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LO: To explain Christian beliefs about the use of animals in medical research

Where do you stand on medical research on animals?. LO: To explain Christian beliefs about the use of animals in medical research. ALL (E GRADE): Will be able to describe how animals may be used in medical research and one Christian viewpoint on this issue

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LO: To explain Christian beliefs about the use of animals in medical research

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Presentation Transcript

  1. Where do you stand on medical research on animals? LO: To explain Christian beliefs about the use of animals in medical research ALL (E GRADE): Will be able to describe how animals may be used in medical research and one Christian viewpoint on this issue MOST (C GRADE): Will be able to describe what is meant by ‘stewardship’ and how this may impact on Christian attitudes towards animals being used in research SOME (A GRADE): Will be able to explain what several different denominations believe about animals being used in medical research and provide Bible quotes to support these views

  2. ALL (E GRADE): Will be able to describe how animals may be used in medical research and one Christian viewpoint on this issueMOST (C GRADE): Will be able to describe what is meant by ‘stewardship’ and how this may impact on Christian attitudes towards animals being used in research SOME (A GRADE): Will be able to explain what several different denominations believe about animals being used in medical research and provide Bible quotes to support these views • Sort the key words so they match their definitions LO: To explain Christian beliefs about the use of animals in medical research

  3. ALL (E GRADE): Will be able to describe how animals may be used in medical research and one Christian viewpoint on this issueMOST (C GRADE): Will be able to describe what is meant by ‘stewardship’ and how this may impact on Christian attitudes towards animals being used in research SOME (A GRADE): Will be able to explain what several different denominations believe about animals being used in medical research and provide Bible quotes to support these views LO: To explain Christian beliefs about the use of animals in medical research

  4. Does animal testing work? LO: To explain Christian beliefs about the use of animals in medical research

  5. ALL (E GRADE): Will be able to describe how animals may be used in medical research and one Christian viewpoint on this issueMOST (C GRADE): Will be able to describe what is meant by ‘stewardship’ and how this may impact on Christian attitudes towards animals being used in research SOME (A GRADE): Will be able to explain what several different denominations believe about animals being used in medical research and provide Bible quotes to support these views • What do Christians think about animal medical research? • What do you think Roman Catholics think of this? • Read through the statements – you will need one colouring pencil, colour in the statements that support animal medical research and leave blank the ones that don’t. LO: To explain Christian beliefs about the use of animals in medical research

  6. ALL (E GRADE): Will be able to describe how animals may be used in medical research and one Christian viewpoint on this issueMOST (C GRADE): Will be able to describe what is meant by ‘stewardship’ and how this may impact on Christian attitudes towards animals being used in research SOME (A GRADE): Will be able to explain what several different denominations believe about animals being used in medical research and provide Bible quotes to support these views • D Question: • ‘Explain Christian attitudes to the use of animals in medical research’. • Click for help guidelines: • You could explain the benefits to humans and the importance of limiting animal suffering. • You could use the idea of humans being superior to animals, humans being made in the ‘image of God’, and humans having souls. • You could explain the ideas of stewardship and dominion. • You could explain how some Christians see animals as of equal worth as members of God’s creation. • You should include Bible and Church teachings to help back you up! LO: To explain Christian beliefs about the use of animals in medical research

  7. ALL (E GRADE): Will be able to describe how animals may be used in medical research and one Christian viewpoint on this issueMOST (C GRADE): Will be able to describe what is meant by ‘stewardship’ and how this may impact on Christian attitudes towards animals being used in research SOME (A GRADE): Will be able to explain what several different denominations believe about animals being used in medical research and provide Bible quotes to support these views • What does medical testing on animals look like? • http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=FstunEEdgcwshow up to 2.42 • This video is created by a group against animal testing so is biased – contains some upsetting scenes. LO: To explain Christian beliefs about the use of animals in medical research

  8. HEAD-something that has made you think HEART- something that you have felt BIN-something you did not find interesting BAG- something you will remember and take away Plenary Bin

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