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General Roles and Responsibilities of the State Soil Scientist

General Roles and Responsibilities of the State Soil Scientist. Upon completion of this module, the participant will be able to:. Locate documents where roles and responsibilities are found. Describe roles and responsibilities to staff and partners.

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General Roles and Responsibilities of the State Soil Scientist

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Presentation Transcript

  1. General Roles and Responsibilities of the State Soil Scientist

  2. Upon completion of this module, the participant will be able to: • Locate documents where roles and responsibilities are found. • Describe roles and responsibilities to staff and partners.

  3. Position Description: Supervisory Soil Scientist GS-0470-13 • Working Title: State Soil Scientist • https://ems-team.usda.gov/sites/NRCS_SSRA/ssd

  4. National Bulletin 430-14-1 SOI – Role of the State Soil Scientist Issue Paper • http://directives.sc.egov.usda.gov/default.aspx

  5. NSSH Part 601.02, NCSS Responsibilities of the State Soil Scientist • Currently there are updated revisions available for Part 601, Part 608 (Program Mgt), and Part 610(Updating Soil Surveys) which affect the State Soil Scientist.

  6. 6 Major Duties & Responsibilities • Soil Program Manager • Policy Development • Supervision • NRCS Liaison • Civil Rights/EO • Other

  7. Soil Science Division priorities for FY14 • Accelerate the Soil Survey Data Join Recorrelation (SDJR) Initiative • Continue initial soil survey mapping on all lands, including Federal lands • Strengthen technical soil services to support soil health initiatives, conservation planning, and program delivery • Accelerate production of ecological site descriptions (ESDs) in collaboration with State technical staff and partners • Strengthen the National Cooperative Soil Survey

  8. This concludes our Module

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