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In Proverbs

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In Proverbs

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    1. Last week we celebrated Valentines day. It is said that in the third century, Emperor Claudius II revoked the God given right for young men to marry women because Claudius believed that non-married men made better soldiers. Consequently, he forbade marriage to young men. A preacher named Valentine defied the Emperors law and secretly married those who were in love. Our Valentines day seems to have risen from that legend. So, human law bound that he who loves is not allowed to marry, but Gods law clearly permitted such. But the body of this lesson is not about love that is shared between a man and a woman, but rather what the book of Proverbs has to say about some things that we may love.Last week we celebrated Valentines day. It is said that in the third century, Emperor Claudius II revoked the God given right for young men to marry women because Claudius believed that non-married men made better soldiers. Consequently, he forbade marriage to young men. A preacher named Valentine defied the Emperors law and secretly married those who were in love. Our Valentines day seems to have risen from that legend. So, human law bound that he who loves is not allowed to marry, but Gods law clearly permitted such. But the body of this lesson is not about love that is shared between a man and a woman, but rather what the book of Proverbs has to say about some things that we may love.

    2. He who spares his rod hates his son, But he who loves him disciplines him promptly (Prov. 13:24) hate him = no discipline cuts against modern psychology/human wisdom Discipline your son while there is still hope. Do not be the one responsible for his death (Prov. 19:18, GWV) The Bible affirms that no greater disservice can a parent do to his child than spare discipline. [CLICK]If you truly hate your child, do not discipline him, is what Solomon is saying. [CLICK]BThis completely cuts against the grain of modern psychology which teaches that using a rod is for those who hate their child. [CLICK] There is a period of time for corperal discipline and there is a time when it ceases. There is a time for training in which hope remains and there is a time when it is hopeless to spank. Conservative, Bible believing psycologist believe that spanking is not appropriate for a teenager but is for younger children.The Bible affirms that no greater disservice can a parent do to his child than spare discipline. [CLICK]If you truly hate your child, do not discipline him, is what Solomon is saying. [CLICK]BThis completely cuts against the grain of modern psychology which teaches that using a rod is for those who hate their child. [CLICK] There is a period of time for corperal discipline and there is a time when it ceases. There is a time for training in which hope remains and there is a time when it is hopeless to spank. Conservative, Bible believing psycologist believe that spanking is not appropriate for a teenager but is for younger children.

    3. Someone Lied To Us! Dont Spank hitting models hitting hitting devalues the child hitting may lead to abuse hitting does not improve behavior hitting promotes anger hitting brings back bad memories hitting is not biblical When you read of biased articles that say studies show that spanking children has negative effects you need to keep in mind that they are lumping all kinds of corporal discipline in with spanking including child abuse. Most of thiese "studies" are opinion driven from the outset. hitting models Spanking demonstrates that it's all right for people to hit people, and especially for big people to hit little people, and stronger people to hit weaker people (ibid). Such reasoning is purely opinion-based without any reliable data to back it up. Spanking doesnt model spanking, it relates to a child that certain behavior is not acceptable and will not be tolerated. It defines limitations on behavior. I recall getting spanked for some obnoxious behavior and learned to not want to ever do that again. Getting disciplined from my parents never made me want to grow up and start hitting anyone. As a young child I had a hitting problem (though I believe often provoked). I would not have a problem kicking and hitting my older sisters if I thought the occasion warranted such. But I learned that such behavior was unacceptable and I had parents who spanked me. Folks, it is unrealistic to think never would a child hit if only his parents wouldnt spank. Most children will learn to unleash their frustration in hitting, kicking, etc. and unless they are disciplined, they will continue. Spanking them for such will make the frequency of these outbursts diminish in time. hitting devalues How does it devalue a child or a parent? Being spanked made me respect my parents, not devalue them. Furthermore, excessive anything can hurt the child. Is excessive scolding and berating good for a child? Won't excessive time-out devalue a child? Shall we then write publications attacking scolding, and time-out use? hitting leads to abuse - in the context of discipline there is absolutely no evidence that spanking leads to abuse. In fact the oppisite is probably true. hitting doesnt improve behavior Says who? Again, my own experience as a father and in watching others who disciplined their children with corporal punishment proved otherwise. I have never witnessed such a change in attitude and behavior than when my children have gotten a paddling. I remember once seeing my nephew getting disorderly at lunch and my sister gave him a little swat. It made him cry. Five minutes later he clinged to her and looked up at her and told her how much he loved her. That has happened in my own family too. It didnt lead to abuse, it didnt promote anger and it did improve behavior. I have to wonder if these psychologist have ever raised any children and if they have, did they produce anyone who was respectable and cordial in society. I will get to hitting is not biblical in a moment. When you read of biased articles that say studies show that spanking children has negative effects you need to keep in mind that they are lumping all kinds of corporal discipline in with spanking including child abuse. Most of thiese "studies" are opinion driven from the outset. hitting models Spanking demonstrates that it's all right for people to hit people, and especially for big people to hit little people, and stronger people to hit weaker people (ibid). Such reasoning is purely opinion-based without any reliable data to back it up. Spanking doesnt model spanking, it relates to a child that certain behavior is not acceptable and will not be tolerated. It defines limitations on behavior. I recall getting spanked for some obnoxious behavior and learned to not want to ever do that again. Getting disciplined from my parents never made me want to grow up and start hitting anyone. As a young child I had a hitting problem (though I believe often provoked). I would not have a problem kicking and hitting my older sisters if I thought the occasion warranted such. But I learned that such behavior was unacceptable and I had parents who spanked me. Folks, it is unrealistic to think never would a child hit if only his parents wouldnt spank. Most children will learn to unleash their frustration in hitting, kicking, etc. and unless they are disciplined, they will continue. Spanking them for such will make the frequency of these outbursts diminish in time. hitting devalues How does it devalue a child or a parent? Being spanked made me respect my parents, not devalue them. Furthermore, excessive anything can hurt the child. Is excessive scolding and berating good for a child? Won't excessive time-out devalue a child? Shall we then write publications attacking scolding, and time-out use? hitting leads to abuse - in the context of discipline there is absolutely no evidence that spanking leads to abuse. In fact the oppisite is probably true. hitting doesnt improve behavior Says who? Again, my own experience as a father and in watching others who disciplined their children with corporal punishment proved otherwise. I have never witnessed such a change in attitude and behavior than when my children have gotten a paddling. I remember once seeing my nephew getting disorderly at lunch and my sister gave him a little swat. It made him cry. Five minutes later he clinged to her and looked up at her and told her how much he loved her. That has happened in my own family too. It didnt lead to abuse, it didnt promote anger and it did improve behavior. I have to wonder if these psychologist have ever raised any children and if they have, did they produce anyone who was respectable and cordial in society. I will get to hitting is not biblical in a moment.

    4. Even Without Biblical Evidence More than four out of five Americans who were spanked as children say that it was an effective form of discipline (Voter/Consumer Research Poll, National Values. Commissioned by the Family Research Council, 1994.) A Gallup poll showed that most Americans perceive that a lack of discipline is the biggest problem in public education today ("School Poll." The Washington Times. Aug. 28, 1995, p. A-2.) [CLICK] We live in a country that is obsessed with polls in the political areana. Why not in the social areana? In the political arean, if a president has an 80 percent approval rating, you cannot find much ill said about him. Yet in there are 80% of Americans who were actually spanked as children who say it was effective and all the psychologist ignore it! [CLICK] Now do you ever read of kids bringing weapons into school and blowing their peers away in the early 19th century or before? If so, where? I blame modern psychology and their rotten opinions spewed by these professors who have more dollars than sense for the degradation of discipline in our world today. They have helped unravel the fabric of the greatness of this nation much like evolution is to be blamed for the degradation of human life.[CLICK] We live in a country that is obsessed with polls in the political areana. Why not in the social areana? In the political arean, if a president has an 80 percent approval rating, you cannot find much ill said about him. Yet in there are 80% of Americans who were actually spanked as children who say it was effective and all the psychologist ignore it! [CLICK] Now do you ever read of kids bringing weapons into school and blowing their peers away in the early 19th century or before? If so, where? I blame modern psychology and their rotten opinions spewed by these professors who have more dollars than sense for the degradation of discipline in our world today. They have helped unravel the fabric of the greatness of this nation much like evolution is to be blamed for the degradation of human life.

    5. Researchers John Lyons, Rachel Anderson and David Larson of the National Institute of Healthcare Research recently conducted a systematic review of the research literature on corporal punishment. They found that 83 percent of the 132 identified articles published in clinical and psychosocial journals were merely opinion-driven editorials, reviews or commentaries, devoid of new empirical findings. Moreover, most of the empirical studies were methodologically flawed by grouping the impact of abuse with spanking. The best studies demonstrated beneficial, not detrimental, effects of spanking in certain situations (http://www.childprotectionreform.org/policy/spanking/spare_the_rod.htm; endnote: Lyons, Dr. John S., Anderson, Rachel L., and Larson, Dr. David B. "The Use and Effects of Physical Punishment in the Home: A Systematic Review." Presentation to the Section on Bio-Ethics of the American Academy of Pediatrics at annual meeting, Nov. 2, 1993.)

    6. Even Without Biblical Evidence Childhood aggressiveness has been more closely linked to maternal permissiveness and negative criticism than to even abusive physical discipline (Olweus, Dan. Familial and Temperamental Determinants of Aggressive Behavior in Adolescent Boys: A Causal Analysis. Developmental Psychology. 1980; 16:644-660) So mothers, the hand who rocks the cradle does rule the world! if you, as a mother are permissive with your children, then this study shows you to be the link to overly agressiveness. Proverbs 1:8 mentions the law of your mother which seems to indicate that the mother makes laws that are to be obeyed. When a mother is permissive, she violates her role as mother. And I see a balance for men too. "Negative criticism," of which we all have probably been guilty of from time to time can be destructive to your child. Fathers are said to not provoke your children to wrath (Eph. 6:4). Emulating Fred Sanford's fatherly tactics of reffering to his son as "dummy" would certainly fall under that condemnation.So mothers, the hand who rocks the cradle does rule the world! if you, as a mother are permissive with your children, then this study shows you to be the link to overly agressiveness. Proverbs 1:8 mentions the law of your mother which seems to indicate that the mother makes laws that are to be obeyed. When a mother is permissive, she violates her role as mother. And I see a balance for men too. "Negative criticism," of which we all have probably been guilty of from time to time can be destructive to your child. Fathers are said to not provoke your children to wrath (Eph. 6:4). Emulating Fred Sanford's fatherly tactics of reffering to his son as "dummy" would certainly fall under that condemnation.

    7. Spanking Versus Abuse

    8. Sweden banned spanking in 1979 1980 abuse rate was twice that of USA 1 from 1981 to 1994, criminal child abuse rose 489% 2 from 1984 to 1994 criminal assault against 7-14 year-olds by minors under 15 rose 519% (ibid) 231% rise in 15 19 year-olds 133% rise in 20 24 year-olds

    9. Spanking: Biblical OR Not Biblical Argument Against Biblical Spanking While the rod could be used for hitting, it was more frequently used for guiding wandering sheep 1 Foolishness is bound up in the heart of a child; The rod of correction will drive it far from him (Prov. 22:15) Do not withhold correction from a child, For if you beat him with a rod, he will not die. You shall beat him with a rod, And deliver his soul from hell (Prov. 23:13, 14)

    10. He who loves transgression loves strife, And he who exalts his gate seeks destruction (Prov. 17:19) realize that some men love evil (Ps. 52:1-5; cf. 1 Sam. 21, 22) some men love to relate news only to tear down [CLICK] When David was in Nob talking to Ahimelech, by chance his servant Doeg was there and saw Ahimelech welcome him. Later Doeg told reported this to Saul and Saul went to Ahimelechs house and commissioned Doeg to kill the priests of which 85 fell. [CLICK][CLICK] When David was in Nob talking to Ahimelech, by chance his servant Doeg was there and saw Ahimelech welcome him. Later Doeg told reported this to Saul and Saul went to Ahimelechs house and commissioned Doeg to kill the priests of which 85 fell. [CLICK]

    11. He who loves pleasure will be a poor man; He who loves wine and oil will not be rich (Prov. 21:17) can choke out the word (Lk. 8:14) some mixed it with religion (Ex. 32:6) There is a place for pleasure. But the admonition is against loving pleasure. Getting addicted to it like the world does to wine. A person who is obsessed with entertaining himself, carousing in all that he can for pleasures sake will be a poor man. He will not reach any level of success and will have be deservingly poor. We pity the poor, and that is fine. We should. But there are some who are poor that we should not pity. This verse condemns that sort. The person who says I don't have enough to give God any money on the first day of the week because I am poor. But the same person thinks nothing to going and spending twenty bucks at a movie theater or 15 bucks to eat out. He has money for movies and X Boxs but not for God. Or he has money for music but none to spend for computer programs that may help him or educational tools by which he may develop a trade or develop in a trade. [CLICK] Again, the same deficit is manifested. I just don't have time to study God's word. I don't have to for Bible study. Sitting an hour or two in worship is just too long, but that same person will sit in front of the TV or go to the movies and blow 3 hours of time without thinking anything about it. [CLICK] Some mixed it with religion. They would have fit in with the modern pleasure seeker religionist who boldly shouts, Who says church cannot be fun as they implement dinners, sporting events, camping retreats, etc. Of course, in such an act of loving pleasure, they never experience the pleausre of true religion.There is a place for pleasure. But the admonition is against loving pleasure. Getting addicted to it like the world does to wine. A person who is obsessed with entertaining himself, carousing in all that he can for pleasures sake will be a poor man. He will not reach any level of success and will have be deservingly poor. We pity the poor, and that is fine. We should. But there are some who are poor that we should not pity. This verse condemns that sort. The person who says I don't have enough to give God any money on the first day of the week because I am poor. But the same person thinks nothing to going and spending twenty bucks at a movie theater or 15 bucks to eat out. He has money for movies and X Boxs but not for God. Or he has money for music but none to spend for computer programs that may help him or educational tools by which he may develop a trade or develop in a trade. [CLICK] Again, the same deficit is manifested. I just don't have time to study God's word. I don't have to for Bible study. Sitting an hour or two in worship is just too long, but that same person will sit in front of the TV or go to the movies and blow 3 hours of time without thinking anything about it. [CLICK] Some mixed it with religion. They would have fit in with the modern pleasure seeker religionist who boldly shouts, Who says church cannot be fun as they implement dinners, sporting events, camping retreats, etc. Of course, in such an act of loving pleasure, they never experience the pleausre of true religion.

    12. He who loves purity of heart And has grace on his lips, The king will be his friend (Prov. 22:11) purity of heart + gracious lips = kings friend kings value uprightness of man probably more than any other class of men Ezra, Nehemiah, Esther & Daniel are examples of some who excelled with kings Wow! How the concept here shines forth! The one who loves purity of heart. That man or woman who has grace drip from their lips is a source, a fountain of health another. We here so much nonsense, often so much callouse talk and course jesting. But the person of Proverbs 22:11 is just different and engaging conversation with such builds up our soul. [CLICK] There are two things in this passage of a man that are centered upon. The purity of heart is the cleanness of heart. A heart without malice and without ulterior motive. The heart is the inner man whereas the lips declare outwardly what is on the inside. Kings like favorable speech. [CLICK X2]Wow! How the concept here shines forth! The one who loves purity of heart. That man or woman who has grace drip from their lips is a source, a fountain of health another. We here so much nonsense, often so much callouse talk and course jesting. But the person of Proverbs 22:11 is just different and engaging conversation with such builds up our soul. [CLICK] There are two things in this passage of a man that are centered upon. The purity of heart is the cleanness of heart. A heart without malice and without ulterior motive. The heart is the inner man whereas the lips declare outwardly what is on the inside. Kings like favorable speech. [CLICK X2]

    13. the king will be his friend the KING of kings can be your friend too You are My friends if you do whatever I command you (Jn. 15:14) meditate on these things (Phil. 4:8) let your speech always be with grace (Col. 4:6) do you love HIM? If you love Me, keep My commandments (Jn. 14:15) will you obey HIM?

    14. He who believes and is baptized will be saved; but he who does not believe will be condemned (Mk. 16:16)

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