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Proiect CORINT EURONS. Initiativa Infrastructurii Integrate a Structurii Nucleare Europene (European Nuclear Structure Integrated Infrastructure Initiative). Etapa II: Definirea continutului si structurii rapoartelor privind situatia si

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Presentation Transcript

  1. Proiect CORINT EURONS Initiativa Infrastructurii Integrate a Structurii Nucleare Europene (European Nuclear Structure Integrated Infrastructure Initiative) Etapa II: Definirea continutului si structurii rapoartelor privind situatia si prespectivele cercetarilor de fizica nucleara in tarile Est-Europene si participarea la activitatile marilor infrastructuri de cercetare din structura nucleara

  2. Proiectul FP6 EURONS (I3NS) Coordonator: Alex Mueller (INP-Orsay,Franta) Institutia Coordonatoare: GSI (Germania) Adresa web: http://www.gsi.de/eurons Durata: 4 ani incepand cu 01/01/2005 • Activitati EURONS: • Transnational Access: GSI, GANIL, LNL/INFN, …, ECT* • Joint Research Activities: ….., JRA7 – ISIBHI, JRA10- AGATA, …. • Networking: N1- Management, ….., N4 – EWON, …

  3. University of Sofia INRNE, Sofia The EAST-WEST-OUTREACH Network Warsaw University Jagiellonian University, Krakow Acad. Sc. ČR Rež., Prague Slovak Acad. Sc., Bratislava ATOMKI, Debrecen UPB, Bucharest NIPNE, Bucharest IRB, Zagreb PMF, Univ. of Novi Sad VINCA, Belgrade University of Istanbul NCSR “Demokritos” EWON 14 Institutii din 10 tari

  4. EWON SEENet Bulgaria Croatia Greece Romania Serbia &Montenegro Turkey Polish Nuclear Physics Network-PNPN + Czech Rep Hungary Slovakia North East European Network - NEEN South East European Network - SEEN SEENEEN EAST-WEST - OUTREACH

  5. EWON The EAST-WEST-OUTREACH Network The structure NETWORK COORDINATION COMMITTEE R. Broda(NEEN), S. Harissopulos (SEEN) M. Harakeh (NuPECC) The final deliverables +2 scientists (1 from NEEN + 1 from SEEN) to be elected by the member institutions Report No. 1: “Research activities of Southeast and Northeast European Nuclear Physics Groups at Large Scale Facilities of Europe: Status and Future Possibilities”. Report No. 2 “A Mapping Study of Nuclear Science and Technology in the Southeast and the Northeast European Countries: Present and Future”. WORKING GROUPS MEMBER INSTITUTIONS

  6. EWON

  7. EWON

  8. EWON Activitati EWON • Web-site: http://www.inp.demokritos.gr/EWON • (http://www.inp.demokritos.gr/SEENet) • 13-14 Mai 2005, Bucuresti (4th SEENet Meeting) • 11-12 Noiembrie 2005, Atena (5th SEENet Meeting) • urmeaza Zagreb, toamna 2006 • NEEN: meeting-uri in Praga (martie 2005) si Krakow (iunie 2006) • Primul raport (PowerPoint) privind activitatea EWON prezentat de • S. Harissopulos la EURONS-Project Coordination Committee Meeting, • Mainz, 6-7 Aprilie 2006 a continut: • - principalele institute/facultati din NEEN+SEEN • - principalele facilitati experimentale din NEEN+SEEN • - principalele teme de cercetare din NEEN (nu si SEEN…)

  9. EWON Grupurile de lucru EWON

  10. Activitatea WG-urilor EWON:redactarea rapoartelor EWON Principala activitate a EWON in vederea intocmirii celor doua rapoarte privind: 1) Activitatile la ELSF (decembrie 2007) 2) “Mapping Study” (decembrie 2008) Pana in prezent, reuniunile EWON (atat cele organizate de SEEN, cat si cele organizate de NEEN) au incluse multe prezentari ale temelor, facilitatilor, resurselor umane, etc. din tarile SEEN/NEEN, dar: • Stabilirea componentei WG-urilor la nivel national • Organizarea reuniunilor WG-urilor • Pentru adunarea informatiei: intocmirea si distribuirea unor chestionare dupa modelul folosit in trecut de NuPECC

  11. EWON Dezvoltarea relatiilor cu NuPECC • Romania, Grecia si Croatia • au devenit membre NuPECC • infiintare unui grup de lucru • privind fizica la acceleratoare mici • In volumul 2/2006 al Nuclear • Physics News (revista NuPECC) • a aparut un articol despre SEENet.

  12. EWON

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