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Garden Grove Adult Education and ROP Website Advisory Committee (WAC)

Garden Grove Adult Education and ROP Website Advisory Committee (WAC) Melanie Wade Website Manager Greg Sheppard Website Advisory Committee Facilitator Building a Community of Life Long Learners Our Mission

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Garden Grove Adult Education and ROP Website Advisory Committee (WAC)

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Presentation Transcript

  1. Garden Grove Adult Education and ROPWebsite Advisory Committee (WAC) Melanie Wade Website Manager Greg Sheppard Website Advisory Committee Facilitator Building a Community of Life Long Learners

  2. Our Mission • Use the Internet to increase student interest, knowledge, and understanding of course content in ROP and Adult Education classes

  3. Who we are • Melanie Wade • Administrator, Adult Education • Website manager • Technology Information Center for Administrative Leadership (TICAL) founding cadre member and regional trainer • Instructor and Facilitator, Using Internet Resources in the Classroom UC Irvine Summer Science Institute 1998-2003 • Student, Doctor of Education program, UC Irvine/Los Angeles

  4. Who we are • Greg Sheppard • Website Development Project Facilitator • Discovery Lab Director, Hare HS • Digital HS Coordinator • Sheppard’s Useful Links • Instructor and Facilitator Using Internet Resources in the Classroom UC Irvine Summer Science Institute, 1997-2003 • Student, Educational Leadership Academy Pepperdine University

  5. Tasks • Make modifications to the existing web site to increase its use and functionality • Build collegiality among ROP and Adult Education teachers for sharing their knowledge and their experience. Most instructors work in isolation. The website presents opportunities to collaborate to solve problems and share ideas • Examine the elements of a webpage that will increase student interest and understanding of course content

  6. Tasks • Identify strategies to encourage other teachers to create and publish their web pages on the ggadulteducation.org site • Identify and implement a plan that will increase the use and sustainability of the website as an evolving resource Garden Grove Adult Education & ROP website FOR MORE INFO...

  7. Challenges • How can we measure progress towards meeting these goals? • How can we involve the community using the web site?

  8. Next Steps • Survey students • Continue to meet monthly • Solicit input from community • Develop and implement plan to increase capacity of instructors to use website to support student learning

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