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IPAD . Lisa Deaton. Introduction…. STOP THE WORD VOMIT!!. santapaga.blogspot.com. Word Vomit?? . Word vomit - when students write word-for-word from the text without analyzing what the writer means (could also be called plagiarism, but that’s a different IPAD!) . . For example,.

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Presentation Transcript

  1. IPAD Lisa Deaton

  2. Introduction…

  3. STOP THE WORD VOMIT!! santapaga.blogspot.com

  4. Word Vomit?? • Word vomit - when students write word-for-word from the text without analyzing what the writer means (could also be called plagiarism, but that’s a different IPAD!).

  5. For example, • The teacher asks: Is Little Red Riding Hood a believable character? Explain why or why not. • The student writes: Little Red Riding Hood is believable because one day, Little Red Riding Hood made goodies for her grandma, put on her red hood and took a short cut through the forest. She met a wolf and told him she was going to Grandma’s house… WORD VOMIT!!

  6. Our students must learn to think and write • Analytically!!!!

  7. Why? • 1. Because the standards say we must teach it!! • Draw evidence from literary or informational texts to support analysis, reflection and research. • 2. Our students deserve the best education we can give them. • 3. Analyzing is a real-world skill that will be used on a daily basis.

  8. Define analytical writing, please! • Analytical writing - breaks down an issue or an idea into its component parts, evaluates the issue or idea, and presents this breakdown and evaluation to the audience. • http://owl.english.purdue.edu/owl/resource/545/01/

  9. I chose analytical writing as my topic because…

  10. I HATE IT!!!!!!! • I DON’T UNDERSTAND IT!!

  11. So how can I expect my students to understand?

  12. Research…

  13. Types of resources I investigated • Textbooks • Poetry • Instructional Strategies • Assessment Strategies • Co-workers • Analysts, of course!

  14. The most helpful resources are… • Judith Rowe Michaels, author of Risking Intensity: Reading and Writing Poetry with High School Students writes that analyzing poetry is • “… like being forced to eat, very slowly and at gunpoint, a huge platter of brussels sprouts, then regurgitate them and slowly ingest the limp, steamy, cabbagy little suckers all over again.” • Michaels starts slowly, and uses scaffolding to build students up to analyzing poetry.

  15. CASL – Classroom Assessment for Student Learning: Doing it Right – Using it Well • Stiggins, Arter, Chappuis and Chappuis • Differentiate student instruction • Students are involved in creating learning and assessment • Teaching/learning to Mastery

  16. Co-workers • invaluable resource

  17. Doc Whitaker • information overload, but… • He modeled how we should analyze and use the information.

  18. Successes and Challenges • Successes: - already practicing some strategies. Challenges: - not practicing them very well… - keeping students interested

  19. Student Samples Persuasive letters • Analyzing speeches • Whole text

  20. Modifications and Extensions • Primary – analyze pictures and photographs. • Middle grades – analyze comics and short sentences • Graphic organizers • Math – analyze a map to measure distance • History/Social studies – analyze a map; map out war march • Arts and Humanities – analyze a photo or painting

  21. Analyze This!! • In groups of 2-3, analyze the following photograph and complete the graphic organizer. • Be prepared to share your ideas and findings with the class.

  22. mommypoppins.com

  23. A few suggestions • Think Alouds (teacher modeled) • Movies – analyze a specific scene • Speeches – let students analyze each others speeches • Cartoons • Ads

  24. Questions or Comments

  25. “One original thought is worth a thousand mindless quotings.” -Diogenes

  26. Thank you!!!

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