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Why Survivors of Trauma Feel and Act the Way They Do: Understanding the Neurobiology of Trauma

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Why Survivors of Trauma Feel and Act the Way They Do: Understanding the Neurobiology of Trauma

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  1. <?xml version="1.0"?><AllQuestions /> <?xml version="1.0"?><Settings><answerBulletFormat>Numeric</answerBulletFormat><answerNowAutoInsert>No</answerNowAutoInsert><answerNowStyle>Explosion</answerNowStyle><answerNowText>Answer Now</answerNowText><chartColors>Use PowerPoint Color Scheme</chartColors><chartType>Horizontal</chartType><correctAnswerIndicator>Checkmark</correctAnswerIndicator><countdownAutoInsert>No</countdownAutoInsert><countdownSeconds>10</countdownSeconds><countdownSound>TicToc.wav</countdownSound><countdownStyle>Box</countdownStyle><gridAutoInsert>No</gridAutoInsert><gridFillStyle>Answered</gridFillStyle><gridFillColor>0,0,0</gridFillColor><gridOpacity>100%</gridOpacity><gridTextStyle>Keypad #</gridTextStyle><inputSource>Response Devices</inputSource><multipleResponseDivisor># of Responses</multipleResponseDivisor><participantsLeaderBoard>5</participantsLeaderBoard><percentageDecimalPlaces>0</percentageDecimalPlaces><responseCounterAutoInsert>No</responseCounterAutoInsert><responseCounterStyle>Oval</responseCounterStyle><responseCounterDisplayValue># of Votes Received</responseCounterDisplayValue><insertObjectUsingColor>Blue</insertObjectUsingColor><showResults>Yes</showResults><teamColors>User Defined</teamColors><teamIdentificationType>None</teamIdentificationType><teamScoringType>Voting pads only</teamScoringType><teamScoringDecimalPlaces>1</teamScoringDecimalPlaces><teamIdentificationItem></teamIdentificationItem><teamsLeaderBoard>5</teamsLeaderBoard><teamName1></teamName1><teamName2></teamName2><teamName3></teamName3><teamName4></teamName4><teamName5></teamName5><teamName6></teamName6><teamName7></teamName7><teamName8></teamName8><teamName9></teamName9><teamName10></teamName10><showControlBar>Slides with Get Feedback Objects</showControlBar><defaultCorrectPointValue>100</defaultCorrectPointValue><defaultIncorrectPointValue>0</defaultIncorrectPointValue><chartColor1>187,224,227</chartColor1><chartColor2>51,51,153</chartColor2><chartColor3>0,153,153</chartColor3><chartColor4>153,204,0</chartColor4><chartColor5>128,128,128</chartColor5><chartColor6>0,0,0</chartColor6><chartColor7>0,102,204</chartColor7><chartColor8>204,204,255</chartColor8><chartColor9>255,0,0</chartColor9><chartColor10>255,255,0</chartColor10><teamColor1>187,224,227</teamColor1><teamColor2>51,51,153</teamColor2><teamColor3>0,153,153</teamColor3><teamColor4>153,204,0</teamColor4><teamColor5>128,128,128</teamColor5><teamColor6>0,0,0</teamColor6><teamColor7>0,102,204</teamColor7><teamColor8>204,204,255</teamColor8><teamColor9>255,0,0</teamColor9><teamColor10>255,255,0</teamColor10><displayAnswerImagesDuringVote>Yes</displayAnswerImagesDuringVote><displayAnswerImagesWithResponses>Yes</displayAnswerImagesWithResponses><displayAnswerTextDuringVote>Yes</displayAnswerTextDuringVote><displayAnswerTextWithResponses>Yes</displayAnswerTextWithResponses><questionSlideID></questionSlideID><controlBarState>Expanded</controlBarState><isGridColorKnownColor>True</isGridColorKnownColor><gridColorName>Yellow</gridColorName><AutoRec></AutoRec><AutoRecTimeIntrvl></AutoRecTimeIntrvl><chartVotesView>Percentage</chartVotesView><chartLabelsColor>0,0,0</chartLabelsColor><isChartLabelColorKnownColor>True</isChartLabelColorKnownColor><chartLabelColorName>Black</chartLabelColorName><chartXAxisLabelType>Full Text</chartXAxisLabelType></Settings> <?xml version="1.0"?><AllAnswers /> Why Survivors of Trauma Feel and Act the Way They Do: Understanding the Neurobiology of Trauma • Janine M. D’Anniballe, Ph.D. • Children’s Roundtable Summit • Seven Springs, PA

  2. The Stress-Trauma Continuum • Normal • Situational • Traumatic

  3. What is Trauma? • Physical, sexual abuse, neglect • Domestic violence • Stalking • School or gang violence • Divorce/custody battle • Kidnapping • War • Natural Disasters • Severe motor vehicle accidents • Witnessing or hearing about any of the above

  4. Trauma and Culture • Cultural/Gender differences in the perception and expression of trauma • Historical trauma • Forms of traumatic injury • Psychological • Spiritual • Brain/Body

  5. Trauma Symptoms as Adaptations • Substance abuse • Indiscriminant sexual behavior • Self-harm and suicidal gestures • Dissociation • Continued contact with the abuser • The freeze response • Avoidance or withdrawal • Eating disorders • Engaging in high risk behaviors

  6. The Neurobiology of Trauma • Trauma is not purely a psychological issue • The past becomes present because of the way that the brain dysregulates and changes after traumatic events • What fires together wires together • Trauma “echoes” in the brain – and treatment needs to quiet the reverberations of the echo

  7. Neurobiology of Trauma Dendrites Nucleus Axon

  8. Synaptic Activity

  9. More on the Sympathic Nervous System Response • HPA axis: hypothalamic-pituitary-adrenal • This system is responsible for bringing the body back into balance • The following chemicals/hormones are released: • Catecholamines (epinephrine and norepinephrine) – responsible for fight or flight • Corticosteroids (glucocorticoids, cortisol) – control energy and body’s immune functioning • Opiods – prevent pain, inhibit memory consolidation • Oxytocin – inhibits memory consolidation, promotes good feelings • These chemicals are POWERFUL substances ….

  10. Sympathic Nervous System Response • If trauma is too severe, too long, triggered often … then: • Catecholamines are chronically increased; damage to memory, rational thought, hypervigilance, inability to distinguish danger signals • Corticosteroids are chronically low; reduced immune functioning (lupus, Graves disease, RA, fibromyalgia), catecholamines aren’t regulated • Opiod levels increase (equivalent to 8 mg of morphine); flat affect • Oxytocin increased– memory impaired; bonding to perp

  11. Other Neurotransmitters of Importance • Serotonin – inhibitory; involved in emotion and mood.  Too little serotonin has been shown to lead to depression, problems with anger control, obsessive-compulsive disorder, and suicide. • Dopamine – inhibitory (meaning when it finds receptor sites, it blocks the firing of the neuron); controls arousal, alertness, attention; vital for giving motivation; Drugs like cocaine, opium, heroin, and alcohol increase the levels of dopamine, as does nicotine. • GABA – inhibitory; acts like a brake to the excitatory neurotransmitters that lead to anxiety.

  12. Structures of the Brain: The Limbic System

  13. The Amygdala • an almond-sized structure that stores memories of fearful experiences • responsible for regulating safety, and regulates heart rate and blood pressure, via the parasympathetic /sympathetic nervous system. • monitors incoming stimuli for anything threatening • activates the fight-flight-freeze stress response when “danger” is detected • imaging studies reveal hyper-responsivity here during the presentation of traumatic scripts, cues, reminders • increased amygdala reactivity is genetic

  14. The Hippocampus • a finger-sized cluster of neurons, is the hub of memory and learning because all conscious memory must be processed through this structure of the brain. • functions like a memory chip in a computer. It is involved in verbal and emotional memory. • highly sensitive to stress hormones (e.g., cortisol).

  15. The Adolescent Brain and Trauma • Cortex still developing until mid-20’s • Not able to execute cause and effect thinking consistently – even without trauma • Dopamine is helpful to increase judgment and impulse control; trauma disrupts dopamine • Brain hemisphere integration (via the corpus callosum) is effected – rational thought vs. overwhelming emotion

  16. Neurobiological Changes in Children with PTSD (DeBellis et al., 1999) • Study: University of Pittsburgh, took MRI scans of the brains of 44 children with histories of abuse and diagnoses of PTSD and compared them with 61 healthy controls who had not experienced abuse. The average age of the subjects was 12 years

  17. More details from DeBellis, et al: • Abused children excreted greater amounts of cortisol and catecholamines than non-abused kids • Abused children had 7-8% less cerebral volumes(impairing memory, dysregulating arousal) • Neurons enlarge with age and axons thicken. Between the ages of 5 and 18 years, the process of coating the neurons in the central nervous system with a myelin sheath is most influential in determining brain size • In the PTSD children, the corpus callosum did not grow with age compared with controls, which may be due to a failure of myelination.

  18. The Adverse Childhood Experiences (ACE) Study (Robert Anda, MD Co-Principal Investigator) • www.acestudy.org • Examined the health and social effects of ACEs throughout the lifespan of 17,421 Kaiser members in San Diego county • ACEs: children exposed to household substance abuse, separation/divorce, mental illness, battered parent, criminal behavior; abuse or neglect

  19. ACE findings • The higher the ACE score, the higher the incidence of: • Intercourse by age 15 • Teen pregnancy • Teen paternity • Obesity • Depression/suicide attempts • Rick of being victimized as an adult • Substance abuse • HIV risk • Smoking

  20. Hippocampal Volume Reduction in PTSD NORMAL PTSD MRI scan of the hippocampus in a normal control and patient with PTSD secondary to childhood abuse. The hippocampus, outlined in red, is visibly smaller in PTSD. Overall there was a 12% reduction in volume in PTSD. Bremner et al., Am. J. Psychiatry 1995; 152:973-981; Bremner et al., Biol. Psychiatry 1997; 41:23-32;

  21. The Prefrontal Cortex • Highly developed in primates and humans • Allows “executive control” – or at least guidance – over more primitive brain structures • Middle region is critical to relational functioning, empathy, connecting • Helps us with: • Being able to focus • Memory and reason • Self-awareness, reflection, emotions, impulses

  22. The Prefrontal Cortex (PFC) • Connected with the amygdala and exerts inhibitory control over stress responses and emotional reactivity; goals, reason, controls habits • Prefrontal cortex actually shrinks with PTSD; children/adolescents/young adults don’t have developed PFC • Successful SSRI treatment restored PFC activation patterns

  23. High Arousal (Fear) = Impaired Prefrontal Cortex • Stress chemicals disable the mid cortex and limbic brain takes over So what activates the Prefrontal and Medial Cortex? - Meditation and mindfulness practices - these kick-in “top-down” brain functioning versus “bottom-up”

  24. The Insular Cortex and the Embodied Self • Trauma = disembodiment • Mindfulness = embodiment • Research: • (Lazar, 2005): 20 people with extensive meditation experience vs. 15 controls; in meditators, no age-related thinning of PFC area associated with emotion and thoughts • (Britta, 2008): Significant thickness in PFC in meditators

  25. Traumatic Memory

  26. Factors that Influence Traumatic Memory • Continuous Memory • Single traumatic event • Natural or accidental cause • Adult victim • Validation and support present • Dissociative/Incomplete Memory • Repeated events • Deliberately human caused • Child victim • Denial and secrecy

  27. When Amygdala is highly activated, it interferes with Hippocampus functioning Sensory Thalamus

  28. Self-Harming Behavior • Deliberate destruction or alteration of body tissue without suicidal intent • Prevalence: • 13% to 25% in adolescents (Rodham & Hawton, 2009) • 11% of college-aged students • middle school populations have higher prevalence since that is the age at which most individuals initiate self-injury. (Whitlock, Eckenrode, et al., 2006; Gollust, Eisenberg, & Golberstein, 2008).

  29. Psychological Reasons to exert self-control or punishment as a distraction to get attention to attain group membership Neurobiological Reasons to unconsciously rebalance brain chemistry to evoke emotion when feeling numb (up regulation) to stimulate a high Self-Harming Behavior Why do people self-injure?

  30. Neurobiological explanations for Self-Harming Behavior: EOS and Serotonin • Self-harm activates the endogenous opiod system (EOS) • The EOS system regulates pain – releases endorphins, adrenaline and dopamine … promotes calm, well-being • Low serotonin is correlated with suicide attempts, aggression, and impulsivity • Impact of an adverse rearing environment: Peer-reared monkeys have lower seratonin activity in comparison to maternally raised monkey (Higley et al., 1993)

  31. Fight, Flight, or Freeze A lesson from Jakey Cat

  32. Jakey Cat (RIP)

  33. The Freeze Response: Tonic Immobility • Autonomic Nervous System: sympathetic and parasympathetic nervous system • Both systems heightened simultaneously under extreme stress • Tonic immobility as an adaptive survival response; if you move in the animal world – the predator will chase and kill

  34. If you don’t remember anything from this presentation, remember …. • The more the neural system is activated, the more it will change • What fires together, wires together • Trauma leads to dysregulation of the autonomic nervous system and the limbic system • Memory is often corrupted by trauma; recall impaired; the past is present

  35. Neurobiological Conclusions • Any trauma during birth to 25 has the potential to disrupt typical neurodevelopmental processes and contribute to long-term consequences • Chronic abuse and multiple traumas have a greater neurobiological impact • Permanence/impermanence of the damage is debatable. Teicher (2002) suggests effects are irreversible BUT some evidence suggests that neurogenesis is possible • Prolonged stress leads to exposure to glucocorticoids (adrenal steroids) and elevated levels of catecholamines (adrenaline, serotonin, dopamine) • Result: impaired cognition, emotional/behavioral regulation, potential autoimmune disorders

  36. The Insidious Nature of the Vicarious Trauma Brainstorm: how does this work impact us? What are the signs that let us know we are not being effective? What are you and your agency doing to address vicarious trauma?

  37. Symptoms of Vicarious Trauma • Feel very emotional during/after a session or meeting • Difficulty sleeping • Nightmares • Vivid mental replaying of client’s trauma • Revenge fantasies • Lack of interest in sex or romance • Numbing, flat affect, loss of humor or warmth

  38. Symptoms of Vicarious Trauma • Generalized anxiety, worry • Feelings of being overwhelmed • Feelings of incompetence • Low grade depression, listlessness, “ the blahs” • Pervasive cynicism (in self or in the work culture) • Tendency to talk more about our own trauma histories • Seeing others as potential victims or abusers

  39. Assess and Address Vicarious Trauma How do we cope with hearing horrible stories and dealing with difficult cases? Caseworkers may feel more “helpless” to help a trauma survivor; particularly when there are multiple traumas Perhaps not as many concrete things to do (e.g., help with reporting, advocacy, restraining orders, etc.) One sign of vicarious trauma and/or burnout: OUR LANGUAGE

  40. Common Pejorative Language Used When Working with Trauma Survivors “She’s manipulative.” “She’s a multiple.” “He’s crazy.” “She’s a cutter.” “He’s a train wreck.” “She’s Borderline.” Implications, Reactions, Alternatives

  41. Suggestions: Describe difficult things that we experience with clients in behavioral terms Reframe symptoms as adaptations: e.g., “manipulation” – communicating indirectly; “resistance” – clients protecting themselves from further harm they expect from the relationship

  42. Strategies that Address Neurobiological Issues • The “helping” relationship (can be therapeutic, first responder, any system response) "There is no more effective neurobiological intervention than a safe relationship" -- Bruce Perry

  43. The Importance of Relationship • Oxytocin and vasopressin are linked to bonding and relationships characterized by strong attachments. • Positive attachments directly rewire the wiring of the orbito- frontal cortex to the Limbic system to mediate emotional response; balance sympathetic and parasympathetic systems

  44. Importance of Empowerment • Making decisions develops the cortex • Involved clients in treatment decisions (e.g., court, child welfare) • Avoid using relationships as consequences (e.g., restricting family visits, peer connections) • Avoid pathologizing behaviors

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