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NOAA Mainstem PIT Tag Research

NOAA Mainstem PIT Tag Research. NWPCC Tagging Forum-PIT tags March 22, 2012 Bill Muir bill.muir@noaa.gov Northwest Fisheries Science Center NOAA Fisheries. Outline. Reach survival Hydropower system survival Hydropower system travel time Seasonal effects of transport PIT tag trawl

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NOAA Mainstem PIT Tag Research

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Presentation Transcript

  1. NOAA Mainstem PIT Tag Research NWPCC Tagging Forum-PIT tags March 22, 2012 Bill Muir bill.muir@noaa.gov Northwest Fisheries Science Center NOAA Fisheries

  2. Outline • Reach survival • Hydropower system survival • Hydropower system travel time • Seasonal effects of transport • PIT tag trawl • Bird predation

  3. Reach Survival Estimates • Used to assess progress in improving inriver travel time and survival and identify problem areas in the hydropower system

  4. Reach Survival Estimates • Used to assess progress in improving inriver travel time and survival and identify problem areas in the hydropower system • Relies mostly on tagging from other studies throughout the basin

  5. Reach Survival Estimates • Used to assess progress in improving inriver travel time and survival and identify problem areas in the hydropower system • Relies mostly on tagging from other studies throughout the basin • Under represented species tagged at Lower Granite (wild Chinook, wild and hatchery steelhead)

  6. Reach Survival Estimates • Used to assess progress in improving inriver travel time and survival and identify problem areas in the hydrosystem • Relies mostly on tagging from other studies throughout the basin • Under represented species tagged at Lower Granite (wild Chinook, wild and hatchery steelhead) • Estimates are from tailrace to tailrace (1 dam and reservoir)

  7. 76.6 (87.5) 89.3 84.5 96.6 91.9 94.3 BON JDA MCN LMO LGO LGR SRT 81.2 (89.8) 89.6 86.5 94.2 93.6 95.1 Yearling Chinook salmon reach survival LGR LGO LMO 91.2 SRT 91.4 ICE BON JDA TDA MCN 2011 Average Standard errors not shown

  8. 85.8 (92.6) 96.0 77.2 94.8 95.5 98.6 BON JDA MCN LMO LGO LGR SRT 74.5 (86.0) 83.8 75.5 91.2 93.0 96.7 Steelhead reach survival LGR LGO LMO 92.8 SRT 83.9 ICE BON JDA TDA MCN 2011 Average Standard errors not shown

  9. CJS Survival Model R s1 Lower Granite Dam p1 s2 Little Goose Dam p2 Single-Release Design Release–Recapture Model s3 Lower Monumental Dam p3 s4 p4 McNary Dam s5 p5 John Day Dam s6 p6 Bonneville Dam  = S p PIT tag trawl

  10. Upper Estuary Sample Site Near Jones Beach, rkm 61-83

  11. Columbia Basin PIT Tag Releases Bonneville Detections Releases Estuary Trawl Detections Detections at Bonneville Dam and Estuary Trawl (Rkm 75) 2011 (2.5 million released) Bon = 60k Trawl = 14k Trawl sample = 669 hrs 2010 (2.6 million released) Bon = 208k Trawl = 31k Trawl sample = 902 hrs 250,000 3,000,000 2,500,000 200,000 2,000,000 Detections (n) Released (n) 150,000 1,500,000 100,000 1,000,000 50,000 500,000 0 0 2011 2009 2010 2003 2008 2000 2001 2006 1999 1997 1998 2004 2005 1996 1995 2002 2007

  12. Flat-plate detector scanning PIT tags on the East Sand Island Caspian tern colony.

  13. Hand scanning for PIT tags on Goose Island in the Potholes Reservoir.

  14. Questions

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