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Students Reading Below Grade Level: 4 th Grade

Students Reading Below Grade Level: 4 th Grade. Annie La EDU 7201, Fall 2011. Table of Contents. Statement of Problem Review of Literature Current Instructional strategies The Debate: Read A Loud The Debate: Guided Reading Theorists & Practitioners Statement of Hypothesis References.

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Students Reading Below Grade Level: 4 th Grade

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  1. Students Reading Below Grade Level: 4th Grade Annie La EDU 7201, Fall 2011

  2. Table of Contents • Statement of Problem • Review of Literature • Current Instructional strategies • The Debate: Read A Loud • The Debate: Guided Reading • Theorists & Practitioners • Statement of Hypothesis • References

  3. Statement of Problem • 46% of large city public schools in the fourth grade read below reading level. • The National Center for Education Statistics (2009) • 34% of the Nations public schools in the fourth graders are below reading level. • The National Center for Education Statistics (2009)

  4. Current Instructional Strategy Read A Loud • Bridges testing and reading gaps through fluency strategies • Adamson et al. (2006) • Many public schools in Brooklyn conduct read alouds • Lee, V., personal communication (2011)

  5. The Debate: Read A Loud Pros • Increases comprehension of text, build vocabulary and familiarity with sound • Cummins, S. & Stellmeyer-Gerade, C. (2011) • Provide students with reading fluency • Adamson et al. (2006) Cons • Does not teach reading strategies and skills: Phonetics and decoding • Brenda, B., Buck, K., & Giles, R. (2009) • Prevents beginning readers from reading independently • Kruse, M. (2007)

  6. The Debate: Guided Reading Pros • Students become independent readers • Ford & Opitz (2011) • Increase reading comprehension, accuracy, fluency and vocabulary • Ford & Opitz (2011) • Build comprehension strategies • Ferguson & Wilson (2009) Cons • The strategies taught in guided reading are redundant and can be seen in other lessons throughout the day. • Ferguson & Wilson (2009) • Reading skills and strategies are taught as part of a lesson within the curriculum • Ferguson & Wilson (2009)

  7. Theorists & Practioners • Francis Galton: mental measurement • Lewis Terman- intelligence test in 1922 • Cadenhead, K. (1987) • Fountas & Pinnell: A-Z text gradient • Thomas. (n.d.) • Guided Reading: • Emmett Betts- directed reading activity in 1946 • Lillian Gray and Dora Reese- guided reading questions • Ford & Opitz (2011)

  8. Statement of Hypothesis • Over the course of 7 months, providing fourth grade students in Brooklyn, NY with an opportunity for additional reading during guided reading programs, after school, will increase students’ reading level. • Over the course of 7 months, providing fourth grade students in Brooklyn, NY with an opportunity for additional reading during guided reading programs, in the morning, will increase students’ reading level.

  9. References • ACT. Reading between the lines: what the ACT reveals about college readiness in reading. Retrieved from http://schools.nyc.gov/NR/rdonlyres/FF204E0B-65B5-4DD4-9FAE-EE0C99ACB370/0/ACTReportSummary.pdf • Adamson, P., Adamson, B., Anderson, L., Clausen-Grace, N., Earnes, A., Einarson, C., … Wooten, A. (2006). Read and write it out loud!: Guided oral literacy strategies. School Library Journal, 52, p. 90. • Alliance for Excellent Education. (2006, February). Adolescent literacy [Fact sheet]. Retrieved from http://schools.nyc.gov/NR/rdonlyres/F62A486B-B05E-48F6-9503-F2A129416D28/0/AdolescentLiteracyFactSheet.pdf • Brenda, B., Buck, K., & Giles, R. (2009). First-grade reading gains following enrichment: phonics plus decodable texts compared to authentic literature read aloud. Reading Improvement, 46 (4), 191-205. • Cadenhead, K. (1987). Reading level: A metaphor that shapes practice. The Phi Delta Kappan, 68 (6), p.436-441. • Cooper, D. (n.d.). Stopping reading failure: Reading intervention for upper-grade students. Retrieved from http://www.beyond-the-book.com/strategies/strategies_012506.html • Cummins, S. & Stellmeyer-Gerade, C. (2011).Teaching for synthesis for informational texts with read-alouds. Reading Teacher, 64 (6), p.394-405. • English Language Arts [Chart]. (2011). Retrieved from New York City Department of Education website: http://schools.nyc.gov/daa/test_info/default.asp

  10. References • Ferguson, J. & Wilson, J. (2009). Guided reading: It’s for the primary teachers. College Reading Association Yearbook, 30, p. 293-306. • Ford, M & Opitz, M. (2011). Looking back to move forward with guided reading. Reading Horizons, 50 (4), p. 225-240. • Kruse, M. (2007). Read- alouds? Think again. School Library Journal, 53 (6), p. 36-37. • Mounce, A. (n.d.). Strategies to teach students reading below grade level. Retrieved from http://www.cec.sped.org/AM/Template.cfm?Section=Home&TEMPLATE=/CM/ContentDisplay.cfm&CONTENTID=9647&CAT=none • National Center for Education Statistics, Institute of Education Science. (2009). Trial urban district snapshot report: Reading 2009. [Data set]. Retrieved from http://nces.ed.gov/nationsreportcard/pdf/dst2009/2010461XN4.pdf • Ross, J. (2004). Effects of running records assessment on early literacy achievement. Journal of Education Research, 97 (4), p. 186-194. • Santa, C. & Hoien, T. (1999). An assessment of early steps: A program for early intervention of reading problems. Reading Research Quarterly. 34. 54-79. • Thames, D., Reeves, C., Kazelskis, R., York, K., Boling, C., Newell, K. & Yang, W. (2008). Reading comprehension: Effects of individualized, integrated language arts as a reading approach with struggling readers. Reading Psychology, 29, p. 86-115. • Thomas. (n.d.). Fountas and Pinnell- Early literacy experts offer new reading intervention program. Retrieved from http://www.openeducation.net/2009/05/15/fountas-and-pinnell-early-literacy-experts-offer-new-reading-intervention-program/

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