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13.5 week study guide

13.5 week study guide. December 6 th , 2013. Brainteaser#38: 12-6-13. Name the four stages of Athenian government? Where is R ome located? Describe the Byzantine Culture? Baghdad fell to what group of people? Charlemagne built what to unite the empire?.

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13.5 week study guide

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  1. 13.5 week study guide December 6th, 2013

  2. Brainteaser#38: 12-6-13 • Name the four stages of Athenian government? • Where is Rome located? • Describe the Byzantine Culture? • Baghdad fell to what group of people? • Charlemagne built what to unite the empire?

  3. Monarchy, Aristocracy, Tyranny and Democracy • It centrally located in the Mediterranean basin and distant from the eastern Mediterranean powers • Continued flourishing of Greco-Romans traditions, Greek language (as contrasted with Latin in the west, Greek or Eastern Orthodox Christianity and Greek and Roman knowledge preserved in Byzantine libraries • The Mongols • Schools, Roads, and churches

  4. 13.5 week study guide • Pericles extended democracy; most adult males had an equal voice 2. Zeus, Hera, Apollo, Artemis, Athena, Aphrodite Jupiter, Juno, Apollo, Diana, Minerva, and Venus 3. an artificial channel for conveying water, typically in the form of a bridge supported by tall columns across a valley in Rome 4. The Emperor Constantine converted to Christianity and made it legal. Christianity later became the official state religion.

  5. 5. Rome and Carthage were in competition for trade 6. Three wars resulted in Roman victory, the destruction of Carthage, and expanded trade. Monotheistic Religion and wealth for Rome. 7. Decline in population, Scarcity of labor, Towns freed from feudal obligations, Decline of Church influence, Disruption of trade

  6. 8. Protection of the eastern frontier, Distance from Germanic invasions in the western empire, Crossroads of trade, Easily fortified site on a peninsula, bordered by natural harbors 9. Located in the Andes Mountains of South America, Represented by Machu Picchu, Ruled by an emperor, Economy based on high-altitude agriculture, Polytheistic religion, Road system

  7. 10. Calendars, Mathematics, Writing and other record-keeping systems 11. Pope Urban’s speech, The capture of Jerusalem, Founding of Crusader states, Loss of Jerusalem to Saladin, Sack of Constantinople by western Crusaders 12. Greek and Roman, Scholars 13. Domination of Plants and Animals

  8. 14. Migrated in search for food and survival 15. The belief in many gods 16. Ten Commandments, which state moral and religious conduct 17. Golden Age of classical Indian culture, Contributions: Mathematics (concept of zero),medical advances (setting bones), astronomy (concept of a round earth), new textiles, literature located near the Ganges and Indus rivers

  9. 18. Vedas and Upanishads: Vedas has all the Dharma rules that Hindus should live by and the Upanishads: are a collection of texts of religious and philosophical nature, during a time when Indian society started to question the traditional religious order. 19. Chinese rulers were considered divine, but they served under a Mandate of Heaven only as long as their rule was just. 20. Founder: Siddhartha Gautama (Buddha), He wanted to teach other how to overcome suffering.

  10. 21. Humility, Simple life and inner peace, Harmony with nature 22. Symbols and images in Western literature, art, and architecture 23. Celebrates the individual, Stimulated the study of Greek and Roman literature and culture 24. The movable-type printing press helped the production and sale of books helped to disseminate ideas.

  11. 25. They migrated in search of food, water and shelter. 26. Protection of the eastern frontier, Distance from Germanic invasions in the western empire, Crossroads of trade, Easily fortified site on a peninsula, bordered by natural harbors. 27. They became sailor and traders and colonization

  12. 28. Centrally located in the Mediterranean Basin and distant from eastern Mediterranean powers. 29. By establishing their own governments. 30. Located in the Andes Mountains of South America, Represented by Machu Picchu, Ruled by an emperor, Economy based on high-altitude agriculture, Polytheistic religion, Road system

  13. 31. The Silk Road facilitated trade and contact between China and other cultures as far away as Rome. 32. Located in the Mexican and Central American rain forests 33. Hereditary rulers: Dynasties of kings, pharaohs, Rigid class system where slavery was accepted Centralized government, often based on religious authority

  14. 34. Compass invent in China 35. Established uniform system of money, which helped to expand trade, Guaranteed safe travel and trade on Roman roads, Promoted prosperity and stability Returned stability to social classes, Increased emphasis on the family Created a civil service Developed a uniform rule of law

  15. 36. Patricians: Powerful nobility (few in number) Plebeians: Majority of population, Slaves: Not based on race • Where everyone(All males in Greece participated in all things about the government ex. Voting, debate, leadership etc.) Greece 38. Was led by Jesus of Nazareth, who was proclaimed the Messiah and his teachings

  16. 39. The Arabic alphabet or Arabic language s written from right to left, in a cursive style, and includes 28 letters. 40. Centered in Rome, Farther from seat of power after Constantinople became capital, Use of Latin language in the liturgy, Authority of the Pope eventually accepted in the West Practices such as celibacy eventually accepted in the West

  17. 41. a picture or pattern produced by arranging together small colored pieces of hard material, such as stone, tile, or glass, The Byzantine Empire 42. Secular authority declined, while Church authority grew., Monasteries preserved Greco-Roman cultural achievements. Missionaries carried Christianity and Latin alphabet to Germanic tribes, The Pope anointed Charlemagne, Emperor in 800 A .D . (C .E .) Parish priests served religious and social needs of the people.

  18. 43. Split over the question of who should have succeeded Mohammed ,Successor of Muhammad, Sunni (Majority) is selected or elected, Shi’s (Minority) successor must be direct descendant of the Prophet’s family. 44. Muhammad the prophet, Arabian Peninsula, Mecca and Medina

  19. 45. The Slavic's(Russia) 46. Codification of Roman law (impact on European legal codes), Reconquest of former Roman territories, Expansion of trade 47. Ethnic religion unique to Japan, Importance of natural features, forces of nature, and ancestors State religion; worship of the emperor Coexistence with Buddhism

  20. 48. Islam into West Africa, Central and Southeast Asia, It was established though cultural interaction through trade 49. Importance of gold and salt to trans- Saharan trade

  21. 6f • The origin and evolution of Imperial Rome • First Triumvirate( Caesar, Crassus, Pompey) • Julius Caesar: Seizure of Power, assassination by senate, ides of march, senate were afraid of his power • Augustus Caesar: Civil War, defeat of Marc Anthony, Rome’s first emperor • Empire: Unified and enlarged, using imperial authority and the military

  22. 6f • Failure to provide for peaceful succession of Emperors.

  23. 6g • The Pax Romana: • Two hundred years of peace and prosperity under imperial rule • Expansion and solidification of the Roman empire, particularity in the near east

  24. 6g Economic impact of the Pax Romana • Established uniform system of money, which helped to expand trade • Guaranteed safe travel and trade on Roman Roads • Promoted prosperity and stability

  25. 6g Social impact of the Pax Romana • Returned stability to social classes • Increased emphasis on the family Political impact of the Pax Romana • Created a civil service • Developed a uniformed rule of law

  26. 6h Christianity: • Had its roots in Judaism • Was led by Jesus of Nazareth, who was proclaimed the Messiah( Jesus the founder of Christianity) • Conflicted with Polytheistic beliefs of Roman Empire

  27. 6h Beliefs, traditions, and customs of Christianity: • Monotheism • Jesus as both son and incarnation of God • Life after death • New testament, containing accounts of the life and teachings of Jesus, as well as writings of early Christians • Christian doctrines established by early church councils

  28. 6h Spread of Christianity: • Popularity of the message: gave hope to all people including women • Early Martyrs inspired others • Carried by the Apostles, including Paul throughout the Roman Empire

  29. 6i • Impact of the Church of Rome in the late Roman Empire • The Emperor Constantine_________________ converted to Christianity and made it legal. • Christianity later became the official state religion. • The Church became a source of ____Moral__________ authority. • Loyalty to the Church became more important than loyalty to the _________Emperor_______. • The Church became the main unifying force of ______Western_______ Europe

  30. 6j • Contributions of ancient Rome • Art and ___Architecture_______________: Pantheon, Colosseum, Forum • Technology: Roads, aqueducts, Roman arches • Science: Achievements of Ptolemy • Medicine: Emphasis on public ___Health_________ (public baths, public water systems, medical schools) • Language: Latin, Romance languages • Literature: Virgil’s _Aeneid_____________ • Religion: Roman mythology; adoption of Christianity as the imperial religion • Law: The principle of “_____Innocent_____________ until proven ______Guilty_______” (from the Twelve Tables)

  31. 6k • Causes for the decline of the Western Roman Empire • _____Geographic________ size: Difficulty of defense and administration • Economy: The cost of ___Defense___________, and devaluation of Roman currency • Military: Army membership started to include _________Non-Romans_________, resulting in decline of discipline • _____Moral________ decay: People’s loss of faith in Rome and the family • Political problems: Civil conflict and weak administration • Invasion: Attacks on borders

  32. 6k • Division of the Roman Empire • Move of the capital by Constantine from Rome to _________Byzantium________, renaming it Constantinople • Survival of the Western Roman Empire until 476 a.d. (c.e.), when it ceased to have a Roman Emperor • _____Eastern________ Roman Empire (Byzantine Empire)

  33. 7a • Protection of the ______________eastern Frontier_________________ • Distance from ___________Germanic Invasions_______________________ in the western empire • Crossroads of trade • Easily fortified site on a peninsula bordered by ________Natural Harbors___________________

  34. 7a • Role of Constantinople • Seat of the _Byzantine Empire____until _________Ottoman__ conquest • Preserved classical __Greco-Roman________ culture • Center of trade

  35. 7b • Codification of _Roman__________ _______Law____ (impact on European legal codes) • Reconquest of former ______Roman_____territories • Expansion of _____Trade______

  36. 7c • Inspiration provided by Christian religion and imperial power • Icons (religious images) • Mosaics in public and religious structures • Hagia Sophia (a Byzantine domed church)

  37. 7c • Byzantine culture • Continued flourishing of _______________Greco-Roman__________________ traditions • _____Greek______ language (as contrasted with Latin in the West) • ________Greek Orthodox Christianity or Eastern Orthodox_________________________ • ____Greek_______ and ___Roman________ knowledge preserved in Byzantine libraries

  38. 7d • Eastern Church • Centered in Constantinople • Close to seat of power after Constantinople became capital • Use of Greek Language

  39. 7d • Western Church • Centered in __Rome_________ • Farther from seat of power after ______Constantinople_______________ became capital • Use of __Latin_________ language in the liturgy

  40. 7d • Division between Western and Eastern Churches • Authority of the Pope___________ eventually accepted in the _West__________ • Authority of the ____Patriarch__________________ accepted in the East • Practices such as ____Celibacy_______ eventually accepted in the West

  41. 7e • Influence of Byzantine culture on Eastern Europe and Russia • Trade routes along the black and Baltic seas • Adoption of Orthodox Christianity by Russia and eastern Europe • Adoption of Greek alphabet for the Slavic languages by ST. Cyril • Church Architecture and religious art

  42. 8a • Origins of Islam • __________Muhammad____________, the Prophet • ___Mecca________ and ______Medina_____ on the Arabian Peninsula: Early Muslim cities

  43. 8a • Spread of Islam • Across Asia and ____Africa_______ and into _Spain__________ • Geographic extent of first Muslim empire

  44. 8a • Beliefs, traditions, and customs of Islam • _______Monotheism______: Allah (Arabic word for God) • _____________Quran(Koran)____: The word of God • ______Five_____ ___Pillars________ of Islam • Acceptance of Judeo-Christian prophets, including ___Moses________ and ______Jesus_____

  45. 8b • Geographic influences on the origin and spread of Islam • Diffusion along trade routes from ___Mecca________ and _____Medina______ • Expansion despite great distances, __Desert_________ __________Environments__ , and ______Mountain_____ barriers • Spread into the ________Fertile Crescent___ _____, Iran, and Central Asia facilitated by weak Byzantine and Persian empires

  46. 8b • Geographic influences on economic, social, and political development • Political unity of the first _____Muslim______ ____Empire_______ was short-lived. • ____Arabic_______ language spread with Islam and facilitated __Trade_________ across Islamic lands. • _______Slavery____ was not based on ___Race________.

  47. 8c • Historical turning points • Death of Ali: Sunni/Shia Division(over who should be in charge of Islam • Muslim Conquests of Jerusalem and Damascus • Islamic Capital moved to Baghdad • Muslim defeat Battle of Tours • Fall of Baghdad to the Mongols

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