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IMPACT OF TSUNAMI ON ANIMALS IN INDIA: TSUNAMI-Disaster Management Programs for Livestock

IMPACT OF TSUNAMI ON ANIMALS IN INDIA: TSUNAMI-Disaster Management Programs for Livestock . DR. C. KATHIRVELAN And MAYANK TANDON Animal Nutrition Division, National Dairy Research Institute, Karnal, Haryana, INDIA. email: c_kathir@yahoo.com, mayanktandon1@gmail.com. INTRODUCTION.

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IMPACT OF TSUNAMI ON ANIMALS IN INDIA: TSUNAMI-Disaster Management Programs for Livestock

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  1. IMPACT OF TSUNAMI ON ANIMALS IN INDIA: TSUNAMI-Disaster Management Programs for Livestock DR. C. KATHIRVELAN And MAYANK TANDON Animal Nutrition Division, National Dairy Research Institute, Karnal, Haryana, INDIA. email:c_kathir@yahoo.com, mayanktandon1@gmail.com

  2. INTRODUCTION • TSUNAMI – “Harbour wave” • Tsunami – are large waves that are generated when the • sea floor is deformed by seismic activity • Tsunami wave caused by • Coastal earthquakes • Under sea volcanic eruptions • Under sea landslides • Tsunami is not a single wave, It is series of waves. • Travel at a speed of more than 800Km/hr. Frontline,Jan,2005

  3. December 26 th ,2004 Tsunami • Epicenter - 280 km from northern sumathra • 2100 km from Indian south coast line • Due to interface of the two tectonic plates • (The Indian plate and Burma plate) • Magnitude 8.9 • 30 feet height Frontline,Jan,2005

  4. Countries affected Indonesia Thailand Srilankha India Myanmar Malaysia Bangladesh Somalia In India Andaman and nicobar TamilNadu Pondicherry Kerala Andhra Pradesh

  5. World Tsunami occurrence Nov 1,1755 - Europe Aug 27, 1883 - Indonesian islands (Java- Sumatra) June 15,1896 - East coast of Japan April 1,1946 - Hawaii Nov 5,1952 - Russia May 23,1960 - Hawaii Aug 23, 1976 - Philippines July 17, 1998 - Bismarck sea India Today,Jan,2005

  6. In INDIA • Dec 31, 1881 - Car Nicobar island • June 26,1941 - Andaman and Nicobar • From 1973-2001 7 under sea earthquakes happened.But • No Tsunami • Dec 26,2004- Andaman and nicobar, Indian South coast states India Today,Jan,2005

  7. Number of missing or dead animals Source:FAO

  8. Impact of Tsunami as a whole- In India Source: Ministry of Home Affairs

  9. Andaman and Nicobar Number of missing or dead animals Cattle -556 Sheep and goat - 4300 Dogs - 654 Poultry -1.3 lakhs Pig -368

  10. In TamilNadu Number of missing or dead animals Cattle - 1,021 Sheep and goat - 3234 Pigs - 720 Dogs - 600 Poultry -1.6lakhs Source:TamilNadu animal Husbandry Dept.

  11. Impact of tsunami on animal production ANIMALS PLANTS (Feed resources) SOILS

  12. ON ANIMALS • Destruction of animals • Considerable destruction of animal building • Loss of stored animal feed resources • Disease out break; • Lack of feed • Movement of animals • Consumption of contaminated water • Stress conditions • Potenciate disease outbreak

  13. Cont.. Especially Zoonatic diseases like; Salmonellosis Leptospirosis Anthrax, rabies Crypto sporidiosis Giardiosis Animal health problem & under nutrition Stress conditions Decreased animal production

  14. ON PLANTS (FEED RESOURCES) • Stored animal feed was soaked with sea water • Pastures and other fibrous feed not affected severely when the sea water passed over them and then quickly receded. • Long term damage : pastures and fodder crops have been flooded for long periods with stagnant salt water. • Coconuts destruction in coastal areas • Feed mill (fish meal processing unit) damage also • reported

  15. Cont.. • Especially in TamilNadu, • Crops affected are, • Majorly paddy, • Groundnut, Sesame, Black gram • In, Andaman and Nicobar • Paddy and coconut plantation totally wiped out • Areca nut, palm plantation affected.

  16. ON SOILS (Agricultural fields) • Direct crop destruction by up rooting • Soil fertility losses when upper layer is washed away • Deposition of salt sediment • Soil infiltration • Soil erosion modifies the topography • Intensity of damage depends upon • The energy of the flood • The type of soil coverage and vegetation • Soil drainage capacity

  17. In Gist; • Impact of tsunami on animal production in terms of, • Animal destruction • Feed resources loss • Soil fertility loss ( soil salinity)

  18. TSUNAMI-Disaster management /Restocking programmes FOR ANIMALS • Waste management • Animal health/Veterinary services • Vaccination • Poultry : Avian Influenza, New castle disease • Pigs : Swine fever,FMD, JE • Sheep and Goat : PPR and Pasteurolosis • Cattle : PPR,HS,FMD and Anthrax • Supplementation of feed,water and shelter • Veterinary public health.

  19. For plants • Supplementation suitable seeds, • Evolving suitable crops • ‘VTL’-salt tolerant Varity of paddy • For pastures- Chenopodiaceae family

  20. For soils • 1st priority: To ensure quick drainage of salt water • 2nd priority : Restore physical integrity of the fields • Salt deposition • Upto 30-50 mm salt deposition reported. • -Removal of salt deposit, coarser elements • - leaching: • Through regular watering by rain fall or irrigation

  21. In gist; • Animal health programme • Provision of suitable seeds to farmer • Desalination of soil

  22. Feeding strategies 1. Transportation of fodder Main strategy in disaster (Tsunami) management Densification of fibrous feeds. 2. Complete feed block feeding 3. Exploiting new feed resources Exploiting locally available unconventional fodder resources Addition of molasses to improve the palatability Mixing with routine feed

  23. 4. Urea supplementation • Economic NPN compound • Mode of feeding urea: • Treatment of straws with urea • Addition to concentrate feed • Urea molasses mineral block • Urea liquid supplementation 5. Conservation of fodder Green fodder conservation Depending on facility. Either as silage or hay

  24. TSUNAMI WARNING SYSTEM In 1965- International Tsunami Information Centre (ITIC). • Under water earth quakes are monitored by sensors on the floor of the sea • The sensors pass on information to floating buoys on the surface whenever they detect any change in sea pressure • Information is then relayed to satellite which pass it on to the earth stations. • Inform well in advance 3 to 14 hours.

  25. Impact of feeding salty feed and saline water on animal production • Animal salt tolerance depend on ability of kidney to increase glomerular filtration rate and decrease salt reabsorption rate. • Exert inhibitory effect on rumen microflora • Decreased milk production • Increased osmotic pressure • Alter thyroid hormone function • Decrease protein synthesis.

  26. Cont.. In poultry: Detoriation of egg shell quality Symptoms of salt poisoning : Excessive thirst Muscular weakness Edema.

  27. Strategies for coastal eco security • Environmentally sustainable management of the coastal zone. • Strengthening if ecological foundations • Rehabilitation of mangrove forests • Erection of bio shields (M.S. SwamiNathan)

  28. Bioshields consists of; Planting appropriate mangrove species Salt tolerant plants Saliorine atriplex Casuarina Sp. Thespesia Sp. And some species of Bamboo (M.S. SwamiNathan)

  29. CONCLUSION • Local level plans to be drawn up for evacuating animals at short notice at the time of Tsunami alert • Fodder conservation • Animal health management.

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