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Lab #6 Eutectic Mixture Preparation & Control

Lab #6 Eutectic Mixture Preparation & Control. Presentation to students of health college March 22, 2010. by: TA/ Mohammad Al-Mermesh, BSc., PGC,. Eutectic mixtures:. They are powders when mixed together, the physicochemical characteristics

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Lab #6 Eutectic Mixture Preparation & Control

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  1. Lab#6Eutectic Mixture Preparation & Control Presentation tostudents of health college March 22, 2010 by: TA/ Mohammad Al-Mermesh, BSc., PGC,

  2. Eutectic mixtures: They are powders when mixed together, the physicochemical characteristics will be changed, such as formation of paste, clean liquid, lowering of the melting point, formation of salt and water. • How to solve EUTECTIC MIXTURE FORMATION PROBLEM? By adding substances have the following characteristics: • Very fine powder • Inert • Has high melting point

  3. Example: Rx Calculations: X 0.065 x12 Aminopyrine 36 gr. Acetyl salicylic acid 24 gr. Caffeine citrate 6gr. Phenobarbital 6 gr. 28.1 gm 18.72 gm 4.68 gm 4.68 gm - Pulv.Mitte.Fiat.xii packs

  4. Procedure (direct): • The problem: • formation of eutectic mixture due to increase moisture content by: • Aminopyrine (base) + Acetyl salicylic acid Salt+ H2O • Caffeine citrate + other powders increase moisture content (H2O) • The solution: • Mix ASA with half it’s weight of magnesium oxide • Mix the aminopyrine with half it’s weight of dried Starch • Add 3 grains of caffeine & phenobarbital then mix well by sifting Conclusion: • The powder compound is well-formed, dry and very fine powder • It is well controlled by the addition of: • Starch, to adsorb the moisture • Magnesium oxide to neutralize the acidity of ASA, so prevent salt & water formation

  5. Powders with small quantity of drugs (un-measurable quantities) : Hyoscine hydrobromide powder 300mcg/pack Rx Calculations X 5 1.5 mg 600 mg Hyoscine hydrobromide 300 mcg Lactose Qs. 120 mg 1 PACK =120 mg (the minimum weight for each pack) Mitte.Fiat.iv packs (prepare 4 packs) Sig: 1 pack to be given 30 min. before Journey. Place it directly at the back of the tongue.

  6. Procedure: The minimum weighable quantity (class B balance ) is 100 mg STEP1 Hoyscine hydrobromide 100 mg Lactose 900 mg 100 MG OF TRITURATE A Contains: 1. Mix by doubling-up and remove 100 mg (Triturate A) } Triturate A 100 mg of Hyoscine 1000 mg (Triturate A) X 100 mg (Triturate A) X = 10 mg of Hyoscine

  7. STEP2 Triturate A 100 mg Lactose 900 mg 100 MG OF TRITURATE B Contains: 10 mg of Hyoscine 1000 mg (TriturateB) X 150 mg (Triturate B) 2. Mix by doubling-up & remove 150 mg of Triturate B } Triturate B X = 1.5 mg of Hyoscine

  8. 3. Mix by doubling-up 120 mg portions (each pack) of final powder contain 300 mcg of Hyoscine hydrobromide 4.Weigh 120 mg aliquots and wrap in a powder paper STEP3: Triturate B 150 mg Lactose (5 x 120 mg – 150 mg ) = 450 mg 600 mg

  9. Uses: Anti-muscarinic drug used in the prevention of motion sickness Role of each: • Hyoscine hydrobromide: Active ingredient • Lactose: Diluent (inert substance) sTABILITY: 2 – 4 weeks

  10. LABELLING: Hyoscine hydrobromide powder 300 mcg / pack One pack to be given 30 minutes before Journey, Place it directly at the back of the tongue Keep in cool and dry place Name Expiry Date 2-4 WEEKS

  11. Thank You

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