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The Neuron and the Nervous System: An Overview of Signal Reception, Interpretation, and Reaction

This article provides an overview of the nervous system, including the reception and interpretation of signals, as well as the subsequent reaction based on those signals. It explains the pathway of nerve signals through the organism and describes the structure and functions of neurons and glia cells. The nature of nerve signals, transmission of nerve impulses, and the speed of the nerve impulse are also discussed, along with the role of synapses in signal transmission.

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The Neuron and the Nervous System: An Overview of Signal Reception, Interpretation, and Reaction

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  1. The Neuron and the Nervous System SGN 8

  2. Overview of nervous system 3 overlapping functions Reception of signal Interpretation of signal Reaction based on signal This is true on organismal and cellular level

  3. Nerve signal pathway through organism Stimulus  sensory receptors (PNS)sensory neurons (PNS) interneurons (CNS) motor neurons (PNS) effector cells (glands, glandular tissue or muscles)

  4. The neuron and associated cells A neuron consists of cell body, signal receiving dendrites and signal transmitting axon

  5. Neurons are involved in nerve pathways (as described above) Sensory neuron  Interneuron  Motor neuron A complete circuit channels the impulse through brain, but a reflex arc only involves interneurons of the spinal cord

  6. Glia cells – supporting cells of central nervous system Much more numerous in CNS than neurons; numerous functions, from guiding nerve cell migration in embryo to forming a barrier between brain cells and rest of body (blood-brain barrier) Oligodendrocytes and Schwann cells (types of glia cells) form myelin sheaths (lipid material) around axons of neurons, which insulates and increases speed of nerve impulses (multiple sclerosis, Tay Sachs disease both involve problems with glia cells and brain lipids)

  7. The nature of nerve signals All cells have an electrochemical gradient across plasma membrane (membrane potential), with inside of cell typically more negative than outside of cell (called a resting potential)

  8. Sodium - potassium ion pump actively establishes gradient 3 Na+ out, 2 K+ in important in establishing relatively negative interior Negative interior also produced because open K+ channels that allow K+ to diffuse out

  9. Nerve cells are specialized to convey an electrical impulse brought about by the sudden dissipation of the membrane potential (Na+ rushing in, K+ rushing out) in cascading fashion down the membrane (the action potential)

  10. Only neurons and muscle cells have several types of specialized ion transporters that allow them to do this (excitable cells) Lots of open K+ channels (vs few open Na+ channels) Gated ion channels (Na+ and K+) Ligand-gated Voltage-gated

  11. Ligand - gated ion channels For Na+ and K+ Typically stimulated by neurotransmitter

  12. Voltage-gated ion channels Stimulated by depolarization (shift in membrane potential) in adjacent membrane

  13. Transmission of a nerve impulse Beginning with reception of the signal in the dendrite and continuing to the passage of the impulse to the next neuron

  14. The dendrite’s postsynaptic membrane ligand-gated ion channels are stimulated by neurotransmitters, causing them to open, which depolarizes the adjacent membrane (inside becomes less negative)

  15. Adjacent voltage gated ion channels are stimulated to open, which reverses potential, further stimulating additional VGIC down the line; this is called a dendritic spike

  16. These are weak signals, however, and fade out unless reinforced by a rendezvous of other signals, received by other synapses of the same neuron, at the axon hillock If the depolarization at the hillock is strong enough to push the change in charge past the threshold, a depolarization wave is generated, called an action potential, which travels down the axon to the synapse Potential at the axon hillock

  17. Impulse moves forward and not backward because there is brief phase after stimulation (refractory phase) wherein membrane is insensitive to stimulation

  18. When the action potential reaches the presynaptic membrane of the axon bulb it induces voltage gated calcium channels in the cell membrane to open, allowing a diffusion of calcium into the cell from the extracellular fluid, where it is concentrated This increase in calcium concentration induces fusion of vesicles with the membrane and release of neurotransmitters , by exocytosis, into the synaptic cleft

  19. Neurotransmitters stimulate ligand gated ion channels in the receiving neuron and the process continues ; neurotransmitters can also stimulate muscle cells, gland cells, or be released into the blood stream (neurosecretory cells)

  20. Speed of nerve impulse along axon and along nerve pathway Speed of signal increases as diameter of axon increases, as number of synapses on a neuron increases, and in other ways

  21. Myelinationincreases impulse speed Saltatory conduction – axons are myelinated but segments of membrane are left uncovered; in these segments voltage-gated ion channels are concentrated; signal jumps from uncovered segment to uncovered segment, speeding up impulse

  22. A synapse is a unique cell junction between one neuron’s axon terminal and another neuron’s dendrite or cell body, muscle cell or gland cell, or lumen of blood vessel Most synapses are chemical synapses; signal is transmitted via chemical ligand (electrical synapses transmit signal with ions that directly depolarize dendrite membrane) Neurotransmitters are quickly removed from synapse, causing signal to be transient Synapses help to assure that signal will be transmitted in only one way, and also allows for regulation of nerve impulse

  23. Numerous other factors regulate and complicate transmission of nerve impulse, for example A single neuron might form thousands of receptive synapses with other cells, some excitatory and some inhibitory (neurotransmitters released inhibit opening of ion gates or hyperpolarize membrane) Summation of numerous stimulatory events (in time or space; often excitatory and inhibitory at same time) allows axon hillock to reach threshold (or not), generating action potential After refractory period signal might continue, be inhibited or be desensitized (hyperpolarization) Same neurotransmitter can produce different effects on different cells, based on receptors in postsynaptic membrane Some neurotransmitters bind directly to chemically gated ion channels and open them directly, causing rapid diffusion of ions and rapid response Some neurotransmitter receptors initiate complicated signal transduction pathways, so response is delayed

  24. Used as a neuron to neuron signal within both the peripheral and central nervous system; produced by motor neurons to stimulate skeletal muscle Examples of neurotransmitters Acetylcholine

  25. Biogenic amines – one or two ring structures with nitrogen Epinephrine(adrenaline), dopamine, serotonin, etc Typically used within the CNS (epinephrine also used as hormone) Dopamine - important roles in behavior and cognition, voluntary movement, motivation and reward, inhibition of prolactin production (involved in lactation), sleep, mood, attention, and learning.

  26. Modified amino acids GABA, glutamate (glutamic acid)

  27. Other substances such as smallpeptidesand even gases such as NO Nitric oxide

  28. Evolution and Diversity of Nervous Systems Simplest plan involves only nerve nets or nerve nets with coordinating masses of nerve cells called ganglia (jellyfish)

  29. Many simple invertebrates (worms, for example) show primitive cephalization (existence of brain like mass of cells at anterior end with some degree of control of body – cerebral ganglia), and two or one nerve cords running through body with localized control by numerous ganglia

  30. Many complex invertebrates (insects, arachnids) have more developed brains with greater control of body and single nerve cord, but still ganglia associated with body segments

  31. Vertebrates have developed brain with centralized control in brain and dorsal spinal cord showing lessened localized control

  32. Evidence suggests that animals evolved in order presented above, and so did nervous system, with change from autonomous control throughout the body to increased control in head region Within several groups (for example, arthropods, mollusks) there is great diversity

  33. Vertebrate nervous system Peripheral NS - sensory receptors and sensory and motor neurons Central NS - interneurons Somatic versus autonomic systems (PNS) SNS – carries signals to skeletal muscles; voluntary or reflex action ANS– carries signals that regulate internal environment; involves smooth and cardiac muscle; generally involuntary, and divided into… Sympathetic – arousal and energy generation; induces activity Parasympathetic – calming and return to emphasis of self maintenance

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