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NIH eSNAP eRA Commons System

NIH eSNAP eRA Commons System. Enter your Username and Password. To access your application click on eSNAP. Individual applications will appear below. To access the application, click on the desired hyperlink. Click the initiate button. Your application will appear and you

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NIH eSNAP eRA Commons System

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Presentation Transcript

  1. NIH eSNAP eRA Commons System

  2. Enter your Username and Password

  3. To access your application click on eSNAP

  4. Individual applications will appear below. To access the application, click on the desired hyperlink

  5. Click the initiate button

  6. Your application will appear and you may begin working on the submission. To begin, Click on Upload Science

  7. Attach your science document Add any missing publications Include any publications relevant to this submission by checking the appropriate box

  8. Click on the Edit Business tab and you will be directed here Select Paula Means Select your grant reviewer in the Office of Research

  9. Continue working through all tabs in the edit business section until all areas are completed. After completing all tabs and saving all your work on each tab, be certain to designate all areas as complete at the bottom of each page Return to the Manage eSNAP section

  10. Upon Returning to the Manage eSNAP section you will notice that all incomplete statuses will have changed to complete. Please check the completeness of your work by clicking the Validate button. Any errors will be displayed and will need to be addressed prior to routing to the Office of Research Route the document to your Office of Research contact for review

  11. Select from the dropdown your Office of Research Contact Click submit

  12. Agree with Statement and Electronically sign application

  13. You will be returned to the main page and be notified that you application has been routed to the Office of Research for review

  14. After Your Part is Done • The review process will begin. • Application will be reviewed and processed in the Office of Research. • Upon completion of preliminary review, application will be sent to the Signing Official for signature. • The signing official will make final review and submit application electronically to NIH.

  15. What You Should Expect • Email notification that your application has been reviewed by your Office of Research contact and routed to the Signing Official. • Email notification that your application has been submitted to NIH for finalization of process.

  16. Then What? • Back to the Research at hand… • Enjoy the expedited review and submission processes that the eCommons system delivers.

  17. Questions? • Contact your Office of Research administrator or Ryan Favreau 3-5306.

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