4 Credit (b3)5= (2m4)2 = 4m8 b15 (y9)-5 = (10s2)3 = y-45 1000s6 www.mathsrevision.com

  15. Indices S4 Credit Now try MIA Ex 4.1 & Ex5.1 Ch9 (page 178) Created by Mr Lafferty Maths Dept

  16. S4 Credit Starter Questions 1. Does 5 + 2 x 3 = 11 or 21 www.mathsrevision.com

  17. Algebraic Operations S4 Credit Learning Intention Success Criteria • To explain how to hand fractional indices of powers. • Understand basic rules for fractional indices. • 2. Simplify fractional indices. www.mathsrevision.com www.mathsrevision.com

  18. S4 Credit Fractions as Indices www.mathsrevision.com

  19. S4 Credit Fractions as Indices www.mathsrevision.com

  20. S4 Credit Fractions as Indices In general we have www.mathsrevision.com

  21. S4 Credit Fractions as Indices Final Rule www.mathsrevision.com

  22. S4 Credit Examples : Simplify the following Fractions as Indices www.mathsrevision.com

  23. S4 Credit Fractions as Indices Examples www.mathsrevision.com

  24. S4 Credit Fractions as Indices Examples www.mathsrevision.com

  25. S4 Credit Example : Change to index form Fractions as Indices Example : Change to radical sign √ www.mathsrevision.com

  26. Indices S4 Credit Now try MIA Ex 6.1 Ch9 (page 181) Created by Mr Lafferty Maths Dept

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